posted by davidt on Wednesday January 09 2008, @12:00PM
Gramp writes:
I have just heard on Kerrang Radio in Birmingham, that Morrissey and Johnny Marr have been asked to sign up to help record a charity song to raise money for the Salford Lads Club!

The other artists aI heard mentioned where The Hollies and Herman's Hermits.


But, I'm sure we could all live with that just to hear Morrissey's voice with Johnny's guitar again!

As I wasn't too sure of the origins of this story, I found this link on

Salford Lads Club to rope Morrissey and co for Christmas No 1 bid? -
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  • it.

    I'd also buy a ticket for a silly price if they decided to play together.

    *we can always hope*
    Anonymous -- Wednesday January 09 2008, @01:31PM (#290978)
  • I dont think it will happen, but that doesn't mean i'm not going to keep hoping. Please do this Morrissey & Marr :)
    biggurl12 -- Wednesday January 09 2008, @02:02PM (#290986)
    (User #19834 Info)
  • If this were to happen, why did Morrissey personally donate money to this cause.
    Anonymous -- Wednesday January 09 2008, @04:09PM (#291006)
  • Yes we can all live in hope! I think Morrissey would rather just "not" do it though, better to let bygones be bygones! I think the saying goes. Mmmmm it would be fantastic though.
    i'llsendyoumine -- Wednesday January 09 2008, @04:20PM (#291009)
    (User #20579 Info)
  • The Smiths featuing Herman's Hemits & Manfred Mann - "The Trendy Youth Shuffle".

    What a comeback! This is going to be BOOYAKASHA.
    Anonymous -- Wednesday January 09 2008, @04:27PM (#291012)
  • if they release [M&M]a record/single thats already been at least 20 years old
    Celibate Cry <[email protected]> -- Thursday January 10 2008, @12:12AM (#291049)
    (User #220 Info)
    and the hills are alive with celibate cries
  • It won't happen, so stop dreaming. Morrissey relishes feuds too much to ever EVER play with Buckler and Foxton again, and Marr went off the boil (creatively) long ago. It would be a travesty of that which once was. And don't forget, the source of this story is the ever reliable NME. Have you learnt nothing??? NME announces Morrissey's retirement...then several weeks later characterises him as a racist. But now you're all fired up because the eNeMEy says The Smiths may reunite. The NME is written by infantile, lying cunts. THE 'STORY' IS NOT TRUE. IT WILL NOT HAPPEN (and I, for one, am glad). Get over it.
    Anonymous -- Thursday January 10 2008, @05:07AM (#291060)
  • Better leave the past there.
    Anonymous -- Thursday January 10 2008, @06:15AM (#291063)
    • Re:I hope not, by not sorry (Score:1) Thursday January 10 2008, @08:45AM
  • Don't they know the difference between "spurred" and "spurned"....????? roflol
    Anonymous -- Thursday January 10 2008, @06:29AM (#291068)
  • be about time. Enough of the same old Monkeys
    he has been writing with since 1991.
    Marr is the man.
    Anonymous -- Thursday January 10 2008, @09:23AM (#291073)
    • Re:It would by Anonymous (Score:0) Friday January 11 2008, @02:06AM
  • Hope and Dreams do come true!?? darn it they do!. :)

    I think It would be a wonderful Idea..
    Morrissey & Marr...

    I would not care if I seen them or not!Id just be in Lala land to know they actually got together and Rocked just once more. Id be happy to buy anything they dish out.**A Video Please!*..
    Acoustic! Wow!
    I'd like that a lot.

    It would make History come alive..
    Which My Gosh is not a bad thing.
    Especially for all his fans.. and we all support them both I am sure..

    Marisela -- Thursday January 10 2008, @11:25AM (#291084)
    (User #1865 Info)
  • this will never happen
    but never say never (i live in hope)
    wor-lass -- Thursday January 10 2008, @11:29AM (#291085)
    (User #17507 Info)

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