posted by davidt on Monday July 19 2004, @05:00PM
handsomedevil68 writes:

Internal label sources indicate that "Let Me Kiss You" will be the next single from YATQ. Set for release on 9/20/04, the same day Nancy Sinatra's cd single is out! No information regarding b-sides yet.
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  • He always does it... cudos to him for releasing his favourites rather than what would do well I spose, but it's still frustrating.

    "I'm not sorry" would have been the one- it's so modern! I am convinced.

    "Bores" would have been funny for reasons I've mentioned before.

    "Let me kiss you" is alright, but Nancy's version is better IMHO.
    bobmozza -- Monday July 19 2004, @05:04PM (#115780)
    (User #6533 Info)
  • The same day as Nancy's?

    Not my favorite song off Quarry.
    Anonymous -- Monday July 19 2004, @05:14PM (#115784)
    • Re:Done Deal? by Stefan Krix (Score:1) Tuesday July 20 2004, @04:34AM
  • come on guys, we don't know this is a go
    Anonymous -- Monday July 19 2004, @05:21PM (#115787)
  • The only good part off "Let Me Kiss You" is the end, and I don't mean that sarcastically. The guitars as it fades reminds me of the Smiths, and that is, of course, a good thing. Everything leading up to the very end is actually quite boring, lyrically and musically. It won't do well in the charts.

    I agree with the person above who suggested that "I'm Not Sorry" be the next single, as it is, in my opinion, quite modern and rather catchy.

    Another good choice would be "I Like You". Again, far more catchy than "Let Me Bore You".

    Finally, why release it the same day as Nancy's release? Someone should tell him that it's rather rude of him to steal her thunder!
    Sick -- Monday July 19 2004, @05:47PM (#115788)
    (User #11860 Info)
  • This song may not be a fan favorite (at least not mine), but I think it's the one song most likely to be embraced by the general public. It's the most saccharine of all the new stuff, playful and poppy. I think it just might be the highest charting single we see off Quarry.

    I agree with the above poster...he shouldn't release it the same day as Nancy's, how rude! Maybe it's a marketing scheme designed to lure us all into buying both?
    Earl Graphite <[email protected]> -- Monday July 19 2004, @06:18PM (#115795)
    (User #2253 Info)
    Speaking your mind gets you in trouble every time.
  • People are already bitching and complaining about what Morrissey should and shouldn't do, we don't even know whether this is confirmed yet or not.
    Let me kiss you is a beautiful song and has potential to do quite well, so it's not as catchy as first of the gang to die, but I've heard more than one person say "nah I don't like that Morrissey, although that Let me Kiss you, is really beautiful"

    But if I had to choose the next single it'd be I like you :P

    He should release them together "I like to kiss you" 2 singles in 1, double the b-sides! we all win!
    herzeleid316 -- Monday July 19 2004, @06:27PM (#115797)
    (User #7475 Info)
  • Morrissey always has a habit of picking a song off his albums that he personally seems to adore, but that has no potential as a hit single. Remember when he (or the record company or whoever makes these decisions...) put out Now My Heart Is Full as a single? Christ, what a mistake that not release Speedway as a single was a crime.

    Anyhow, this is a lousy choice, and I can't imagine it getting any airplay at all. Sure I like the song, but it's near the bottom of the list of songs that would make proper singles from this ablum. "I Like You" would have been a much better choice...

    Hey, but what do I know...I still think Bowie's a genius.
    JoelWhy -- Monday July 19 2004, @06:53PM (#115799)
    (User #10516 Info)
    • Eh? by Anonymous (Score:0) Tuesday July 20 2004, @06:28AM
      • Re:Eh? by JoelWhy (Score:1) Wednesday July 21 2004, @07:08PM
  • It should have been "Jesus"
    BBC Scum -- Monday July 19 2004, @06:54PM (#115800)
    (User #8427 Info)
  • The next single has to be "I Like You". It's the only remaining single friendly song on the album. Let Me Kiss You is ok, but it's a filler song, almost B-sidish. It will fail miserably if it is issued as a single.
    Anonymous -- Monday July 19 2004, @07:08PM (#115801)
  • I like let me kiss you! (all these comments saying it's bad!) Out of the songs I downloaded ( yeah, I know, bad me) off the album, there was only the 2 singles, that song and 'I like you'. And as I stand for the general public, those are the only songs Average Girl In Record Shop would buy as singles.
    kittentoaster -- Monday July 19 2004, @08:08PM (#115805)
    (User #11688 Info)
  • I'd like to see the brass added to the mix like he used on Jools. Also if Candle and Daddy's voice were the b-sides this would be one great single!
    Anonymous -- Monday July 19 2004, @08:14PM (#115806)
  • I hope this is the next single.

