What is Mike Joyce doing now??


Andy I.

Is he in the Seers. Mike Joyce hates me like they all do now. Apart from Andy Votel BUT Andy Votel MAY TELL LIES!!!
First off,why would anyone want to know what this ass clowns doing??? but if you must,last time i heard,he was scrubbing toilets at the local BOBs BBQ shack. he's also head fry cook there. But,he doesnt know howe to use the machines,he has to have someone program the buttons for him(much like the way marr had to do all the work for mike in the smiths). Just goes to show,the guys a useless f***.
> First off,why would anyone want to know what this ass clowns doing??? but
> if you must,last time i heard,he was scrubbing toilets at the local BOBs
> BBQ shack. he's also head fry cook there. But,he doesnt know howe to use
> the machines,he has to have someone program the buttons for him(much like
> the way marr had to do all the work for mike in the smiths). Just goes to
> show,the guys a useless f***.

Oh please try to have an independant thought of your own, Mike Joyce is one of the best drummers I've ever heard - end of story.
> Oh please try to have an independant thought of your own, Mike Joyce is
> one of the best drummers I've ever heard - end of story.

Huzzah! A voice of reason! And Mr Pimp can't spell.
People without reason resort to violence and poor grammar.


Moron,he had to have ALL of his drum patterns designed FOR him by johnny MARR. Say all you want,if he cant even figure out how to do his own drum patterns,he's a shitty drummer.End of story!!!!!
> Moron,he had to have ALL of his drum patterns designed FOR him by johnny
> MARR. Say all you want,if he cant even figure out how to do his own drum
> patterns,he's a shitty drummer.End of story!!!!!

Wrong, boyo. I saw him before the Smiths when he was in Victim, at the 1in12 in Bradford, and he was shit-hot. I don't know where you get your information from.
Can you reveal your sources for this shocking insight?

I find it funny that morrissey has said on numerous occasions that mike had to have his drum patterns designed for him by johnny because "he couldnt comprehend them". Now ask yourself this question mr drummer,if he were as great as you claim,why isnt he working now??? why isnt he drumming for some other artists??? why is he so f***ing stupid that he cant secure his own money until 10 years after the bands brokjen up,then decides'well,im broke,why not make all the others broke too??" and sue morrissey??? sounds like not a very bright person to me. He hasnt done shit for any other bands of significance,yet you clamour to him and worship him as a musician???? get a clue f***ball,he's shit!!!!!! Mike joyce is the reason why the smiths will never get back together. Morrissey has said that a million f***ing times,Id expect the people in the cheap seats to know that. If joyce were amazing,he'd be working right now and wouldnt need to "sue" morrissey now would he????? He's working all right..."is that paper or plastic???"
Imbecil....morrisseys said it countless times,check out thw word interview, its printed right in there f***face...... why would morrissey lie about that????? imbecil....pure imbecil
Wrong f***o,hell,even johnny admitted that during an old The The interview....dunce...HEED YOUR OWN ADVICE!!!!!!
And in case you were born an idiot(dont answer that),Im talking about the WORD magazine interview he did a few months back. Its right in there,do your homework f***stain. H talked about how he and johnny protected mike from taxes and all....and said"johnny even created all his drum patterns for him"....f***in imbecil!!!!!!! PAY ATTENTION,SHUT YOUR f***IN PIE HOLE and THEN TALK.
> Imbecil....morrisseys said it countless times,check out thw word
> interview, its printed right in there f***face...... why would morrissey
> lie about that????? imbecil....pure imbecil

Listen Sunny Jim, I am commenting on the performance PRE-SMITHS. You are not.
What you do seem to be doing, however, is backing up Moz's position unquestioningly. Also, you forget that Joyce drummed for The Buzzcocks for a good period in the last few years. Who arranged those beats then? Who wrote them for Victim? Your mantra appears to be Sorrow Will Come In The End. And you really need to look further than your nose-end, or indeed, the inside of your prematurely addled brain.

Oh, and your spelling and grammar is still dreadful.

Re: Not a goddamned thing??

