posted by davidt on Sunday September 07 2008, @12:00PM
BelowTheWaterline writes:
Not sure how newsworthy this is, but hey, it's the weekend...

Browsing through the town paper today, saw this piece.

The headline in the paper read "McCain can count on the vote of one 18-year-old from Orange, as long as Morrissey stays out of the race."

State's youngest GOP delegate faces the bright lights - Orange County Register
Her enthusiasm surged most when the conversation shifted to music. Particularly the singer Morrissey, who she saw perform in Los Angeles last year.

"I have an obsession," she said, eyes lighting up. "He is my version of Brad Pitt. He took his shirt off and, oh my … I couldn't take my eyes off of him."

...After covering much more political ground, Mahan was asked if there was anything to add.

"You got Morrissey in there," she said. "You're good to go."
Ummm, hello?!? Someone get this girl an Obama-Moz '08 shirt STAT!
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  • this is bad press for morrissey.

    and obviously she's clueless for many many reasons
    Anonymous -- Sunday September 07 2008, @12:25PM (#311227)
    • Re:bad press by Anonymous (Score:0) Sunday September 07 2008, @02:47PM
    • Re:bad press by Anonymous (Score:0) Sunday September 07 2008, @03:13PM
  • when you've had as much influence as morrissey has, surely some of your fans might not be of the political party that you would expect.

    news flash : not all democrats are good and not all republicans are bad. the world just isn't that black and white.
    Anonymous -- Sunday September 07 2008, @12:35PM (#311229)
  • Why would Americans even consider McCain and Obama when they've got Ron Paul?
    Anonymous -- Sunday September 07 2008, @01:23PM (#311234)
    • Re:Why? by bored (Score:1) Sunday September 07 2008, @02:09PM
      • Re:Why? by ThinkOfMeKindlyLV (Score:1) Sunday September 07 2008, @07:16PM
        • Re:Why? by Anonymous (Score:0) Monday September 08 2008, @07:55AM
    • Re:Why? by Eric Hartman (Score:1) Monday September 08 2008, @03:52AM
    • Re:Why? by Anonymous (Score:0) Monday September 08 2008, @08:38AM
    • Re:Why? by Anonymous (Score:0) Monday September 08 2008, @08:58AM
    • Amen! by Anonymous (Score:0) Monday September 08 2008, @05:24PM
    • Re:Why? by Ceiling_Shadow (Score:1) Tuesday September 09 2008, @06:51AM
    • Ron Paul running as Independent? by Anonymous (Score:0) Tuesday September 09 2008, @06:34PM
    • Re:Why? by Anonymous (Score:0) Thursday September 11 2008, @09:44AM
    • Re:Why? by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday September 17 2008, @09:13AM
  • Yes, you can love Morrissey and his music and vote for a Republican!

    I don't dislike either candidate- either one will be a BIG improvement. The reason a lot of McCain's own fellow Republicans don't like him is that he has repeatedly worked with Democrats to actually get things done...even when it's not the "popular" thing to do. This is rare, and respectable. Obama may make a good president in 2016 I think...
    IanCurtis -- Sunday September 07 2008, @05:09PM (#311260)
    (User #5849 Info)
  • If you don't like Obama go cry to your mama. Obama 08!
    Anonymous -- Sunday September 07 2008, @06:11PM (#311262)
    • Re:Obama 08! by Eric Hartman (Score:1) Monday September 08 2008, @03:54AM
    • Re:Obama 08! by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday September 10 2008, @02:02PM
      • Re:Obama 08! by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday September 10 2008, @04:13PM
        • Re:Obama 08! by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday September 10 2008, @05:20PM
        • Re:Obama 08! by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday September 10 2008, @07:27PM
      • Good...then by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday September 10 2008, @07:25PM
    • Re:Obama 08! by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday September 10 2008, @08:01PM
    • Re:Obama 08! by Anonymous (Score:0) Friday September 12 2008, @03:10PM
  • Shows what a tool McCain is...

    Added to that what a reckless VP choice he can anybody for this piece of shit?

    Where is Palin? She refuses to talk to the press! This is unbelievable!
    ThinkOfMeKindlyLV -- Sunday September 07 2008, @06:51PM (#311263)
    (User #18284 Info |
  • McCain has made his mark in the senate by REPEATEDLY reforming and working with both parties, regardless of the political cost to his own future. It is indisputable, looking at his record in the senate, that he has lived up to his message of bi-partisanship. Even Obama, who preaches change and bi-partisanship has shown only lukewarm interest in working with both parties in his short time in congress. And if you think McCain suddenly stopped being a maverick the last couple of years...Everyone knows about his work with Russ Feingold on the campaign finance reform, but more recently he sided with the democrats on the proposed immigration bill and was a vocal proponent of the troop surge when even most Republicans were scared to support it. Well, even Obama admits now that the surge "worked better than we could have imagined in our wildest dreams". If we had it Obama's way, there would have been no surge, a quick pullout, and the middle east would be a non-stop shooting range right now.