    Its a fantastic song, and the Nancy Sinatra factor makes it even more appealing... who else could have written this song??!!
    Emilio -- Monday July 19 2004, @08:29PM (#115809)
    (User #7597 Info)
    • Re:Great!! by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday July 28 2004, @01:42PM
  • I think this is a great choice for a couple of reasons. It is a very good song, for one. I have not heard the Nancy version although it seems most that have say hers is better. I'm dying to hear it and I think part of the reason for the same release day is obvious. It totally will lend itself to some great marketing and each will draw attention to the other. I will buy both. It also will cover a different sort of genre as it is much different than the first two singles. So, I think this track will attract listeners from a different group in addition to his core audience. Last thing is that I don't believe this will be the last single released off of the album. I think they will wrap it up with a 4th single that will return more to his pop sounding audience. Let Me Kiss You will probably sell the least number of copies of the 4 singles with the eventual 4th single selling the 3rd most of the 4, whatever it is. They will all combine to make a nice little package (along with the album) to show that Morrissey is as relevant as ever. Hey, what do i know? I'm just sayin' is all.

    Anonymous -- Monday July 19 2004, @08:46PM (#115811)
  • I honestly think this is a great song and it really showcases Morrissey's voice and lyrical talents. But speaking on non-biased terms, this single will not do well on the charts because it's not a pop song in a tradiational format. Personally, I feel the next single should be How Can Anybody......but what do I know. Regardless, Morrissey has come a long way since his last album, so I'm very pleased with the success he's having now.
    billybud71 -- Monday July 19 2004, @10:03PM (#115819)
    (User #555 Info)
    We are the change that we seek.
  • right now im thinking you know i couldnt last. maybe its because im listening to it right now. n/m its over not a good single. Ongoing, i think let me kiss you is a good single even if people think it wont be a hit and it probably wont but still, i think if morrissey feels this should be the next single than who are we to judge maybe he has his own reasons.
    shane sarabia <[email protected]> -- Monday July 19 2004, @11:56PM (#115825)
    (User #11459 Info)
    "My only mistake is i'm hoping"
  • I could kiss Him (Score:1, Insightful)

    Let Me Kiss You is one of his finest moments.
    I would have been a shame if a song of such beauty was never released as a single.

    So what if the "general public" doesn't like it? Who cares? Morrissey had two top ten singles already. He doesn't have to prove anything to anyone.
    Eric Hartman -- Tuesday July 20 2004, @12:18AM (#115831)
    (User #5103 Info |
    It is a very mixed blessing to be brought back from the dead.
  • I can live with this choice, but does it matter? The 'single' is now commercially dead and just a) a guideline for music stations on what to play, b) good pointers for people who will just download the single for free anyway.

    At the wretched music station I used to work at, "Let Me Kiss You" has already been played, the track of choice from that album, and it fits well enough with the station's increasingly Adult Alternative easygoing format. (If I had my druthers, "I Have Forgiven Jesus" would have been the surprise choice. That or "Crashing Bores")

    So I guess the next single will be my 2nd-least favorite track on the album (the first being "You Know I Couldn't Last'). But give me more B-sides and I'll pony up the cash.

    Wouldn't "I'm Not Sorry" be a wiser choice for the slow-tempo set? I hear Dido has made some money with a similar sound...
    sadlad -- Tuesday July 20 2004, @12:19AM (#115832)
    (User #5434 Info)
  • camden should have been the first single. it would have been a smash hit. but no, it's as if everybody wanted to keep morrissey as indie as possible
    Anonymous -- Tuesday July 20 2004, @12:29AM (#115834)
    • Re:come back by Anonymous (Score:0) Tuesday July 20 2004, @12:58AM
  • this will hardly make the top 20.
    he needs another foot tapper like ' i like u'
    to get another top 10 from the same album.

