Recent content by MLJ

  1. M

    James Maker Statement: Is Morrissey a racist?

    Why do Nazis always have strops/anger problems? Lil Nazi snowflakes.
  2. M

    James Maker Statement: Is Morrissey a racist?

    As you're probably well aware, since Corbyn won the leadership election in 2015, there has been an ongoing civil war in the Labour Party between Labour's traditional Democratic Socialists and a small but powerful number of Blairites. Blairism is the same ideology as Thatcherism, so you can...
  3. M

    James Maker Statement: Is Morrissey a racist?

    Wow, that's got to be the most grimly stupid fusillade of shite I've read for a long time. Known Neo Nazis publicly saluting Hitler for a laugh? I can only imagine how you reacted to the news of the protesters killed by white supremacists in Charlottesville. You have serious mental health...
  4. M

    Kevin Scanlon - Morrissey pictures

    If 'eccentric' is meant as a euphemism for 'racist'. Let's not pretend that supporting a racist political organisation is merely symptomatic of 'eccentricity'.
  5. M

    James Maker Statement: Is Morrissey a racist?

    Well, I'm what you might call a 'Corbynite'. I have a few Muslim and Jewish friends in the Labour Party who have all received a barrage of threats from right wing nutters over recent years. What made us friends in theffirst place was that we all shared the same desire to stand up for the poor...
  6. M

    James Maker Statement: Is Morrissey a racist?

    Have you read 'The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists'? It's a brilliant book. I particularly like the part describing workers who, rather than blame their exploitative masters for the abject poverty they live in, look for answers in 'The Daily Chlorophorm' and 'The Daily Obscurer' and end up...
  7. M

    James Maker Statement: Is Morrissey a racist?

    Those who are familiar with the expoilts of For Britain's founders and those involved with them, rightly condemn these hate preachers for what they are. You really need to look into these people to understand just how grim it all is. I sincerely hope that Morrissey eventually receives some...
  8. M

    James Maker Statement: Is Morrissey a racist?

    Derek, did you support the BNP? What about the National Front? What about Pegida? And Tommy Robinson? I assume, from your extensive research, you are familiar with them and their links to Anne Marie Waters?
  9. M

    James Maker Statement: Is Morrissey a racist?

    Sweet and tender hooligans/killers/Neo Nazis.
  10. M

    James Maker Statement: Is Morrissey a racist?

    Reasonable? You're not familiar with Pegida, Tommy Robinson et al? Does THAT video constitute the full extent of your research on For Britain?
  11. M

    selling off my collection

    I doubt they'll be worth much now, unfortunately.
  12. M

    James Maker Statement: Is Morrissey a racist?

    Dig deep for that one did you?
  13. M

    James Maker Statement: Is Morrissey a racist?

    So why does he openly support a racist political organisation? And don't tell me For Britain aren't racist. Research!
  14. M

    James Maker Statement: Is Morrissey a racist?

    I still haven't decided whether to laugh or cry at the "Hitler was left wing" comment. f***ing hell — what do you need to do to be right wing in Morrissey's warped little world? Are For Britain and their BNP rejects actually nothing more than gentle, lettuce-munching hippies obsessed with social...
  15. M

    James Maker Statement: Is Morrissey a racist?

    Bang on! Billionaire tax-dodging media barons, like Murdoch and Lord Rothermere, love us to point the finger at immigrants or benefit claimants. No talk of the homeless or the lives claimed by the austerity scam. Britain has the 6th largest economy on earth, yet supposedly we can't afford to...
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