posted by davidt on Wednesday February 04 2004, @12:00PM
boz b writes:

In the February issue of Interview Magazine, Morrissey is mentioned in the article "Shots in the Dark" by Graham Fuller. Here is the excerpt:

          "For each young actor or actress who realizes his or her dreams of becoming a star, thousands more fall by the wayside--some after tantalizingly getting a hand on the golden ring. The singer Morrissey understood the special pain of a failed actor when he told the story of a TV has-been in the haunting "Little Man, What Now?": "Too old to be a child star/Too young to take leads," Morrissey sang. "Four seasons passed/And they axed you/Nervous juvenile/(Won't smile!)/What became of you?/Did that swift eclipse torture you?/A star at 18/And then--suddenly gone."
          "The recurring line in the song, though, is "Oh, but I remembered," the point being that once an actor touches us, his face takes up permanent residence in our hearts."

I couldn't agree more, and the same could be said for young singers. I mean, how many Morrissey fans still picture him in his younger years?
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  • i picture moz in his younger years, flowers sticking out of his pockets, all those beads.

    or is it just me?
    ManchesterMoz -- Wednesday February 04 2004, @04:30PM (#85733)
    (User #4642 Info)
    keep two chevrons apart
  • I love this song. I think it's about the guy who played 'The Artful Dodger' in the film/musical "Oliver!" (it came out in the late 1960s starring Mark Lester, Oliver Reed and Bill Moody, directed by Carol Reed. Based on the Dickens novel "Oliver Twist")

    I think the boy who played 'Dodger' was Jack Wild. He was a wonderful child actor full of cheek, mischievousness and charm. (I think he may have been nominated for an Oscar... the film certainly won several.)

    As he grew into a young man and his childlike 'cute' looks faded he found it increasingly difficult to get acting work. (Most recently he surfaced as a bit part in Kevin Costner's 'Robin of Sherwood.')

    The heartbreaking part of the story (brilliantly captured by Morrissey's song) is just how much potential he showed in that first film.

    He showed a fantastic energy and love for life. A real scallywag living on his wits... and then... obscurity...

    But those who 'remember' him in 'Oliver!' will never forget him... face like a dirty cherub....
    carnal artist -- Thursday February 05 2004, @12:18PM (#85786)
    (User #7076 Info)

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