    lets hope those sources are wrong.
    trouble is this is the second time ive heard this rumour.
    doh !!!!!!!
    inlovewiththepast -- Tuesday July 20 2004, @12:32AM (#115835)
    (User #1028 Info)
    truth rest your head there is more than a life at stake here..she may well sell sanctuary but she'll also sell your soul
  • If there is a 3rd single and say it also has 3 b sides that would make 9 b sides total does this mean there wont be another album? i mean 9 bsides is a lot. i hope this isnt it! dont throw away the goods moz! does anyone know if there will be another album or not?
    Anonymous -- Tuesday July 20 2004, @12:58AM (#115842)
    • Re:hm by Anonymous (Score:0) Tuesday July 20 2004, @01:17AM
      • Re:hm by Anonymous (Score:0) Tuesday July 20 2004, @01:33PM
    • Re:hm by Miss Misery (Score:1) Tuesday July 20 2004, @06:15AM
    • Re:hm by Anonymous (Score:0) Monday August 30 2004, @12:02PM
  • Let Me Kiss You is ok - charming enough, and with a Smithsian guitar refrain at the end which always helps. But, to be honest, it's gonna do bugger all to dispel the growing perception that Moz is now somewhat middle-of-the-road. I think releasing it the same day as Nancy's is intended to coax us into buying both - I don't think he's ratted on Nancy, on the contrary I suspect it's been done to help her - this way, she gets some publicity that she wouldn't have had otherwise cos if her version came out a few months later most wouldn't notice or even be bothered. No, it's for her benefit that this has happened and I bet she readily agreed. Nevertheless, Let Me Kiss You may be seen to usher in the era of safe, MOR Moz, for that's essentially what it is - pleasant enough. Not sure what the third single could've been - 'I Like You' sounds strangely dated already, while 'I'm Not Sorry' is no less MOR than 'Let Me Kiss You'. And 'You Know I Couldn't Last' could never appeal to anyone who doesn't know his history. This single will sink - not immediate enough and a third single to boot, I'll fall off my seat if it makes top twenty. Oh, how I long for the heady days of Moz at the height of his brilliance - that is, 'Vauxhall and I'. Days when 'Jack The Ripper' and 'I'd Love To' - great songs in their own right - were b-sides, days when 'The More You Ignore Me' and 'Hold On To Your Friends' were splendid A-sides. Yeah, they didn't fare well commercially, but artistically they were infinitely superior to the current output. Agree that 'Speedway' should've been a single too - it's magnificent.
    Anonymous -- Tuesday July 20 2004, @01:09AM (#115843)
  • Great choice for a single.
    Lovely lilting chorus. Subtle arrangement. Poetic lyrics 'I've zigzagged all over America'. Classic Moz trick of narrowly avoiding a cliché 'I've heard that you'll try anything twice!' and a lovely dollop of trademark self-deprecation 'but then you open your eyes...'. Plus that gorgeous keyboard line in the coda.
    It showcases a really different side to Morrissey than the previous two singles.
    It's a fresh, peotic, original, tuneful love song. What better way to end the summer?
    Anonymous -- Tuesday July 20 2004, @01:10AM (#115844)
  • Maybe there has been a mix up and the 'source' has mistaken the Nancy version for the Morrissey one.

    It's probably just the Nancy Sinatra version they're refering to, and 'I Like You' will probably be the next single as Sanctury will be the ones wanting the greatest commercial impact.

    I'd like to see 'Camden' as a single, it'd be nice to have Morrissey drag a ballad into the the top twenty.
    usskerouac -- Tuesday July 20 2004, @01:16AM (#115846)
    (User #11148 Info)
    "Stop me from thinking, from thinking all the time"
  • Hey, if we all go out and buy Mozza's version and Nancy's version, we could end up getting both in the Top 10 or 20 AT THE SAME TIME! How great would that be?
    Hairdresser on Fire -- Tuesday July 20 2004, @01:25AM (#115849)
    (User #1016 Info)
    "The typewriter is holy the poem is holy the voice is holy the hearers are holy the ecstasy is holy!" Allen Ginsberg.
  • let me kiss you is a lovely song,but same day as nancys? oh dear!.i have forgiven jesus would be better.imagine the video!
    kimlovesmoz -- Tuesday July 20 2004, @01:34AM (#115850)
    (User #11785 Info)
  • Here are the three remaining songs from the YATQ sessions as announced initally:

    "The Slum Mums"
    "Home Is A Question Mark"
    "The Public Image"

    To these we can add '... Candle to You" and '... Daddy's Voice" as possibilities.
    Anonymous -- Tuesday July 20 2004, @01:42AM (#115852)
    • Re:B-sides? by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday July 28 2004, @01:47PM
  • Theres no way he would release the same song by 2 artists on the same day. One would obviously affect the sales of the other. I think someone has got confused here because Nancy is releasing a Morrissey song on Morrisseys label.

    He can release 'Hey Fatty Bum Bum' next for all i care as long as theres 3 more lovely b-sides.
    Manchester Neil -- Tuesday July 20 2004, @01:49AM (#115854)
    (User #8271 Info)
  • having lived with the album for a few months now this is the track, i find, that i return to most often.

