At last Sunday's Boca-River game

Did I love it?
I got married there last week (Thursday before the game!)

Absolutely wonderful city!

I would not be surprised if Moz writes a song about it (maybe some pun about its brown water?)

Can't wait to revisit and go south to Patagonia.

Congratulations, have you been to Jack the Ripper? the only pub in BA where you can listen to Smiths/Moz all night long?
I don't really know much about football, but I believe that the matches in Brazil are bigger than the ones in Argentina.

I believe that Boca is bigger than River Plate. And it seems to me that teams such as São Paulo FC, Corinthians and Palmeiras have much more titles than Boca.

As I see you people don't know much about football, but it is by far the most important derby in southamerica and it is internationally considered one of ten sports event you must see before you die. Brazilian football is not interesting for anyone outside Brazil (other than Ronaldo, of course).
And Argentinean supporters are even more passionate than Italians.

I'm a River Plate fan but it's cool to see someone in the '12' wearing a Moz T-shirt, though. And it's true, the New York Dolls were playing last weekend at a place called Roxy. Amazing!!!
As I see you people don't know much about football, but it is by far the most important derby in southamerica and it is internationally considered one of ten sports event you must see before you die. Brazilian football is not interesting for anyone outside Brazil (other than Ronaldo, of course).
And Argentinean supporters are even more passionate than Italians.

I'm a River Plate fan but it's cool to see someone in the '12' wearing a Moz T-shirt, though. And it's true, the New York Dolls were playing last weekend at a place called Roxy. Amazing!!!

^ Los Borrachos Del Tablon don't mess around, huh homie? That was cold what happened to Gonzalo Acro. What's the latest with La Barra Brava de River?

I live here in the States, but futbol is my passion second to Morrissey.
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