    I respect Obama, but am not sure he is quite ready to be president. And people who call McCain a "Bush Clone" are incredibly off the mark...he is his own man and quite different altogether than our current President. Please do your research before voting and then pick who you really feel will be best...Don't just vote because someone told you to, or because MTV or Moz said to vote for Obama! Make your own choice, and do it for the right reasons...
    IanCurtis -- Sunday September 07 2008, @07:56PM (#311270)
    (User #5849 Info)
  • Whatever is to come in the Palin story, the fundamental truth that will remain true is that John McCain made this vital decision in such a reckless, cursory, cynical way that his candidacy really should be over. If this is what he promises in executive decision-making, then no one can be comfortable voting for him this November. My MSM column is now up:

            What we have learned about John McCain from his selection of Sarah Palin is that he is as impulsive and reckless a decision-maker as George W. Bush. We know this not because of what we have learned about this Pentecostalist populist since she exploded on the scene last Friday morning (and God knows we have learned more than we ever wanted). We know it because of how McCain made the decision...

            McCain picked someone he had only met once before. I repeat: he picked someone he had only met once before. His vetting chief sat Palin down for a face-to-face interview the Wednesday before last. It's very hard to overstate how nutty and irresponsible this is.

            Would any corporate chieftain pick a number two on those grounds and not be dismissed by his board for recklessness?

            The recklessness was much more fatal in the new media world than in the old one. In the old media world, the Republicans could try to control the flow of information, browbeat the press and prevent the entire weird family background and series of scandals and rumors of quite incredible events from getting into the mainstream. But those days are over. Within minutes of the announcement, everyone reached for Google. I recommend for starters the two following stories that appeared in the Anchorage Daily News last March and April. Story 1 / Story 2

    If this race isn't over, it should be.
    ThinkOfMeKindlyLV -- Sunday September 07 2008, @09:01PM (#311274)
    (User #18284 Info |
  • viva mccain, viva mozzer!

    f the haters

    make up your own minds people
    Anonymous -- Monday September 08 2008, @07:16AM (#311304)
    • Re:me too by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday September 17 2008, @09:20AM
  • I second the previous poster...f all ya haters! Reform the immigration system so my homeboy can come back to the all I'm asking! Te extrano homie!!!
    Anonymous -- Monday September 08 2008, @07:33AM (#311305)
  • I Live in Illinois and you can see the environment he's coming from. Nothing will ever get done. McCain isnt any better but people putting their faith in Obama are stupid suckers falling for him.
    Anonymous -- Monday September 08 2008, @07:53AM (#311308)
  • Is it really so starnge after Cameron's output towards left-wing 80's english music ?

    It's quite obvious now that Morissey's latin fanbase is the same time McCain's/Republican electorate.

    Anyway , Ralph Nader is the best candidate still.
    Anonymous -- Monday September 08 2008, @07:59AM (#311310)
  • nuff said.
    Anonymous -- Monday September 08 2008, @08:20AM (#311311)
    • Re:Obama=Blair by Anonymous (Score:0) Monday September 08 2008, @10:50AM
  • Obama is a loser. Do your research, don't follow the crowd, you idoits.
    Anonymous -- Monday September 08 2008, @09:36AM (#311318)
    • Re:Cowards by Anonymous (Score:0) Monday September 08 2008, @10:46AM
      • Re:Cowards by Anonymous (Score:0) Monday September 08 2008, @12:56PM
      • Re:Cowards by Anonymous (Score:0) Monday September 08 2008, @02:32PM
        • Re:Cowards by Anonymous (Score:0) Monday September 08 2008, @02:50PM
  • Well, maybe more sad than funny. For many Morrissey fans to hold such right wing views while worshipping the man for me is rather sad. Does "The Queen Is Dead", "Nowhere Fast", "Interesting Drug", "Irish Blood, English Heart" etc etc, with all of their left wing leanings, mean nothing to these people?
    I don't understand how many followers of a seemingly intelligent artist, who makes intelligent music, have - to put it lightly -their heads stuck up their own arses by supporting such despicable people as Bush, McCain and Cameron
    Anonymous -- Monday September 08 2008, @10:56AM (#311324)
    • Re:Funny by Anonymous (Score:0) Monday September 08 2008, @11:12AM
    • Re:Funny by Anonymous (Score:0) Monday September 08 2008, @02:48PM
  • i am endlessly amazed at how so many people have fallen for the so shallow obama.

    i don't like mccain but obama is so much worse. at least i know what mccain stands for. obama is just empty words.

    and yes, i will vote likely for mccain. not perfect at all but no where near as bad as obama.

