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  1. Tottenham Tom

    The People I Dont Like - The Smiths?

    Re: "The People I Dont Like" - The Smiths? Purleeze! The words "We have an old tape in the loft" are such a giveaway. If you really had such a tape, you'd find it first, convert it to a better format, and either make shed-loads of money out of it, or pass it on to us and be a hero. As it...
  2. Tottenham Tom

    The People I Dont Like - The Smiths?

    We've been here before.... This tape was fiction too! TT
  3. Tottenham Tom

    Ever had a bizzare dream featuring Moz?

    (Creepy I know, but I'm not really answering my own post! Honest!) I since found out that the song was made famous by Nat King Cole and it is called to What'll I do. If Morrissey reads this... then there's an idea for ya! TT
  4. Tottenham Tom

    Ever had a bizzare dream featuring Moz?

    Has anybody else on the site ever had any dreams (bizzare or otherwise) featuring Morrissey? I had one years ago, where I dreamt I was on my way to one of his concerts (not sure where, you don't always recognise places in dreams for some reason) I was very late and the harder I tried to run...
  5. Tottenham Tom

    Greatest Hits/New Studio Album debate

    Following on from all the endless conjecture about the possible new album - not to mention the dubious but nevertheless interesting posts from individuals such as Roma De Moz (New Song Titles post below somewhere), it occurred to me that even though Morrissey's new album might actually be called...
  6. Tottenham Tom

    If Mozzalini handed YOU the mic......

    "....I'm here to see Kristeen Young" or "Do you think I'm Julia or something?" or "Is that thing clean?" or "Why have you never returned my calls?" or "The vicar said he can fit us in in September..." TT
  7. Tottenham Tom

    Moz Greatest Hits CD Appreciation Thread

    Enough is enough... I for one would welcome a Greatist Hits compliation. The Suedehead one was ages ago and needs dramatically updating. The Best Of... was okay but also very old now. My Early Burgulary Years was really good - but it wasn't a greatest hits thing anyway - mostly harder to...
  8. Tottenham Tom

    Battle of the new songs!

    Okay, it's not worth a poll, but generally speaking, which of the two new songs do you prefer - "All You Need Is Me" or "That's How People Grow Up"? I'll start things of by saying that after hearing both only once, I preferred All You Need Is Me, but now that I've heard them a few times...
  9. Tottenham Tom

    Unreleased Moz songs - Definitive list?

    Anybody got a link to an mp3 of Home is a Question Mark? You will be rewarded in heaven. Thanks in advance! TT
  10. Tottenham Tom

    Unreleased Moz songs - Definitive list?

    I'd rather it was with vocals. I know about most of instrumentals kicking around and that's really for the uber-completists amongst us. Trying to sort out the confirmed from the rumoured unreleased complete songs is a nightmare - I did find a really good site which deals with this very topic...
  11. Tottenham Tom

    Unreleased Moz songs - Definitive list?

    I'm hoping to compile a CD or ipod playlist for myself (and anyone who might want a copy) of all of Morrissey's unreleased songs. I need help forming an absolute definite list of all the songs he has recorded (live or studio) but that he has not yet released. Thing is, there are lots of...
  12. Tottenham Tom

    Do U have some piece of advice to Moz for his tour?

    Come back to the UK for more dates... we haven't seen you live for months now! TT
  13. Tottenham Tom

    Funniest Moz Lyric

    After all the vitriol in Boy Racer... but then where the chorus unexpectedly goes.. Have you seen him go though!! TT
  14. Tottenham Tom

    I Know Very Well How I Got My Name

    I always thought he sang "A man with Southern ways" instead of the actual sullen ways line... Don't know why.... Southern ways seemed very Morrissey to me. Cracking song though. TT
  15. Tottenham Tom

    The title of Morrissey's next album?

    More thoughts… Live at Madison Square Garden (Yes, Morrissey, that’s a hint if you read this site) The Sound of the City Oh phoney! (Just the title… the song doesn’t need to be included) The Best of British Itinerant Child (A live album) Anthology (Boring I know…but it...
  16. Tottenham Tom

    The title of Morrissey's next album?

    Okay, lets assume he's going to continue making albums... let's hear your imaginative/witty/appropriate/potential/ridiculous album titles. I'll start... (although they all suck!) 1. "A lifetime of under-acheivement" (This is a dig at the Brit/NME Awards) 2. "Questionable"...
  17. Tottenham Tom

    How Could Anybody Possibly Know How I Feel? question

    I always though it was another of those added voices that we hear so often in Morrissey's records. To my ears it sounds like a voice similar to the one at the beginning of Maladjusted (Anthony Newley) and it sounds to me as if he is saying something like "We told you" Anyway, that's what I...
  18. Tottenham Tom

    If The Smiths had continued to this day.....

    I'd imagine that much of the lyrics and the main themes would have been the same.... although perhaps less of the "evil legal eagle" type stuff. Musically it could have been a bit different though. Viva Hate could easily pass as a Smiths album and there are elements of each album that...
  19. Tottenham Tom

    ‘Pigsty’ has won the downloading vote (please read)

    ...and...and....there's more... the song choice is waaaay wrong too. Something more uptempo like Daddy's Voice or NF Disco would have caused more of a stir. Or perhaps something rare - Pigsty is so last year! ;-)
  20. Tottenham Tom

    fao Morrissey the 23rd

    I can put my hand on my heart and state quite categorically that Morrissey the 23rd, despite being a Celtic fan (and subsequently prone to lapses in taste) has never, to my knowledge, had a mullet. Unless he grew one between tours.... in which case then you'd be right - but it's unlikely - and...
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