posted by davidt on Friday February 06 2004, @11:00AM
Update: 02/06 18:19 GMT: as noted by an anonymous person in the comments, a note on the Sanctuary Records site, a possible title change?:

NEW Morrissey album, "For Your Quarry", in stores 5.18.04!
Stefan Krix writes:

Just got in the news, according to a source from the London office of Sanctuary, that the new album will not be released before June and that that there is no fixed first single yet.

Despite the previous information of an April release this information does make sense by taking into account, that Producer Jerry Finn was quoted that 'the record will not be out before May or so' and that Boz Boorer told about additional 4-6 weeks in the studio to continue recording earlier this year.

No bigger retailer (in fact no-one but CDWow) - Internet-based or in the real world - does take pre-orders for the album or lists the album yet. So it seems to me that we have to wait a bit longer.
posted by davidt on Friday February 06 2004, @11:00AM
An anonymous person writes:

You can get a MP3 file named "i have forgiven jesus-you are the quarry" via soulseek, a fake techno song, very near to Morrissey´s style that makes fun of moz cliches, download and enjoy ;)
According to this thread on the general board, the song is actually by a Swedish band called Boys. A few years ago there was another mislabelled song called "Matchmaker" attributed to Morrissey going around that turned out to be a song by the Trashcan Sinatras.
posted by davidt on Friday February 06 2004, @11:00AM
Andy Rourke to work with Peter Hook (Joy Division, New Order)
charles byron writes:

just logged on to World In Motion - - and found the following news.

February 05, 2004

More info on Peter Hook new project:

A new band!!! featuring Andy Rourke former bassist of The Smiths, Mani from Primal Scream ( former bassist of The Stone Roses).

too many bass players if you ask me...

WeiB sends:

Smith, Marr Bolster Tweaker's 'Wakeup Call' (link to full article)

LOS ANGELES (Billboard) - Former Nine Inch Nails drummer Chris Vrenna (news) will release his second album under the Tweaker moniker on April 20.

The forthcoming set, "2 a.m. Wakeup Call," will feature guest vocals from the Cure's Robert Smith, David Sylvian (news), Will Oldham (news) and the Walkmen's Hamilton Leithauser, among others. Additionally, the Smiths' Johnny Marr (news) guests on guitar...
posted by davidt on Friday February 06 2004, @11:00AM
Jim Vanaria writes:

As a big fan of both Belle & Sebastian and The Smiths, I was pleasantly surprized to see that Stuart of B&S was wearing the Hatful of Hollow T-shirt while being interviewed on their newest DVD Release (Entitled Fans Only).
This was no quick shot either, in the scene, B&S are being interviewed on a Brazillian television show and Stuart is sitting on the couch proudly sporting his Smiths T-shirt. Just a quick FYI...
posted by davidt on Friday February 06 2004, @11:00AM
[site sponsor]
dave writes:

friday 13th February 2004

£2 before 1030 then £3

The Star & Garter
Fairfield St
(near piccadilly station new entrance)

Valentine Morrissey & Smiths Disco
playing all your favourite Morrissey love songs!

posted by davidt on Friday February 06 2004, @11:00AM
Club Bigmouth writes:

Another tribute night dedicated to the music of The Smiths and Morrissey will take place in Karlstad, Sweden on Friday the 20th February 2004. It is organised by music lovers from the indie/alternative/electro club Bigmouth together with the pop club Popcore. The party is a celebration of the upcoming Morrissey record and is held at Klaraborg (Kåren).

For this evening a free membership in Popcore is required (easiest way to fix this is through their web page, see below). The entrance fee is only 40 SEK. The doors open at 21.00 while the real party kicks off at 22.00.

For more info (in swedish only) please visit or
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