posted by davidt on Saturday July 17 2004, @12:00PM
Belligerent Ghoul sends the link:

Morrissey is a knockout by Kevin Marrinan - Manchester Online

A FRENCH music fan travelled hundreds of miles to see Morrissey play live in Manchester - only to be knocked unconscious the moment he walked on stage.
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  • There have been literally COUNTLESS times anyone from France could have seen mozzer from 1985-2004. Very strange that.

    And, you know there is going to be a rush and a just have to go with it and you'l be fine. Its not like LA were you need a life support unit nearby.
    Anonymous -- Saturday July 17 2004, @01:26PM (#115403)
  • The poor unsuspecting young lady probably looked at Julia wrong.
  • Can certainly be a crushing experience :) I know from first hand experience. I'm actually amazed at how those tiny women usually make it.
    Joemoz -- Saturday July 17 2004, @03:02PM (#115406)
    (User #1342 Info)
  • I don't like crowd surges myself, after nearly having my neck broken. They're very dangerous. I'm a bigger boned woman, and if I'd been only a little smaller I think I'd have had my neck broken and have been a quadripleigic for life. That was at an Alice Cooper signing at a record store in Toronto.
    Anonymous -- Saturday July 17 2004, @06:41PM (#115413)
  • I know exactly what it's like because I've been there a million times (although nothing as dramatic happened to me). Still, isn't it to be expected? Especially if you've been a fan for over 20 yrs, surely you've seen footage from gigs - it's mental. But that's the beauty of it. I used to be right down the front all the time, now I know I can't handle it anymore with big crowds (most of the time anyway!)
    gladioli <[email protected]> -- Sunday July 18 2004, @04:29AM (#115469)
    (User #786 Info |
    Gor'blimey... Did you know there's more to life than books, but not much more...
  • Exctactly, I can't see HOW it could be her first time seeing Morrissey. He's played lots of times across the Channel... I know several French people going as often as possible, and I've always got back safe. Any girl should know that Morrissey front rows are pretty rocking... Or maybe she wanted her 15 minutes of fame - 15 lines of fame I'd rather say. But her whole story sounds sadly silly... at her age...
    Anonymous -- Sunday July 18 2004, @06:41AM (#115483)
  • French Girl (Score:2, Insightful)

    I find it utterly distasteful that some of you think life is the same for everyone as it is for yourselves. You know nothing of this woman's history. You know nothing of her circumstances, health, family - or any other facts about her life, yet you think you can comment about the fact that she has not been to a Smiths/Moz concert before.
    You do not know why.
    Have some respect. Some of us have troubled lives which make comfortable middle-class living impossible. THAT is precisely why Morrissey is important to us. And that is why YOU are not.
    Anonymous -- Sunday July 18 2004, @10:41AM (#115500)

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