Irish Blood, English Heart and First Of The Gang To Die: U.K. limited edition 12" vinyl single formats now available - Release Information (June 6, 2006)

From Morrissey-solo Wiki


Release Information

Limited edition 12" vinyl versions of the first two singles from You Are The Quarry - "Irish Blood, English Heart" and "First Of The Gang To Die" - are now available in the U.K.

The "Irish Blood, English Heart" U.K. limited edition 12" vinyl single tracklisting is:
"Irish Blood, English Heart"
"It's Hard To Walk Tall When You're Small"
"Munich Air Disaster 1958"
"The Never Played Symphonies"

The "First Of The Gang To Die" U.K. limited edition 12" vinyl single tracklisting is:

"First Of The Gang To Die"
"My Life Is A Succession Of People Saying Goodbye"
"Teenage Dad On His Estate"

You can order the singles from the U.K. online retailer

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