    Hopefully it will also be a 'single' version with all that georgeous trumpet that he used when playing it 'live.'
    carnal artist -- Tuesday July 20 2004, @01:59AM (#115857)
    (User #7076 Info)
  • Im sorry but i strongly disagree with this choice of song.
    I personally prefer "I Like You" or even "HCYPKHIF"

    This will not appeal to the masses i fear!

    Not another Top Ten hit. I don't think this will make the Top 20.
    Go on Morrissey, Prove me wrong!
    sonofward -- Tuesday July 20 2004, @02:16AM (#115858)
    (User #4901 Info)
    " Life is very long when you're lonely... "
  • Why isn't he releasing 'I Like You' or if he was terribly brave,'Daddy's Voice' which would be a barnstormer of a single. He's too good for the charts, anyway!
    edith -- Tuesday July 20 2004, @02:34AM (#115859)
    (User #4471 Info)
  • An excellent choice as usual.Two top ten single's and I'm still finding treasure buried in YATQ.People get frustrated and always want Morrissey to be what they want him to be, Its best to sit back and be educated by him.If you know best why don't you form a band?.Opening in Chicago with 'there is a place in the sun for anyone who has the will'-genius!.I found myself letting in some lesser bands because he had been away for so long.The quality controller had been waiting for the wind to blow again before setting sail.It's better than the Elvis come back special! STYLE
    breslaw's omen -- Tuesday July 20 2004, @03:03AM (#115866)
    (User #11941 Info)
  • I think it's a wonderfull song. It was written for me. It realy was.
    shay -- Tuesday July 20 2004, @04:18AM (#115870)
    (User #11943 Info)
  • Let me kiss you is the best track off 'you are the quarry'.

    also, by releasing it on the same day, they (moz and nancy) will generate more media attention, so i feel the effect will be more positive than negative.

    who cares if moz is number one in the charts anyway? it, obviously, was not this that attracted you to his music in the first place.
    Anonymous -- Tuesday July 20 2004, @04:30AM (#115874)
  • He's got himself sorted then brings out what we all agree is an excellent song ('cause we've all listened to it 90 million times).

    as a single though, trying to get new fans attention on first listen, it will do well to gain entry into the top 20.

    saying that, if all us mad ones buy a copy each, then he's gonna get 15,000+ anyway.

    (shakes his head in dis-approval)
    MSMOZZER -- Tuesday July 20 2004, @04:40AM (#115881)
    (User #695 Info)
    Retired Mozzerator - MJP.
  • I don't believe that ' first of the gang' was reliesed in israel
    shay -- Tuesday July 20 2004, @04:43AM (#115882)
    (User #11943 Info)
  • To me, Let Me Kiss You is the best song on YATQ, along with FOTGTD and Jesus. However I sincerely doubt that Sanctuary plans to release the single at the same time as Nancy Sinatra's version. Even a hardcore fan would be reluctant to purchase the same song twice : it would be bad marketing strategy for both since it would probably divide their income by two. Moreover, Morrissey would eat the biggest slice of the cake. So more than a marketing mistake, it would be damageable for Sanctuary which would then lose an opportunity to provide a triumphant comeback to Nancy Sinatra.

    But there's also another factor. Let's not forget that Nancy is very likely to make a hit (at least in some niche targets): Tarantino's Kill Bill soundtrack featured her song "Bang Bang". There's a slight chance that she sells more than Moz given the worldwide popularity of QT soundtracks.

