posted by davidt on Sunday May 02 2004, @12:00PM
Update: 05/03 20:44 GMT: slug writes:

Update from Spencer: "It's not my song."
Update: 05/03 20:44 GMT: An anonymous person writes:

While it is true that Spencer Cobrin wrote a song that became “It’s Hard To Walk Tall When You’re Small” in 1997, the current b-side of the same name bears no resemblance. The original track, recorded in Summer 1997 for b-side sessions was never released, and actually never finished. The song “It’s Hard To Walk Tall When You’re Small” that appears on the “Irish Blood, English Heart” single is an entirely different song. New music by Alain Whyte….as well as new lyrics. The only thing that remains the same is the song title, which was Moz’s to begin with...

slug (originally posted on writes:

Here's some info about "It's Hard To Walk Tall When You're Small" that you might want to post.

I heard from Spencer Cobrin on Saturday. He mentioned "It's Hard To Walk Tall When You're Small": "This is a track I co-wrote with Morrissey a few years ago which was never completed but is now going to see light of day as a b-side to his new single "Irish Blood, English Heart." I hope curiosity gets the better of you, as it has me, and make your way down to Tower or Virgin at 6 AM and pick up a copy!"

As you know Spencer Cobrin was the drummer in Morrissey's band from 1991 until the Maladjusted tour of 1997. He co-wrote the songs, "Lost" (the classic B-side for "Roy's Keen") and "Wide to Receive" which appears on the album, Maladjusted.

...Also, I just discovered that "It's Hard To Walk Tall When You're Small" is very similiar to the Elva Snow song, "Couldya." Same style. Also sounds like the same guitar riff or something. Have a listen:

Spencer is not credited, at least on the 7" sleeve.
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  • I wonder if Spencer will be credited in the single..
    Does anybody know when is the single out in Europe? and how many b -sides are we expecting?
    Anonymous -- Sunday May 02 2004, @12:45PM (#99514)
  • Good news! I always thought the few songs that Spencer Cobrin co-wrote with Morrissey were excellent. Wide To Receive, Lost and Now I Am A Was are some of my all-time Moz favourites.
    Josef K -- Sunday May 02 2004, @01:22PM (#99525)
    (User #10664 Info)
  • Maybe Spence was working on a song with the same title with Moz back in the day, it was never finished, and Moz recycled the title and/or lyrics to make a new song.

    It seems plausible, especially considering Spencer hasn't heard the track as of yet to confirm whether or not it's what he wrote. Plus, I believe all songs on the 7" are credited Morrissey/Whyte. So we'll see.
    Anonymous -- Sunday May 02 2004, @06:24PM (#99538)
  • i got the official 7 inch single this afternoon at the virgin megastore - looked at the credits:

    "songs written by morrissey/whyte"

    morrissey's done things like this in the past though -- scrapped titles and lyrics for later use. this could be the case. it's a good song though, nice melody.

    of course, there's an easy way to settle this out, go to the bmi (?) website where every ascap published song is listed with it's credited writers. there was a time when i knew the proper website url, but i'm getting on in years. i'm sure some young upstart will look it up though.
    eugenius -- Monday May 03 2004, @12:41AM (#99556)
    (User #1665 Info |
    I'm almost sure you can do better than that.
  • What I'd like to know is where I can hear more of Elva Snow?

    I was intrigued by this song and have looked online for more information but found nothing.

    Can anyone point me in the right direction?
    dallow_bg <[email protected]> -- Monday May 03 2004, @12:53AM (#99558)
    (User #10559 Info |
    "All the people I like are those that are dead."
    • Re:Elva Snow by equatorial guinea (Score:1) Monday May 03 2004, @01:28AM
      • Re:Elva Snow by Anonymous (Score:0) Tuesday May 04 2004, @06:47PM
  • Spencer will sue Morrissey for unpaid royalties...
    Anonymous -- Monday May 03 2004, @02:04AM (#99564)
  • ...the first was recorded in 1997, using Cobrin's music. It was a ballad with loads of keyboards, with a chord progression not unlike Duran Duran's "Ordinary World". When i say it was recorded, it's more like a glorified demo with Morrissey not 100% on key but still very good. He even coughs at one stage and departs the vocal booth saying "that'll do".

    The new version is a rocking, 1-2-3-4 type number, and the music, this time, is by Whyte.

    Musically the versions are as different as, say, "Wide to Receive" and "Dagenham Dave". The lyrics, as far as I can tell, are the same. ("I can stare with a stare / It's easy"... "I attack from the back / It's easy" etc.)
    Anonymous -- Monday May 03 2004, @12:28PM (#99632)
  • YO! I mighta been only 4'11, but I tell you dis! I walked alot talluh den Rock Hudson!
    Frank Sinatra -- Monday May 03 2004, @12:40PM (#99635)
    (User #2616 Info)
    Ol'Blue Balls
  • The lawyers are already sharpening their
    sabres. I think Spenny's working title
    was "It's hard to walk tall when you dick is small".

    Moz would never word it like that.

    Bona Homey
    Anonymous -- Monday May 03 2004, @02:49PM (#99649)
  • Where did you people get hold of this 1997 recording? Is it any good?
    Can one compare the sound to any other songs by Moz?
    Martin -- Tuesday May 04 2004, @01:12AM (#99714)
    (User #278 Info |
    A Slight Case of Overcombing
  • 'it's not my song'
    Celibate Cry <[email protected]> -- Tuesday May 04 2004, @02:45AM (#99729)
    (User #220 Info)
    and the hills are alive with celibate cries
    • ooops by Celibate Cry (Score:1) Tuesday May 04 2004, @02:52AM
  • Lost and Wide to Receive are amazing songs. Two of my favourite of all time. It's a real shame you're not in the band anymore but just wanted to say thanks for writing such gorgeous, evocative pieces of music.
    Anonymous -- Tuesday May 04 2004, @09:09AM (#99803)
    • Re: btw... by suededisco (Score:1) Tuesday May 04 2004, @10:46AM

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