Sweet and Tender Hooligans to perform in Texas and New Mexico (Nov. 19, 20)
Posted on Thu, Nov 18 1999 at 9:05 a.m. PST
by David T. <[email protected]>
From Jose Maldonado:

Morrissey/The Smiths tribute act Sweet and Tender Hooligans will be appearing at E9 in El Paso TX and The Golden West in Albuquerque NM

Friday November 19th
511 Western St.
El Paso TX (all ages)

Saturday November 20th
Golden West
620 Central Southwest
Albuquerque NM (21 and over)

The band will perform a set of Morrissey and The Smiths tunes and are always happy to take requests.

* item archived - comments / notes can no longer be added.

Comments / Notes

Everyone who lives near these places should go and see the Hooligans! They are really good and I highly recommend them.

See you in Hollywood on the 27th!

shelley <[email protected]>
you know - Thu, Nov 18, 1999 at 10:56:08 (PST) | #1


little little ones
- Thu, Nov 18, 1999 at 12:01:19 (PST) | #2

I agree with shelly. The hooligans are a real swell band. The group is a real talented bunch of fine young gentlemen.

Captain senile
- Thu, Nov 18, 1999 at 13:28:48 (PST) | #3

Utter CRAP

- Thu, Nov 18, 1999 at 13:45:48 (PST) | #4

How incredibly sad that you post your performance and then post messages as to how "swell" you are (don't pretend you didn't). Anyway, more to the point: Nothing shows raw, creative, artistic creativity quite as well as covering other artist. Brilliant indeed.....

goodbye to you my trusted friend
screaming with joy; mortally depressed - Thu, Nov 18, 1999 at 14:08:45 (PST) | #5

Ah Yeah. I'm really gonna go! I wish more stuff like this would come here!

Anna Serrano aka Ginger <[email protected]>
El Paso, Texas aka El Hell Hole - Thu, Nov 18, 1999 at 15:56:17 (PST) | #6

stop putting down the band, at least they're doing something, I couldn't say much for you though..

thank you SATH for the good times..

Xavier <[email protected]>
L.A. - Thu, Nov 18, 1999 at 17:24:54 (PST) | #7

Is anyone in the Los Angeles area interested in joining a Smiths cover band with me??
Please some one say yes, I can't do it alone.

Los Angeles, California - Thu, Nov 18, 1999 at 21:55:22 (PST) | #8

make your own kind of music, sing your own special songs

little little ones
- Fri, Nov 19, 1999 at 10:56:34 (PST) | #9

For your info, Captain Senile is NOT one of the hooligans and neither am I. The Hooligans are VERY talented and I suggest that everyone go to see them.

another nobody
- Fri, Nov 19, 1999 at 14:07:47 (PST) | #10

Well That SHOW ROCKED M'kay! The Hooligans are a great band and they put on a great show.

To those of you who don't really like the Hooligans F.U. cos that band is awsome! At least they are showing their love for Morrissey and The Smiths in a great way! I would like to see some of put a band like this together but I know you wouldn't cos you'll be whining and complaining too much that this music isn't original blah blah blah blah! So if you have crap to say to me e-mail me m'kay!

Anna Serrano aka Ginger <[email protected]>
El Paso, Texas aka El Hell Hole - Sat, Nov 20, 1999 at 09:19:19 (PST) | #11

morrissey's attorney's may file suit, just wait, they might have a gag order in their mailbox someday. they also have nothing to artistically express, nothing of their own lives to sing, no creativity, nothing. but, as they say to each his own but, what sensible person would do that ?

- Sun, Nov 21, 1999 at 19:34:25 (PST) | #12

Well r2-d2 or whatever the hell your name is look you should just quit bitchin' alright. They are show appreciation to Mr. Morrissey and The Smiths alright! If you are gonna talk smack at least put your real name and quit hidding behind a mornic name alright! Just by putting a fake name makes you or anybody else that a fake name a coward! Alright I hope you enjoy your day and your evening! THANK YOU!

Anna Serrano aka Ginger <[email protected]>
El Paso, Texas aka El Hell Hole - Sun, Nov 21, 1999 at 20:40:48 (PST) | #13

Will the Sweet and Tender Hooligans be performing outside of CA again, soon?
And if so, is Mr. Maldonado taking requests?
And if so, would he possibly sing something of
his own? It seems people want to know where the talent begins or ends.

that red head over there
- Mon, Nov 22, 1999 at 21:19:00 (PST) | #14

Well remember Ms./Mr. Redhead over...etc.
Keep it up Hooligans.....better you play Morrissey/Smiths the way it should be played than some dumb "harcore" band covering it on some stupid tribute record.

