posted by davidt on Wednesday April 21 2004, @10:00AM
allikazoo writes:

On page E2 of the LA Times (Orange County Edition) Calendar section there's a review of the show at the Grove and a picture. I am told there is also an article in the Orange County Register, but I don't have one here.

(photo: Genaro Molina / LAT)

April 20, 2004
The feeling rock cult figure returns
If you want to see a man who's in touch with his feelings, get yourself into one of Morrissey's five sold-out shows.

By Richard Cromelin, Times Staff Writer
posted by davidt on Wednesday April 21 2004, @10:00AM
Maladjustedx writes:

Just wanted to give everyone a heads up. Boz’s tour diary is up, and it looks like he’ll be reporting just like he did back in 2002. It always a good read so check it out.

April 04

Morrissey's 2004 "You are the quarry" tour kicked off in Vegas on Saturday the 17th. The tour will cover some exotic events, unusual venues and performances. A lot of new stuff and a brillant new album is coming our way, but some good things stay the same and Boz will be in his usual space on the left hand of the stage. Follow him around the world as he'll be reporting all the highs and lows of life on the road with the Moz, and all the bits in between!
posted by davidt on Wednesday April 21 2004, @10:00AM
Devout writes:


Have you heard of this film beofre??

The 'Because we must' Moz phrase has driven me nuts and saw this:

Because We Must - PopcornQ Movies
(1989, Great Britain)
Director: Atlas, Charles

Has the Jarman bit to it so maybe true...

Because We Must starts with Michael Clark puking on the camera lens. Clark is the epitome of London's post-punk arty gay scene; like Derek Jarman, he's become increasingly both outspoken politically and respected professionally. Because We Must is a recording of the same-name show that first played at Sadlers Well, London, in 1989, put together with canny style by director Charles Atlas (who made the earlier Clark portrait, Hail the New Puritan, shown at the 1987 festival). Onstage: Marilyn lookalikes pose while a girl with a chain saw decapitates a colleague, all to a Chopin sonata. Backstage: Clark gives a lipsticky smile to the camera, and runs about changing his Leigh Bowery and Bodymap costumes every two minutes. The show hops backward in time to the sixties, from a comic, queeny cover of Ebony and Ivory, to T-Rex, Blue Meenies, and psychedelia--with a pitstop for pub-set Cockney songs and choreography. Strange by even British standards, Because We Must is possibly the queerest thing in this year's festival.

--Mark Finch
posted by davidt on Wednesday April 21 2004, @10:00AM
Anonymous writes:

Go to the Guestbook..An April 19th entry from Eddi Reader tells of her encounter with Morrissey at an REM gig..she confirms he is a real sweetheart

The entry:

posted 19 April 2004 16:50 GMT
OOH aint it great to have morrisey come play to us again... I am going to the manchester show I hope..... maybe he'll invite me for a wander round a cemetery...... the closest I got was when I went to visit REM playing in hammersmith london and he was backstage... I knew micheal stipe and the band because when I was in The Gang of Four touring the states, REM supported us.... I adored them and every sound check I would be there drinking in all the luscious harmonics of the MURMUR album that they were promoting.... so life went on , I quit singing back up and joined up with london life, met mark nevin , had hits... had children etc... then REM started to impact over here in a big way... ORANGE CRUSH was the single... Micheal was telling me that a hit would be so good for them because it make everything easier... they were all really happy for me that I had had some success with Fairground Attraction.... Anyway Morrisey was backstage and I was starstruck .. there were so many other 'star' types around that night... so I stood on the sidelines...

During the show morrisey came to where I stood and asked why I was there.... I told him all about the Gang of Four and my connection with the boys in REM... then morrisey did something really sweet... he said that he wanted to see the band from the sound desk and would I help him through the crowd... so he took my hand and I walked him to the sound desk... he melted my heart... and for a little while he left some messages on my phone.. but no return number ... so I couldnt contact him back... I heard he did that with other people...... anyway... I like that little memory...he's a sweetheart.
posted by davidt on Wednesday April 21 2004, @10:00AM
An anonymous person writes:

The Spanish text says they're just waiting for Morrissey's "final yes". Here's the link and the bit regarding Morrissey: - ¿Quién estará en el FIB?

El 10º aniversario del FIB promete hacer historia. Los rumores se iniciaron nada más terminar la edición 2003 del festival, pero en estas últimas fechas se han disparado. Sin duda el nombre más citado ha sido el de Morrissey, quien el próximo mes de mayo publica su álbum You Are The Quarry. El que fuera líder de los Smiths ha confirmado su presencia en algunos festivales europeos en el mes de agosto y está esperando a dar el "sí" definitivo al FIB.
posted by davidt on Wednesday April 21 2004, @10:00AM
Venus de Mile End writes:

What a turn up for the books. The ever-elusive Moz has finally made it into the hallowed pages of the UK's No 1 celebrity gossip rag, Heat mag. I guess the US equivalent is something like People or National Enquirer?

Anyway, he appears on the back page ("Say What?" section - "Oversexed, Overpaid, Overheard"), spouting forth on Pop Idol:

"I think all the contestants should be put in a cage and sent to Thailand"
Heat's riposte: "So Morrissey won't be auditioning for Pop Idol then"...

I just never thought I'd see the day!
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