Morrissey Central "Because We Must" (May 14, 2021)

It's far far better then posts with Lil Yachty ( whoever he is ) and Miley Virus wearing Moz t-shirts ;)
Awful song all together...
Never liked it....

And them kitchen tiles the scruffy Bastard..
I can see a cheap bottle of off-brand washing up liquid, too. The man has no respect for himself or his dishes.
Awful song all together...
Never liked it....

And them kitchen tiles the scruffy Bastard..
I don’t know if you are right or wrong Baz. Where I come from we were raised to believe people from Carlisle beat their carpets on a washing line. Forgive me if I’m wrong. X
Sorry. This is not good. The phrasing, anticipation and general timing is out. It's a busker's version.

Let me explain the thinking here...

Here's a YOUNGER PERSON, therefore a newcomer, unsullied by previous releases, who likes a song on a RECENT (relatively) album, and says he like MY (not that other chap's) version, which makes me, despite all that other nonsense you may have heard, RELEVANT.

Please give me a record deal. Young people still like me. All that other stuff you may have heard is nonsense.


you heard skinny, nutter trolls, give skinny a record deal
because the young peeps😑
at HNH still like him, they really do.:crazy:

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