posted by davidt on Friday July 16 2004, @12:30AM
Danny McBride writes:

Looks like Morrissey is on course to repeat the top 5 success of Irish Blood English Heart by racing into the top 5 in the UK this Sunday, The single is currently number 3 in the midweek charts but as both IBEH and You Are the Quarry dropped a place between the midweek charts and the official Sunday charts I wouldnt be too surprised to see FOTGTD doing the same, still a top 5 showing would be an amazing performance for a 2nd single off an album (this never usually happens for none bubblegum acts, even the likes of Coldplay, U2 dont do this!) and Im guessing must be down (to in a small part at least) to the DVD single having some live footage from the MEN gig, which of course would bode well for any future DVD realise of the homecoming gig. Lets hope the success of FOTGTD and the airplay it will get as a result will help shift a few more albums too.
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