posted by davidt on Friday March 25 2005, @11:00AM
Elbow writes:

I was perusing the BBC web site and discovered two pages dedicated to a Symposium happening on The Smiths. The Seminar aims to give The Smiths the academic attention they are long overdue by examining what the band meant and mean today. The events themes will cover gender and sexuality, race and nationality, a sense of place, the imagination of class, the significance of Manchester in popular music, the aesthetics of the band, fan cultures and musical innovation.

The event will take place at Manchester Metropolitan University on April 8th – 9th 2005.

The links are as follows:

The BBC pages

Heaven Knows I’m Knowledgeable Now - BBC Manchester

Take A Vulgar Picture... for charity! - BBC Manchester

Registration form to the event

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  • i've been thinking about the idea that most of the smiths lyrics, and ideas put forward through the lyrics, are usually rooted at someone else's work - it's not secret that morrissey used quotes etc. Perhaps i am in one of those doubting moods (and don't get me wrong i worship the songs even still), but are they are genius as some like to think?

    i'm not taking a dig, it's just something i've been thinking about
    damien dixon -- Saturday March 26 2005, @05:06AM (#155613)
    (User #9996 Info)
    • Re:capsno (Score:2, Insightful)

      Your right to think about it but arn't the "borrowings" just settings for the songs? I mean he borrows a line or two but the song can be about something completely different.

      While some of the other songs may be rooted in someone else's work he has his own original take or situation.
      Kenan -- Saturday March 26 2005, @08:06AM (#155619)
      (User #13621 Info)
      • Re:capsno by damien dixon (Score:1) Saturday March 26 2005, @04:56PM
    • Re:capsno by Anonymous (Score:0) Saturday March 26 2005, @01:02PM
      • Re:capsno by Anonymous (Score:0) Saturday March 26 2005, @01:24PM
  • I mean really. This is getting ridiculous.
    Anonymous -- Sunday March 27 2005, @08:27AM (#155667)
  • I'm bored stiff of self-appointed intellectuals hob-nobbing about the significance & importance of the Smiths. Please piss off.

    Hank the DJ.
    [email protected]
    Anonymous -- Monday March 28 2005, @12:45AM (#155691)
    • Re:still ill by damien dixon (Score:1) Monday March 28 2005, @04:19AM
    • Re:still ill by Meatfreecotter (Score:0) Monday March 28 2005, @06:20AM
      • Re:still ill by goinghome (Score:1) Tuesday March 29 2005, @01:37PM
        • Re:still ill by Meatfreecotter (Score:0) Tuesday March 29 2005, @03:54PM

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