London 6 night questions...

Entirely too much so, given the tone of the second post.

Curse the the Euro. Thanks to the exchange rate it is too expensive for me to go. Add that to the fact that I am not a "hostel" type of guy and it looks like I will never leave the US shores.

Although I have been to Canada and Mexico.... fun times... fun times...
Curse the the Euro. Thanks to the exchange rate it is too expensive for me to go. Add that to the fact that I am not a "hostel" type of guy and it looks like I will never leave the US shores.

Although I have been to Canada and Mexico.... fun times... fun times...

Curse the Euro? Curse the tanking American dollar.

According to something i just read...Latin America is currently a good value for American tourists since many local currencies are tied to the U.S. dollar. According to the author, Argentina and Peru are currently the best values for American tourists... as well as many Asian countries. Thought I'd share this for those Americans looking to go on vacation and actually be able to enjoy it.
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