posted by davidt on Wednesday February 28 2007, @11:00AM
Torr writes:
Funny that I stumbled across this today as I just saw Alain Whyte attending the Eastern Conference Champions show @ Silverlake Lounge here in Los Angeles last night.

Jonesy's Jukebox Jury (podcast mp3):

Mon, Feb 26th:

Alain Whyte (Morrissey)
Kevin Bronson (LA Times)
Annie Hardy (Giant Drag)
Shirley Halperin (Entertainment Weekly)

Here's what was played:

Song One: Guns and Roses, “Better”
Song Two: Bloc Party, “The Prayer”
Song Three: Wonderhoven, “Wicked Lover”
Song Four: Iggy and the Stooges, “My Idea of Fun”
Song Five: Klaxons, “Golden Skans”
Song Six: The Academy Is, “We’ve Got A Big Mess On Our Hands”
Song Seven: Busdriver, “The Troglodyte Wins”
Song Eight: The Cinematics, “Break”
Song Nine: G Love, “Beautiful”
Song Ten: The Apples in Stereo, “Play Tough”
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  • And from what Alain said he certainly didn't give the impression that his work with Morrissey is in the past.
    Anonymous -- Wednesday February 28 2007, @12:01PM (#250142)
  • ....but Annie Hardy needs to lay off the drugs! She's so sweet sounding, but when she speaks, it's like mid-thought, her mind is failing her. And another thing, she speaks normal partly, then she finishes her sentences with this child-like baby voice that seems a bit rehearsed, I don't know, what do I know? It drove me insane! But Alain, of course, was grrrrrrrrrrrrreat!
    PiccadillyJim -- Wednesday February 28 2007, @01:28PM (#250148)
    (User #20 Info)
    "Otherwise, kill me..."
  • Towards the end, I forgot to mention that Alain actually started singing a line from the Beatles song, "All You Need Is Love" with encouragement from Jonesy himself! It's cute, Alain really is a nice guy. I, myself, would really like to seem him back in the band on this new U.S. tour. He really is Morrissey's best collaberating partner and truly missed. Perhaps, for me, the best song on ROTT is "Life Is A Pigsty" penned by none other than Alain, himself. He's been there for almost 16 years!!!!!!!!! Johnny "The Quitter" Marr only gave, what, 4 or 5 years? A huge amount of credit should be given to Alain for providing Morrissey with the proper life raft to deliver us his great music, a raft, that Johnny jumped many years ago. BRING BACK ALAIN! Having said that, incidently, I still do love Johnny Marr and respect him for being a musical genius, but he is a quitter.
    PiccadillyJim -- Wednesday February 28 2007, @02:15PM (#250155)
    (User #20 Info)
    "Otherwise, kill me..."
    • Re:Alain Sings! by king leer (Score:1) Wednesday February 28 2007, @10:20PM
  • What a funny place to see him, at a basketball event!
    Anonymous -- Wednesday February 28 2007, @02:28PM (#250157)
  • I met Alian at my work. He is really really nice. And I asked him when they were going on tour here in the US. He said they were looking forward to tour in the states.( but this was two moths ago) So..I dont know. But WE MISS HIM. I hope to see him playing on this tour......He looked young and handsome....
    Morrisseyvive -- Thursday March 01 2007, @01:03AM (#250200)
    (User #14765 Info)

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