Moz on the cover of the new issue of 'Word'

Kewpie is correct. This photo was used along with some others that appeared in Time Out magazine around the time of Meltdown.

Morrissey was interviewed by the writer Peter Arnott and some photos were taken in the closed underground station.

One of my favorite interviews, btw. It included the memorable quote, "I was born in rain, raised in rain, and didn't seek shelter until I was 13" or something like that along the lines.

Oh dear. Then someone should tell them that the photo credit is wrong. There's some other photos in the article, icluding one splendid one of Moz sticking his tongue out, pulling a face. Shall I post it?

are you a paper boy LOL

Am I a paper boy? Hee hee, well sort of. I have a route of sorts.

Let's just say I know the area enough to find what I need.

Kewpie is correct. This photo was used along with some others that appeared in Time Out magazine around the time of Meltdown.

Morrissey was interviewed by the writer Peter Arnott and some photos were taken in the closed underground station.

One of my favorite interviews, btw. It included the memorable quote, "I was born in rain, raised in rain, and didn't seek shelter until I was 13" or something like that along the lines.

i've not read that none , can you scan it it would be worthwhile seeing it sounds quite good

i like hes recycling old images
i've not read that none , can you scan it it would be worthwhile seeing it sounds quite good

i like hes recycling old images

To Vivabob and others as requested, below is the Time Out article as it appeared in the June 2-9 2004 issue.

Its a short article, but a nice read and I've included the image in question. The interview itself briefly mentions the local of the photoshoot.

I mentioned in my last post that the writer was Peter Arnott. His name is in fact Jake Arnott.

I must have had Peter on the mind! :p Enjoy.




To Vivabob and others as requested, below is the Time Out article as it appeared in the June 2-9 2004 issue.

Its a short article, but a nice read and I've included the image in question. The interview itself briefly mentions the local of the photoshoot.

I mentioned in my last post that the writer was Peter Arnott. His name is in fact Jake Arnott.

I must have had Peter on the mind! :p Enjoy.

Excellent post - sorry for being dense - who's the bloke stood next to Moz?


**EDIT** - DUH! I got it now.
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