    Anonymous -- Monday September 08 2008, @11:11AM (#311327)
  • This makes me think of that episode of South Park when the kids are trying to vote for the school mascot. The choices were between a Douche Bag and a Turd Sandwhich. No choice was a great one.

    Honestly Im not a big fan of Obama, but I definately am not a fan of McCain...My own personal feelings. However, I do hope that all the CA voters do vote NO on Prop 8 to Protect Marriage. Ridiculous that I even need to bring up the subject because it is basic human rights.

    -Miles Nasty
    Anonymous -- Monday September 08 2008, @01:15PM (#311342)
  • I still can't believe that Obama is Bush's cousin!
    Anonymous -- Monday September 08 2008, @03:08PM (#311354)
  • I think Obama is the Anti-Christ.
    Anonymous -- Monday September 08 2008, @05:26PM (#311357)
  • McCain/Palin will win in 2008.....and yes there will be riots.
    Anonymous -- Monday September 08 2008, @07:26PM (#311362)
    • Re:McCain by jwizjam (Score:1) Monday September 08 2008, @08:09PM
      • Russell Brand by IanCurtis (Score:1) Tuesday September 09 2008, @12:08AM
  • The main problem in Washington is that nothing gets done due to partisan bickering. No one wants to work with the other party, fearing backlash from their peers. Everyone is hung up on working for their party instead of the people.

    I just read an article on pollster. com where they analyzed McCain and Obama's senate voting records...Read this excerpt:

    "...From these data, McCain can more credibly make the claim that he is willing to buck his party. He has voted against his party majority about 15 to 25% of the time across the Bush years, compared to about 3% for Obama..."

    So which candidate wants to change Washington and stop the partisan bickering? And who is going to blindly vote with their party so that they don't get ridiculed, even when it's the WRONG vote for America? Hmm???
    IanCurtis -- Tuesday September 09 2008, @12:13AM (#311377)
    (User #5849 Info)
    • Pappy O'Daniel by Anaesthesine (Score:1) Tuesday September 09 2008, @08:16AM
      • Re:Pappy O'Daniel by ThinkOfMeKindlyLV (Score:1) Tuesday September 09 2008, @09:47AM
      • Re:Pappy O'Daniel by IanCurtis (Score:1) Tuesday September 09 2008, @02:18PM
        • Ha! by ThinkOfMeKindlyLV (Score:1) Tuesday September 09 2008, @05:11PM
          • Re:Ha! by IanCurtis (Score:1) Tuesday September 09 2008, @08:47PM
  • Morissey , Coldplay and Girls Aloud fans support Obama , while The Clash , Dead Kennedys and Black Flag go fo RALPH NADER - so simple ?
    Anonymous -- Tuesday September 09 2008, @04:01AM (#311380)
  • []

    "ANCHORAGE, Alaska (Sept. 8) - Gov. Sarah Palin's church is promoting a conference that promises to convert gays into heterosexuals through the power of prayer."

    Is this what we really want in this country? I guess for some the answer would be yes. For me it would be NO!
    Anonymous -- Tuesday September 09 2008, @08:12AM (#311389)
  • I'm quite surprised to hear so many differing political opinions on this forum. I really thought 99 percent of people who visit the site and forum will vote for whoever Morrissey supports.

    I'm a huge Morrissey fan but don't agree with any of his political views. He's too far-left for me. I'd prefer he stayed out of American politics.
    Anonymous -- Tuesday September 09 2008, @02:48PM (#311433)
  • Given that most Western European countries are, in effect, Socialist countries, it makes sense that they would want a socialist as President of the US.
    Anonymous -- Wednesday September 10 2008, @02:18PM (#311509)
  • Hate to break it to you guys, but in life there are actually active music fans who have different political perspectives than you do.

    Yes it's possible to be a right-winger and be a passionate music fan. Deal.
    cylon -- Wednesday September 10 2008, @07:22PM (#311527)
    (User #21469 Info)
  • I'm wasting my vote on Barr. I can't imagine living with myself after wasting my vote on McBama.
    Anonymous -- Friday September 12 2008, @10:42AM (#311613)
  • Your vote for Libertarian Presidential candidate Bob Barr is guaranteed to improve America's future! If he gets at least 5% of the popular vote in this year's election, his party's Presidential candidate in 2012 will receive millions of dollars in voluntary taxpayer funds. He will also automatically qualify to be on state ballots, thereby avoiding long and costly signature petition drives.

    We need to send a message to the Media and the 2 parties that many of us are not happy and refuse to put up with them anymore. 3rd party Candidates NEED to be in the Debates and we can make this happen!

    A vote for Obama or McCain is a wasted vote on more of the same old chaos and insanity.
    Anonymous -- Friday September 12 2008, @03:04PM (#311628)

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