Steve <[email protected]>
......... - Tue, Nov 23, 1999 at 10:46:24 (PST) | #15

I shall take my own advice as soon as this has been entered; but I must say that most would do well by keeping their pitiful opinions to themselves. There is no need to provide proof of your ignorance here. I'm sure more than enough people encounter it on a daily basis. No need to unnecessarily expose more to it. You drain the energy out of any sensible person and it's sad that this world has to be shared with the likes of you. Dear Anna Serrano from lovely El Paso, Texas: SHUT YOUR MOUTH

- Tue, Nov 23, 1999 at 17:23:53 (PST) | #16

For the talented steve
Brilliant is a word used often in england
please add this to your genius list


Mr. Maldonado is full of brilliance- all we need to do is ask.

susan jessup
- Tue, Nov 23, 1999 at 21:04:10 (PST) | #17


Yet you are another coward! Geez! Welly welly welly you certainly need a good dose of an ass kicking but I'm trying to be mature about it and you people really piss me off! I'm only giving you my opinion and well if you don't agree with me its your beef alright! So I suggest YOU FRIKIN' KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT! Well heres my little advice to you quit bitchin' about some else's opinion.

Ignorance leads to envy!


Anna Serrano aka Ginger <[email protected]>
El Paso, Texas aka El Hell Hole - Wed, Nov 24, 1999 at 08:27:53 (PST) | #18

i wish i was morrissey, i wish i was morrissey, i wish i was morrissey, i wish i was morrissey, i wish i was morrissey, i wish i was morrissey, i wish i was morrissey, i wish i was i am morrissey i am morrissey, i am morrissey......

hooligan lover
- Wed, Nov 24, 1999 at 10:20:24 (PST) | #19

i saw this waste of a band once. they are pathetic and a f***ing joke!! the chaches who go see this
"band" are possibly worst. they all act like the
real moz is on stage. PLEASE!!!! Be original. just

george o.
- Tue, Nov 30, 1999 at 11:05:17 (PST) | #20

What's wrong with all of you? All of you are acting like a bunch of children. So F!@#$%* what if a band likes to play songs that are dear to them! Let them play and move on. I haven't had a chance to see them but I admire them for doing what they feel so much for. I'm a die hard Smiths fan and I'm all for a band that brings the beauty of the Smiths to the younger generation. El Paso is my home town and I feel a sense of pride that we have a band such as The Tender Hooligans playing in and out of our town. Enough with the snide remarks about El Paso as well. Those who haven't lived there don't understand the beauty of its' culture and desert surroudings. We all mock what we don't understand. Viva Smiths, Viva Morrissey and Viva The Tender Hooligans!!

Crisostimo <[email protected]>
Austin, Tx - Thu, Dec 02, 1999 at 10:31:55 (PST) | #21

I for one live in El Paso and I think it truly sucks ass! The Hooligans are awesome and sure do hope they come back! Well thats all out of me!

Anna Serrano aka Ginger <[email protected]>
El Paso, Texas aka El Hell Hole - Thu, Dec 02, 1999 at 20:14:14 (PST) | #22

You're young yet, Ginger. Just wait till you move away and you'll be yearning to come back. I really dislike when people put down where they are from. With time you'll learn to appreciate where you came from.

Crisostimo <[email protected]>
Austin, Tx - Fri, Dec 03, 1999 at 08:50:16 (PST) | #23

I see that Jose has not updated his info.
Perhaps Maldonado could answer some of the questions that have been asked here.
Are the Hooligans listed anywhere else?
Mr. Maldonado, are you listening?
It could be that you are actually debating the idea of showing who you are under the MOZ mask.

Peggy VanAlden
- Wed, Dec 08, 1999 at 21:45:15 (PST) | #24

Sweet and Tender.....
is the bomb, they totally rocked at the
Morrissey/Smith Convention in L.A.
Everyone who has a chance to go and see them
please do, they sound just like the Smiths!!
They are very talented.
Alright Sweet and Tender Hooligans, come to
Dallas or Arlington Texas, to perform. Alot
of fans over here!! Hint Hint!!!
Give L.A. a big Phat Kiss, Boy do I miss the smog!

Anna <[email protected]>
Not close enough to Morrissey - Thu, Dec 09, 1999 at 22:24:47 (PST) | #25

Does anyone know what the Hooligans are doing now or where their next gig is?

- Fri, Dec 10, 1999 at 08:31:08 (PST) | #26

what kind of crap is that?

If I had never moved away from where I was from, I wouldn't be here today!

trust me, I have a chance of actually being something now - Mon, Dec 13, 1999 at 18:59:08 (PST) | #27

* return to Morrissey-solo