posted by davidt on Wednesday February 04 2004, @12:00PM
Rob of So. Cal writes:

Moz and The Smiths have been an influence on many of the bands who have gained acclaim in recent years. Regardless of their genre or style, many have mentioned being fans of the Moz. I have known for a while now that the Deftones were influenced by The Smiths (they even covered Please,Please,Please...), but I was also pleasantly surprised to find there influence on the band 311's homepage. Vocalist Nick Hexum has a list on there of what he calls the 10 best albums of all time and Louder than Bombs is number 4. I just thought that this was an interesting fact. It is also evident that even if you don't listen to Morrissey or The Smiths, you more than likley listen to someone who does.
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  • Who? (Score:2, Funny)

    Yeah, I met a guy in a record store this one tme, and he said he liked The Smiths too.

    LawrenceM -- Wednesday February 04 2004, @01:59PM (#85722)
    (User #3228 Info |
    "I wore my fringe like Roger McGuinn"
  • I openly hated 311 (mostly cuz of the 'other' singer) but one day I heard the Transistor album and was converted.

    Dare i say this, but there's a Sugar Ray song with Nick Hexum on guest vocals, "Stay On", and that's a great tune.

    I think it's great he's into Louder Than Bombs, and I think with the kind of voice he has, if he should ever pursue this kind of path in music, he would do well. But he would have to be careful and do it with class: no funk drumming, no catchy choruses for the sake of selling the song, no bad musicians in the band there just because they're "homies".
    hanz_ofbyotch -- Wednesday February 04 2004, @07:28PM (#85745)
    (User #4000 Info |
    I've Got Thirteen Channels of Shit on the TV to Choose From
    • What? by LonelyHunter (Score:1) Friday February 06 2004, @08:41AM
  • I don't know, maybe it's just me, but as killer as Louder than Bombs is -- does one consider it an album or more of a collection of songs like Bona Drag or My Early Burglary Years? Am I making sense? To me, an album is a set of songs that were recorded at one point in time, in a studio, with the same producer, same session(s), etc. The Queen is Dead, Viva Hate as an example were true albums in that sense. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE Louder than Bombs, but I just don't see it as an album. Am I alone on this one?
    Jose M. -- Wednesday February 04 2004, @08:28PM (#85747)
    (User #758 Info |
    Sweet and Tender Hooligans

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