Was WPINOYB buried because of the title?

the lack of its presence in the media is quite questionable, indeed.

harvest deal break and consequential 'poor marketing' are deficient excuses.

p.s. i suggest k. perry to make a cover of 'kick the bride'
Interesting people think the song is not about their country. I never thought it was about underdeveloped countries but ALL countries. The New World Order is around us and the lyrics are as relevant to people in the UK and USA as anywhere. I also believe a decision would have been made by radio and TV to ignore the song and, consequently, the album

If you take up a stance which is in any way deemed as anti-establishment you'll suffer a mixture of derision and exclusion from the media. Morrissey for sure is a victim of this but it's a price worth paying, if only he realised. John Lydon has always suffered the same fate. I don't think World Peace is an exception, it's been going on for three decades.
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