    Anyway, I heard her version of the song and didn't find it very good, it reminds me of French actress Jeanne Moreau singing with her 120 year old lady's voice... and it gives me the creeps !
    Retired Whore <[email protected]> -- Tuesday July 20 2004, @06:05AM (#115893)
    (User #3238 Info)
    Sweet F.A.
  • I think 'Let Me Kiss You' will be one of Moz's best singles ever! It's a beautiful pop song taking in the traditions of the pop single but with Morrissey's persona etched all over it, particularly at the end! It's rich with melody and has a great guitar hook. It's like a rewriting of 'Hand in Glove' 21 years on!
    Anonymous -- Tuesday July 20 2004, @06:23AM (#115900)
  • One of the worst songs off the album in my opinion. I'd have thought even the Moz fans who like it would admit that it isn't single material. Honestly how many non Moz fanatics will go out and buy it? I'd have thought I Like You would have been the only song left on the album with a catchy enough tune to be a single.
    Anonymous -- Tuesday July 20 2004, @06:49AM (#115909)
  • Screws his labelmate. You old dog you, Steven!!!
    BrianK -- Tuesday July 20 2004, @07:33AM (#115915)
    (User #11946 Info)
  • If the singles are to be released at the same time, then they'll probably be released as ONE double-single---meaning, you purchase one disc with both Nancy's and Morrissey's versions on it. That would grant both versions the same chart positioning, and fans of Nancy will boost Morrissey's sales while fans of Morrissey will bost Nancy's.
    delta10km -- Tuesday July 20 2004, @08:37AM (#115919)
    (User #1081 Info)
  • Ok, I have to admit I sighed when I read "Let me kiss you" was to be the next single. Yes, I love the song...but it isn't his strongest. Furthermore, it is his stereotypical lyrical work. If you ask a Moz-loather, they say he is just so "whiney, depressing and predictable". Of course, this not true. He and we need to educate the public. However, these fools will not go out and buy the albums to hear his mind in full spectrum. No, they hear the radio tracks. The first time I heard "Then you open your eyes and see someone that you physically despise", I giggled with "you clever swine". It is him in his perfect self-loathing, self-deprecating form. Humour, yes, but easily misunderstood by others. Too bad that the rest of the world doesn't understand. And true, you cannot change the minds of other fools. However, it is hard to be so misunderstood when greatness is only another single away!
    mozlike -- Tuesday July 20 2004, @08:57AM (#115924)
    (User #11690 Info)
    I am MINE!
  • This song is beautifully poetic. It is a great accomplishment both lyrically and musically. Reminds me of another pearl: well, I wonder. The lyrics could appeal not only to the usual fan but also to a younger crowd who feel awkward, unlovable, unattractive. In other words, teenagers. A new batch of Morrissey fans will come thanks to this lovely song!
    Anonymous -- Tuesday July 20 2004, @09:20AM (#115929)
  • i really think this is the best song he ever wrote. it's perfect, great guitars, incredible lyrics, smart words. I'm glad its released as a single, but i fear the video might kill the effect the song has on me, since this song=my pathetic life.
    Anonymous -- Tuesday July 20 2004, @09:43AM (#115937)
  • I think it's time to donate Morrissey (and his crap band) to the kidnappers in Iraq. But then again, what could they possibly hope to ranson for his head?
    Anonymous -- Tuesday July 20 2004, @12:02PM (#115964)
  • ididnt think 'Let Me Kiss You' would be made a single as it was/is planned to be Nancy's big comeback single, but now that ithink about it more it makes a lot of sense. iam one who thinks that both versions being released at the same time as singles will be of benefit to thme commercially. being the third single off the album this extra bit of intrigue is sure to help Morrissey's chances of makin it 3 for 3 in the Top10. Nancy will also benefit from having the added press [as anyone can tell she is hard pressed to make her own- all the noise of the album is about it includding Moz, Bono and Cocker tracks]. ijuste hope they dont screw it up by releasing two versions of double a-side with Moz's original and Nancy's cover appearing on the same disc juste in opposite order and with different artwork. idont want Nancy's cover to take up one of the precious b-side slots.

    and isuppose this ends the chances of 'The World Is Full Of Crashing Bores' being made a single. ihad hoped that it would be as it would be lovely to hear on the radio [if it by some stroke of luck recieved any airplay], mocking everything and everyone [includding Moz himself]. if the release of 'Let Me Kiss You' is true it may be the final single from 'You Are The Quarry' or if there is a fourth it will surely be 'I Like You' as idont see him releasing a second slowdown like '...Bores'.
    chrisarclark <[email protected]> -- Tuesday July 20 2004, @12:03PM (#115965)
    (User #9259 Info)
    "I'm just passing through here on my way to somewhere civilized and maybe I'll even arrive, maybe I'll even arrive..."
  • Excellent choice but "I like You" is just as good.
    Anonymous -- Tuesday July 20 2004, @12:28PM (#115968)
  • It would have been a great song....If he had written some lyrics for it.
    Micropenis -- Tuesday July 20 2004, @01:26PM (#115991)
    (User #10753 Info)
  • I'm just sooo glad it isn't "I Like You"!!!
    Anonymous -- Tuesday July 20 2004, @02:45PM (#116007)
  • Jesus, do you know what? You bloody people don't know when to shut up. Morrissey reportedly is releasing a single and immediately there is a surge of people telling us how he should have done it, what she should release, when and why...For Christs sake GET A LIFE!!!! No matter what he decides to do, you know we will buy it anyway!!! I'm sick of you lot- I'm off to put my kids to bed...
    Anonymous -- Tuesday July 20 2004, @04:53PM (#116038)
  • ibeh and fotgtd are pretty much faster paced and have done well in promoting the album. the last of the singles could very well be i like you, as we all expect. BUT, kiss you is a nice song to end the series as well. hey, a good b-side would be nancy's version. no?
    ILOVEKC -- Tuesday July 20 2004, @06:08PM (#116050)
    (User #10377 Info)
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