"Andy Rourke Tells All" - The Daily Beast interview from 2011; Morrissey-solo mentioned

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Bigmouth Strikes Again: Smiths Bassist Andy Rourke Tells All - The Daily Beast
by Michael Moynihan Oct 13, 2013 12:17 PM EDT


All of this was unsurprising: the terrifically wealthy singer is both notoriously prickly and embarrassingly tight-fisted. The Penguin affair reminded me of a lovely afternoon I spent in the East Village with his former band mate Andy Rourke, the talent behind (partially) bass-driven Smiths classics “This Charming Man,” “Pretty Girls Make Graves,” “Barbarism Begins at Home,” and “You’ve Got Everything Now.” Morrissey and Rourke haven’t spoken in decades; he has since dismissively referred to The Smiths’ rhythm section as mere session musicians. When we chatted in 2011, Rourke dryly noted that his songwriting credits with Morrissey resulted in no royalties.

During a long, meandering conversation lubricated by much beer and wine, Rourke discussed Morrissey’s famous avariciousness (“If anyone asks for a pay raise, they get fired”), his move to New York, and the just-emerging Anthony Weiner scandal (“He looks like a douchebag”). Unlike Morrissey and former Smiths guitarist Johnny Marr, Rourke—who since the Smiths breakup has played with Sinead O'Connor, Killing Joke, and members of the Stone Roses and Happy Mondays—lives an ascetic life, though not by choice. When I met him, he had just moved into Manhattan from the part-hipster, part-terrifying Brooklyn neighborhood of Bushwick.

I’m not entirely sure why, but when Rourke later disappeared during negotiations about being photographed for a piece I was writing on him, the tape of our 2011 conversation disappeared. In honor of next week's publication of Morrissey: Autobiography I offer an edited and condensed version of our somewhat bibulous discussion.

...The Morrissey-solo mention:

What do you think when the partisan fan websites like Morrissey-Solo talk about you?

They never say anything nice. I had a stalker for a few years, and she was actually banned from the Morrissey-Solo website. She used to say crazy stuff, and then people would go crazy on her, and then I used to get this backlash from it. Shit, what the hell did I do?
I don't think Andy Ison was banned from the Morrissey-Solo website, they probably just had asperger's or something. But wasn't Mike Joyce banned at one time?
Yeah I thought Andy Ison was friends with Mike Joyce and Johnny Donnelly at one time. At first I though Andy Ison was Andy Rourke himself messing about- as in Andy 'is on' line. But I found out they were a real little person, a young girl called Andy. Heather Street (Andy Rourke's ex-partner) used to pretend to be friends with Andy Ison on Moz-solo which was a cruel and manipulative thing to do, it got Andy Ison excited and made her seem like she stood a chance with Andy Rourke. Heather Street wasn't related to Stephen Street to my knowledge, although at first I thought Heather was Stephen Street's daughter messing around. Andy Ison had problems like asperger's syndrome or depression or something, but I really doubt she was ever banned from Moz-solo. Andy Ison knew a lot about music and used to talk about The Beatles and her cats a lot. I know nothing about Andy Rourke's ex-manager Nova Rehman or the singer Rowetta but have seen their names crop up on here.
Yeah I thought Andy Ison was friends with Mike Joyce and Johnny Donnelly at one time. At first I though Andy Ison was Andy Rourke himself messing about- as in Andy 'is on' line. But I found out they were a real little person, a young girl called Andy. Heather Street (Andy Rourke's ex-partner) used to pretend to be friends with Andy Ison on Moz-solo which was a cruel and manipulative thing to do, it got Andy Ison excited and made her seem like she stood a chance with Andy Rourke. Heather Street wasn't related to Stephen Street to my knowledge, although at first I thought Heather was Stephen Street's daughter messing around. Andy Ison had problems like asperger's syndrome or depression or something, but I really doubt she was ever banned from Moz-solo. Andy Ison knew a lot about music and used to talk about The Beatles and her cats a lot. I know nothing about Andy Rourke's ex-manager Nova Rehman or the singer Rowetta but have seen their names crop up on here.

Stop talking to yourself Andrea and get some help.

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