posted by davidt on Friday May 14 2004, @09:00AM
ejcmp writes:

There is a Q&A section (May 2004) in the Pet Shop Boys website and when asked about Vertinsky, Neil Tennant had this to say.....

to listen to his songs walking the side-streets in the centre when they are empty it is easy to imagine that horse with carriage may appear from behind the corner.!Vertinsky was a star, famous almost like you;) but some years earlier, approximately since 1916-1917.It was very fashionable to fall in love with him among girls (even intelligent). It was also fashionable to poison oneself because of unhappy love.

Thankfully, that's less fashionable these days. Now Morrissey makes albums as an alternative to this. N

He has mentioned moz before. Actually he says a couple of songs are sung from Moz's point of view.....
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