posted by davidt on Tuesday February 19 2008, @12:00PM
Johan writes:
The album sold almost 28,000 copies in the first week of release.

Here are the UK album sales figures from Music Week:

47730 Jack Johnson
46595 Nickelback
41184 Michael Jackson

27873 Morrissey (5)
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  • 28.000 copies is fuck all really.
    Can anyone shed any light to what previous Moz albums have sold?
    Any figures?
    I suppose record sales are low anyway these days...
    In the 80's & 90's you sold SHITLOADS to get to the top 10 albums.
    Anonymous -- Tuesday February 19 2008, @12:19PM (#296766)
  • what in the world is that?
    Anonymous -- Tuesday February 19 2008, @12:19PM (#296767)
    • Re:Nickleback? by Anonymous (Score:0) Tuesday February 19 2008, @12:42PM
  • What is somewhat brown and is often found in little children's underpants?

    Michael Jackson's hand!
    Anonymous -- Tuesday February 19 2008, @12:22PM (#296769)
  • I find 28.000 copies sold in the first week something I never could've imagined

    I thought about 5000

    well done Morrissey, and I hope those idiots
    stop making yer album avaible for DL on this
    site, I can't imagine they don't understand they
    rip off their beloved artist

    and if it was bona drag, well I wouldn't mind,
    but releases niot older than 2 years is ripping
    an artist though the old albums are also being sold

    yada yada yada
    Celibate Cry <[email protected]> -- Wednesday February 20 2008, @01:33AM (#296841)
    (User #220 Info)
    and the hills are alive with celibate cries

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