My Embarassing Stalker Named Michelle.

I've had this conversation a million times with a million people and it never goes anywhere and I am not going to hold my breath for a different result here. Additionally, I have more than enough ass-goblins pelting my Solo door with eggs right now, I'm not looking to start another bitchfest, especially over this subject.

OK. Then I'll stop here if you wish. My intention was not to add more to your overflowing table. Normally, I ignore comments like this: "atheists are morons." I look at the source and immediately realize it is not worth my time and effort to even address it. But for some reason, I called you out. You can backpedal now, "...when I use the word "moron" to describe atheists, I'm being somewhat tongue in cheek and intentionally hyperbolic. Many atheists are morons...but not because they are atheists...rather, I find them moronic because they usually feel the need to proclaim their atheism at every turn...", but the point is, you made a pejorative remark about a group of people to which I belong. The comment is what bothered me, not the fact that you believe a god created certain women to be beautiful. You can believe in a god or gods if you wish. I only called you out on your belief because I felt you should justify it if you are going to call non-believers morons. You have provided a lengthy reply. I appreciate you taking the time to respond. But I do feel that you have said much without really saying anything at all. And I can point this out by replying to each of your statements if you wish. I am in no way backing out. I will let you end the discussion now if you choose. Let me know. The ball is in your court. If you choose to end it now, I'll in no way think that you are lacking the intellectual muscle to continue the debate. I'll take you for your word, that you are much too busy to start another debate. No hard feelings here.
What the hell was all that about? Nobody's "backing away" from anything, nor do I care whether you think I have the "intellectual muscle" to debate this subject.

Exactly. I was stating that I understand if you are too busy and/or have no interest in discussing this further. I did not want to waste my time replying if it was not welcomed. I was not trying to stir up trouble or provoke you and I wanted to make that clear.

As for the concept in general, and your assessment that I have said "said much without really saying anything at all," well, basically all existential philosophy is hinged on people saying a lot without really getting anywhere. You know why? Because nobody knows for sure. Nobody.

What I meant is that you made some general statements but didn't back them up with reasons for those beliefs. For example, you said, "I'm familiar with Darwin; I think he was a genius but I do not think he had it all figured out and I think that he had a lot of holes in his bag." I ask, how was he a genius? In what way? Why do you think he was a genius? And yet you claim he had holes in his bag. What holes? Can you explain what you mean by these statements and how you came to these conclusions? But, I'm not asking you to answers these questions, btw. I'm just providing an example of what I mean by vacuous statements.

Somehow we exist...

This really is the last question. Why is there something rather than nothing? You claim God created the universe. But then what created God? God is something. He is not the nothing...the thing before anything existed. The God theory does not answer this question.

I respect atheism as a theory, just as I respect Christianity as a theory, however I despise Christians who cannot live and let live where other creeds/belief systems are concerned.

Atheism isn't a theory. It isn't even a philosophy or set of beliefs. It simply means no belief in god or gods. It makes no claims. Christianity is a theology--a teleological philosophy that does make ontological claims--how humans and the universe came to exist.

I'm way past the age where people sit around at 2 a.m. and eat cheese and drink wine and mispronounce multisyllabic words while they jerk each other off trying to sound smarter than one another. I don't care. I work, I have bills and obligations; kids to raise...I can't put real life on hold while I figure out what it all means.

And yet, you found it a good use of your time to create this thread and argue with a stalker? Would you rather your son talk about philosophy with his friends or spend time complaining about being stalked? Not that talking about being stalked is a misuse of time. But neither is talking about the meaning of life. This is another one of your remarks that you made without giving much of a justification for other than saying it's child's play, a waste of time. Nobody need outgrow wonder and curiosity about our natural world and how it works. Just look how many gray haired folks make up the science labs. This is not a childish pursuit.

And I wasn't backpedaling. To tell you the truth, I do find most atheists to be morons...but then I find most people to be morons, so don't take it as a specific personal attack. Additionally, my original comment was to that Viva Gil guy, talking about some chick that was hanging on his dick or something, and it was to him I was referring when I made that comment, after he professed his "atheism." He is a moron. Yeah.

I find it unfortunate that the atheists you have met are morons. I on the other hand have found atheists to be above average intelligence, live ethical and moral lives, and to care about the environment and its inhabitants.

If I'd known you were gonna get all Jane Hathaway on me, I'd have probably not said it. I wasn't looking for a goddamned debate about God, especially in this thread.

That is fine. Sometimes we should think first before posting on a community forum where our words can and are read by anyone--including our family members.

The other comment I made that seems to have pinched your nipple a little too hard was the one about how I believe in God when I see a beautiful woman...I don't know why that bothers you so much; it seems you have more issues with the concept of beautiful women than with that of the existence of an omnipotent creator being.

It struck a nerve because I don't think a supernatural deity selected the genes to create a beautiful human--be it a man, woman, or child. I think nature did the selecting via natural selection. My objection was not that your remark was sexist, if this is what you are inferring. It was that your remark shows an ignorance of science. I love beautiful women. And men.

So yeah, we can discuss this, or not; I am more than happy to continue, and I am also fine with dropping it. Either way the sun is going to rise and set each day, whether we understand it or not, which is kind of the whole point I was making to begin with. Very little matters other than eating, breathing, breeding, working, dying.

OK. But I am not out to win a debate. This is not my desire or intention. I just like to discuss... have a conversation about things I find interesting. But as you already stated earlier, metaphysics isn't really your cup of tea. And that is OK.
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I'll discuss this with you for now but not here. This thread has run its course, as far as I'm concerned. It served my purpose and that's all I made it for.

So, we can continue this here.
It was already hijacked before it was made. :D

Did somebody say 'hijack'?
I need a place to talk about the magnificent experience of being stalked.

Now, I know what you're thinking..."Skylarker has a stalker?! LOLZ!" but embarrassingly yes...Skylarker has a stalker.

Now, am I worried, you may ask? Nah. More amused than anything else, and sometimes annoyed.

Where should I start...well, from the beginning, I guess.

So settle in, those bored enough to listen, as I begin unfurling the drama, post by post...

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