posted by davidt on Thursday May 20 2004, @10:00AM
Laura from Dublin writes:

Morrissey gets a slagging off in this week's The Ticket, the supplement of the Irish Times out today at the hands of journalist Jim Carroll ([email protected]) in his weekly column Discotheque ("Discotheque to Morrissey: Drop dead"). Check out the full article.

Carroll launches into a litany of insults and accusations from the very beginning: Moz is "the Elton John of indie", "boring, narcissistic, preening, irritating fop" and his solo career " one tragi-comic rhethorical ode after another with nothing of any importance to impart".

His fans are not saved from this outburst of hatred, as some of them have "bad backs and beer bellies".

Due to the amount of venom displayed, one can only wonder whether this bright example of impartial journalism has any personal scores to settle with the Man Himself?!
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  • ...think I'll go to the pub.
    English Martyr -- Thursday May 20 2004, @10:15AM (#104253)
    (User #655 Info |
  • While filled with venom it holds much truth. When was the last time that Morrissey said something really clever or wrote a song that really, I mean really moved you? "In America, It brought you the hamburger, Well America you know where, You can shove your hamburger. And don't you wonder, Why in Estonia they say, Hey you, Big fat pig. You fat pig, You fat pig" I mean come on, not exactly Wildean wit, and that coming from an american vegetarian. I think morrissey needs to get a diary and keep it locked away when he's writing songs. Where are the songs that most of us can relate to? What do I care about his royalties? "...boring, narcissistic, preening, irritating fop" Well I wouldn't go as far as calling him boring but I'm getting tired of the same old poor-me song. I'm sorry Moz but you knew we couldn't last.
    Anonymous -- Thursday May 20 2004, @10:22AM (#104257)
  • I believe this gimp Carroll is a fan of what is widely known as Dance Music,although from what I have heard of the genre,it dosen't seem to inspire much quality dancing and it certainly is a long way from music.
    His colleague on this otherwise worthy newspaper,Brian Boyd,is a big Moz fan and normally handles the interviewing duties.Carroll namechecks all the various media praising and celebrating Morrissey,but seemingly they are all wrong and a music hack in a medium circulation newspaper in a small country is right.And I speak as an Irishman.
    O'Muirgheasa -- Thursday May 20 2004, @10:39AM (#104268)
    (User #7536 Info)
    Perhaps my best years are gone.When there was a chance of happiness.But I wouldn't want them back.
    • Re:Oh Carroll by GreatGael (Score:1) Thursday May 20 2004, @02:22PM
      • Re:Oh Carroll by O'Muirgheasa (Score:1) Friday May 21 2004, @03:40AM

  • If anyone would like to see a picture of this wimpy little nerd, go here:

    Scroll down a little.

    It's worth it for a laugh! I hope your monitors don't crack!
    LoafingOaf <reversethis-{moc ... otstnilfcitnarf}> -- Thursday May 20 2004, @12:01PM (#104290)
    (User #778 Info)
    Fuck it, Dude. Let's go bowling.

  • LOL!

    Here's somebody's account of Jim Carroll's SXSW panel discussion on music writing:

    4 p.m.: Austin Convention Center

    The "panel" on music writing consists of two people: Irish Times music critic Jim Carroll and the Austin Chronicle's Christopher Gray. Jim Carroll talks really fast and uses words like "entoosiasm" when discussing how he picks what records to review: "Dat album will stick out like a big soor green tumb."

