posted by davidt on Sunday May 16 2004, @11:00AM
Abrahán Garza sends the link to the review at

Album Title: You Are the Quarry
Producer(s): Jerry Finn
Label/Catalog Number: Attack/Sanctuary 86002
Release Date: May 18
Source: Billboard Magazine
Originally Reviewed: May 22, 2004

It's been seven years since his last album, but it's mostly the same old Morrissey on "You Are the Quarry": unlucky in love ("I'm Not Sorry"), begrudgingly affectionate (the bouncy "I Like You") and cursing the heavens for his very existence ("I Have Forgiven Jesus"). At times, the misery borders on cliché, but luckily, "Quarry" sports some of Morrissey's most direct vignettes in years. "America Is Not the World" takes his adopted homeland to task for its imbalance of power, while "You Know I Couldn't Last" transforms years of critical drubbing into inspiration for a nearly six-minute epic of soft verses with emphatic choruses. The accompanying music is brighter thanks to Jerry Finn's production, which fleshes out rockers like "Irish Blood, English Heart" and resists laying it on too thick on story songs like "Come Back to Camden." There are no real surprises here, but at least it's honest.-JC
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  • Morrissey writes a great album and because - shock, horror - it sounds like Morrissey, he gets dull reviews like this.

    Can't they think of something more interesting to write than stuff like this turgid fifth-form review?

    Am I the only music fan in the world who longs for a magazine with good standards of literacy, analysis and journalistic integrity?

    Oh, and no John Harris on the payroll. (though I suppose he's excluded by the criteria above)

    Anonymous -- Sunday May 16 2004, @11:38AM (#102954)

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