Ok sunny jim(whatever the f*** that means)...what does my post mean??? hmmm...let me think...It just means that I told you you f***in imbecil. Not only that,what the f*** have the buzzcocks done??? and he sure was in victim...we were all "victims" for listening to that dreadful shit. First off ass clown,id believe a guy like morrissey who was there ass face( or did you forget he was the lead singer???),then some "I think I know more than you" dumbshit like yourself. I dont give a f***ity f*** f*** what bands he was in pre or prior to the smiths...he still sucks.

But seriously,ask yourself this question(once again,pay attention): if he were so great,why would he need someone to design and create his drum patterns for him???? any musician can learn from others,whcih im sure is what he did. Maybe(and Im being more than courteous by doing this),he's a comp-lete and utter idiot who has lived off the work others have done for him,yet when it comes time for his "shine of the spotlight" he falls on his duff???? think thats correct. Hes a first rate ass clown!!!!! You've got to be an idiot to have someone else design and create your drum pattersn then try to sue claiming you were part of the band,no anus,you werent. if you're not smart enough to play the drums yourself,then someone else played tyhe drums making you a non member of the smiths...... have a good day f***stick!!!!!

Do yourself a favor: read up on all your shit before you go spewing off???? thanks.
Re: Not a goddamned thing??

I have won again.......... Whats mike doing now??? (wait,i see him in that dumpster behind vons,ill go ask him). Thats my point. funny,I recently read a drum masgazine rating the top 100 drummers ever,and i didnt see a mike or a joyce or a mike joyce on that list anywhere.......... so that means to me....he f***in sucks.

Take what im about to tell you as the truth(because it is): johnny and morrissey couldve had a " back up" or studio" drummer on the albums,and theyd still be better off. Hell,spike,spencer and dean are better drummers than mike. Morrissey could have a mariachi band bacjk him up and sound better than mike. Your mom could play better than mike,and she has no arms..(the dude from def leppard) can blow mike away on drums.
BTW donkeydick,i didnt even know the buzzcocks were still alive??? are they even together????? They sucked with mike and now without him..... see,all signs point to:mike joyce is an ass clown!!!!!! But dont taake my word for it....take that of the 5 or 6 lawsuits he's filed against morrissey and marr.......that should be enough proof that hes a f***im bafoon.
Mike is currently applying A200 to a rather nasty crab infestation...

Eat at Joe's Crab Shack!!
at this EXACT moment?

I dunno, probably demanding spare change (or else he'll sue!) outside a local Starbucks franchise.

That sounded a lot funnier in my head, it did.
Proper is right about Johnny(and Karim Garcia)

> Listen Sunny Jim, I am commenting on the performance PRE-SMITHS. You are
> not.
> What you do seem to be doing, however, is backing up Moz's position
> unquestioningly. Also, you forget that Joyce drummed for The Buzzcocks for
> a good period in the last few years. Who arranged those beats then? Who
> wrote them for Victim? Your mantra appears to be Sorrow Will Come In The
> End. And you really need to look further than your nose-end, or indeed,
> the inside of your prematurely addled brain.

> Oh, and your spelling and grammar is still dreadful.

> Sk.
I'm backing up Johnny Marr's position and It's well documented all the help he gave both Mike and Andy. To repay his kindness Mike went after and received Morrissey's share from Johnny. That's why Mike dropped the claim against Morrissey's Mom and Sister's house.
PS. Proper you need to add Pimp to MLB.
Re: Proper is right about Johnny(and Karim Garcia)

Finally someone with enough f***in ballz to back me up on this. Listen peeps,im sure mike is a good drummer NOW,but facts are facts,he stunk after he left the smiths,if he were so good,why'd morrissey shit can him when he worked for morrissey??(and by the way,before you go saying"well back up your facts") mike most certainly did work with mozzer again on a few sonmgs off one of his early solo records,i have an interview disc with mike talking about it and (once again if I may refer),go back to the word article,it ALOS has that in there. Thanks,Im off to my yoshinoya speaking engagement.
Re: Proper is right about Johnny(and Karim Garcia)

By the way,Im the PIMP to everything(as you well know).
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