    Christopher Gray probably speaks at a normal speed, but compared to Carroll he sounds like he's going at 16 rpm, an effect enhanced by his parted-in-the-middle hair, wire-framed glasses, beard and mustache. Carroll has close-cropped dark hair and wears a red Adidas T-shirt with white stripes. It's like someone threw a costume party where you come as your favorite year, and 1978 and 1992 have gotten into a conversation.;CO XnetJSessionID=As2pvZru5s3S2wLCobO4DcVaQ6GfC6hrY4lN2OevACmIqi1EciJR!-312618761?u rac=n&urvf=10850791453530.35043303411413973
    LoafingOaf <reversethis-{moc ... otstnilfcitnarf}> -- Thursday May 20 2004, @12:07PM (#104296)
    (User #778 Info)
    Fuck it, Dude. Let's go bowling.
    • ha ha! by suzanne (Score:1) Thursday May 20 2004, @07:53PM
      • Re:ha ha! by Anonymous (Score:0) Thursday May 20 2004, @09:13PM

  • You know what I love about this dude's piece? It's so obviously KILLING him, BURNING him, INFURIATING him, that Morrissey is still standing, and on top.

    Carroll writes:

    "Now, Morrissey may mean well. But because he's flirted with various dubious symbols over the years, from waving Union Jacks to dabbling with skinhead imagery, you can't escape a sense that there's an ulterior motive behind his semiotics. But don't expect any of the fawning interviewers ushered into his presence to ask him about that."

    Ah, so now we know he's one of the morons who tried to throw ists and isms at Moz ten years ago to destroy him.

    For your information, Carroll, Morrissey has been asked in more than one recent interview about that very subject.

    As far as him being a "musical lightweight," hmm, I guess it's a matter of opinion, but I do believe his songs mean more to people than the techno Carroll was pushing.
    LoafingOaf <reversethis-{moc ... otstnilfcitnarf}> -- Thursday May 20 2004, @12:41PM (#104305)
    (User #778 Info)
    Fuck it, Dude. Let's go bowling.
  • "Morrissey [is] an artist who promises (or threatens) much more than he actually delivers."

    Please discuss!
    Georgethetwentythird -- Thursday May 20 2004, @06:24PM (#104398)
    (User #8698 Info)
    Judge not, lest ye be judged...
    • Re:Mmmm... by Anonymous (Score:0) Thursday May 20 2004, @06:37PM
  • How did he have that published.!!!!!!!

    Talk about money for old rope.
    Sleeping with the editor has its benefits , I guess !!!!

    If u dont like it , u dont like it BUT,,,,,
    Pure destructive, baneful criticism can be written in a more intelligent way.

    What a loser!
    inlovewiththepast -- Friday May 21 2004, @01:00AM (#104436)
    (User #1028 Info)
    truth rest your head there is more than a life at stake here..she may well sell sanctuary but she'll also sell your soul
  • "If there's one thing we do know, it's Morrissey's Irish roots, played like a royal flush in interviews to impress those who are impressed by the kind of trite flag-waving usually favoured by drunken Irish-American re-pub-licans. It's even pumped its way into his new single, Irish Blood, English Heart."
    What utter bullshit. Morrissey has not made a habit of discussing his Irish roots in interviews, not that there's anything wrong or shameful in doing so anyway. This gobshite seems to be suggesting he manipulates these "roots" as some sort of marketing plan. Nobody could seriously buy into this, could they?
    "The Elton John of indie".
    For God's sake, surely he could have done better than this. Morrissey is many things, but he's certainly not "The Elton John of indie".
    Yes, he may be preening and narcissistic and he's certainly a character with his fair share of flaws and many of the criticisms levelled at him in the general arena are valid. However, Morrissey also elicits the most petty, snide and inane insults from some journalists that do not like his music. This certainly applies to Mr James Carroll.
    Anonymous -- Friday May 21 2004, @01:09AM (#104439)
    • Re:Oh Jim by Robert Stanfield (Score:1) Friday May 21 2004, @07:10AM
  • Irish cunt, Churlish fart.
    English Martyr -- Friday May 21 2004, @02:25AM (#104462)
    (User #655 Info |
  • Jim Carroll you really need to get out more and mortgages are so boring GET A LIFE Twit. Morrissey would not shit on you
    Anonymous -- Friday May 21 2004, @02:33PM (#104662)

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