posted by davidt on Monday July 18 2005, @11:00AM
alainsane writes:
From Blender, August, 2005, p80

Flowers carries [The Killers] success on his shoulders more than any other member, and it may be because he grew up surrounded by delusions of grandeur. He inherited his older brother's cassette collection when he was 12--a 200 album bounty of the Smiths, U2 and Bowie--and so his own rock role models have always been super-serious, alluringly aloof quote machines. Flowers obviously wants to walk among them.

'I would be devastated if Morrissey didn't like us, or Bowie didn't like us,' he says earnestly. 'You want to make music for everybody, but they're the chiefs.'"
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  • originality?
    Anonymous -- Monday July 18 2005, @12:08PM (#171938)
  • He only wants to make music for everybody ... That always means extreme originality is involved ... Just kidding, I don't care who he is and I don't listen to music for everybody ...

    Why am I Here typing this ! Ahhhhhhhh !
    Anonymous -- Monday July 18 2005, @01:18PM (#171952)
  • I have seen The Killers open for Morrissey- and they put on a great show!

    I was right there when the equipment caught on fire at the House of Blues in Chicago- and I got Brandon's bottled water (Ice Mountain, btw).

    Their debut album is great, but I must confess I find the entire album tedious to listen to in it's entirety-

    They have great potential- but something is missing- does anyone else feel the same way???

    Brandon's stage presence could be a bit more animated, too???


    Ken Stavitzke
    sycophantic_slag -- Monday July 18 2005, @05:18PM (#171979)
    (User #3940 Info)
    "And I just can't explain/ So I won't even try to."
  • The Killers rocked live, and Moz only allows bands that he likes to open for him.

    Missed the pyrotechnic version of their show though...
    Jim Rome -- Monday July 18 2005, @05:54PM (#171984)
    (User #720 Info |
    ...and how?
  • has anyone else heard their cover of "Why dont you find out for yourself" It's wicked.
    xXx_Mrs_Moz_xXx -- Tuesday July 19 2005, @03:59AM (#172059)
    (User #14395 Info |
    "The Earl of Sandwich invented the sandwich, Samuel Morse invented the Morse Code & Plato invented the plate"
  • For me, the Killers are at the top of the list of bands that should spend less time name-dropping and more time actually learning from their professed idols.

    For the moment, I'll put aside the general alt-shlock quality of their music (Matchbox 20 with an electronic edge, or Prodigy's easy-listening alter ego, if you prefer). What strikes me is that, if they're genuinely into Morrissey, wouldn't his work have impressed upon them the value of putting anything-- wit, social commentary, a fleeting moment of effort-- into their lyrics? It's hard to see how anyone could really care about Morrissey's music, and refer to it so frequently, and then turn around to lazily slop out so many songs that say absolutely nothing at all.

    They really don't have a single lyric that couldn't have been written by an especially dull 15 year old in the process of teaching himself English with a rhyming dictionary. Am I forgetting about Mr. Flowers' fascinating tale of somebody telling him that someone else's boyfriend looks like a girl, which then leads him to the conclusion that "it's not confidential, I've got potential?" No, it's just that it's achingly stupid, like all of their output.

    There is nothing in any of their songs, or interviews, or the millions of magazine spreads that have been put forth to market them, that indicates that they have ever spent more than 5 seconds thinking about anything beyond how to best get into heavy rotation on MTV and Clear Channel. Though it's hard to pinpoint what exactly is so incomplete and unsatisfying about their music, I think the problem in large part emanates from this core defect.

    Don't get me wrong, though, they do have some very nice outfits.
    rococohobo -- Tuesday July 19 2005, @04:27PM (#172138)
    (User #14334 Info)
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