posted by davidt on Sunday July 18 2004, @12:00PM
cary writes:

it was the best ever! he walked into neiman marcus on michigan ave last thurs, days before the h.o.b. show and came over to my area... i introduced myself as a lover of his music and he asked me if i got tix to his show, and im like sadly no, it sold out...then he said well give him ( pointed to his assistant) your card and we'll put you on the list! yay! then we shopped at neimans very fast for 20 minutes buying la mer skin care line, candles for his mates and for him, he wanted everything lavender ( aqua di parma line actually... it was wonderful, he was wonderful... i have to tell him thank you for being so sweet to me and for the best show last night! he was lovely! ive had a permanent smile for 3 days now...

Update: 07/18 22:41 GMT: from Cary:

well actually i work as a makeup artist at nm-
this is what he purchased:

the whole la mer line( which was for him), keihls lavender talc, the whole lavender aqua di parma line( like incense, lotions, candles, room spray etc...), he had 3 people with him ( 2 guys and one girl) who i thought were assistants or friends, they purchased "fresh" palomino and sake candle and one from diptique..... it was great! i went to the show and loved every moment! very small and intimate! a lot of smiths songs... it was wonderful being on "the list" ! oh my! loved it!!
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  • I can imagine having a smile for three days...
    palare -- Sunday July 18 2004, @12:11PM (#115519)
    (User #152 Info |
    where the world's ugliest boy became what you see...
  • Candles for him and his mates eh? (nudge nudge wink wink)
    Anonymous -- Sunday July 18 2004, @12:18PM (#115522)
    • Re:Really? (Score:2, Funny)

      I reckon they're for James Maker, but one must wonder if Morrissey could hold them up to him.

      Boom tsh.

      I'll go.
      Ben Budd -- Sunday July 18 2004, @03:35PM (#115568)
      (User #9454 Info)
      • Re:Really? by like-a-fever (Score:1) Sunday July 18 2004, @04:39PM
  • What a story! Do you work there, or were just you shopping?
    So did you go to the show? Anyone else recognize him?
    Anonymous -- Sunday July 18 2004, @12:32PM (#115527)
  • La mer skin care and 'everything lavender'.
    If anyone is still wondering..
    Love Him!
    Teenage Boy -- Sunday July 18 2004, @12:52PM (#115535)
    (User #11322 Info)
    young and restless
  • After all that some have said.

    What a lovely thing to do.

    Anonymous -- Sunday July 18 2004, @01:03PM (#115537)
  • as this implies, then who is the mysterious Tina Deghani, who is thanked first on the list of Quarry's credits? I always assumed she must be his personal assistant.

    Maybe the skin cream (la mer is like the most expensive skin cream in the world ever) and lavender candles are for her!
    Anonymous -- Sunday July 18 2004, @01:18PM (#115541)
  • Needless Markups? Well, I'm off to the Quarry...
    Anonymous -- Sunday July 18 2004, @09:25PM (#115606)
  • La Mer and Keihls...if I hadn't already loved him that would have forced me to. If I hear he shops at Lush next it's all over.
    ThisCharmingLass -- Sunday July 18 2004, @09:42PM (#115608)
    (User #11915 Info |
    Viva hate!
    • Re:shopping by usskerouac (Score:1) Monday July 19 2004, @01:44AM
  • While in San Francisco last year (I'm from the UK) I remember loads of people outside of a Neiman Marcus waving banners and shouting at people going in because the shop sells real fur... Has that changed, or was Moz really shopping at somewhere that suppors the fur trade?
    reeling_around -- Monday July 19 2004, @01:54AM (#115634)
    (User #10007 Info |
    ----------------------- Dreaming of a better yesterday
  • Omg (Score:1, Funny)

    This is so cool! I've always loved lavender to! I'm gonna get what he got..... i bet it's the best. Nothing less for the man :) Hope it's not too expensive..... hee he
    Anonymous -- Monday July 19 2004, @02:47AM (#115641)
  • Now this is starting to sound pathetic already. You guys are making Morrissey an obsession, the last thing we need is Morrisseys photo pasted all over People magazine with his picture pasted all over with the paparazzi hunting him down just to get a glimpse of his private life.
    Anonymous -- Monday July 19 2004, @09:00AM (#115686)
    • Re:no way by Anonymous (Score:0) Monday July 19 2004, @12:13PM
      • Re:no way by carygirl (Score:1) Tuesday July 20 2004, @05:13PM
        • Re:no way by Anonymous (Score:0) Thursday July 22 2004, @06:33AM
  • Great story, and how nice you got to see the show!

    I know a little about aromatherapy. Apparently, lavender helps the emotional well-being of people who consider themselves anxious, depressed, irritable, or stressed-out.

    I think he made a good choice.
    mozmic_dancer -- Monday July 19 2004, @10:48AM (#115707)
    (User #11277 Info)
    "I am the fun and the fair, on a Mozsite for the criminally insane..."
  • It was great hearing that story. I wish I could bump into him one day. He was really really kind... One more reason to love him!

    You do have a reason to smile for 3 days! :o)
    Anonymous -- Monday July 19 2004, @12:07PM (#115720)
  • The shirt he threw out smelled of lavender.
    Anonymous -- Monday July 19 2004, @12:33PM (#115730)

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