posted by davidt on Wednesday June 22 2005, @10:00AM
goinghome writes:
Cork City in Ireland was nominated as this year’s European City of Culture, and hosts an extensive schedule of artistic acts and entertainment. The 'Events Guide' reports the offer of a chance to take part in a video by artist Phil Collins: “Recording sessions will be taking place in Cork for Collins’ latest project THE WORLD WON'T LISTEN. It was originally produced in 2004 in Bogota by local musicians who re-recorded every track off the Smiths’ 1987 compilation album. Fans then performed their favourite songs in an improvised film set.

According to the blurb, “the world won’t listen is a karaoke for the shy, the dissatisfied, narcissists, and anyone who ever wished they could be someone else for a night.” If that sounds like you, and you’re a fan of the Smith, then you should make your way to the Granary Theatre from 1pm to 8pm on Monday 4th and Tuesday 5th July.”

For information on how to take part contact [email protected]
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  • There ain't no such beast...It means 'empty orchestra' you know.
    Cole Berlin -- Thursday June 23 2005, @05:23AM (#168373)
    (User #13010 Info)
  • Karaoke (Score:2, Funny)

    Thanks be ta bejasuz I'm here in Mérida, Spain and not at home right now. Otherwise I'd probably go along to this and make a right tool of meself altogether. Alan Bennett (no really it's my real name)
    MozzerAnt -- Friday June 24 2005, @06:38AM (#168503)
    (User #13105 Info)
    • Re:Karaoke by goinghome (Score:1) Friday June 24 2005, @03:05PM
    • Re:Karaoke by mauve21 (Score:1) Sunday June 26 2005, @05:02PM
  • I got my 15 minutes in Cork for "the world wont listen" karaoke. I sang Bigmouth Strikes Again, with pride and some Gladioli for fun! Was brilliant, was always my dream to sing the smiths.
    amanda_hug_n_kiss -- Monday July 11 2005, @03:53AM (#170754)
    (User #14429 Info)

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