What Your Friends And Family Make of Your Adoration of Morrissey

None of my family have any idea who the hell he is and I only make fleeting references.
Around my family I'm weird about David Bowie... and just David Bowie. Mainly cos it's easy to get a reaction and my mum instigates it.

I have all of one friend and he doesn't care. He picks on me the same way I pick on him.
The best thing he's said is 'You totally wanna comb Moz's eyebrows.' I didn't disagree.
My friends seem to think I'm a little obsessive. Though I could be worse. They 'like' The Smiths and Morrissey, but they don't know any of the songs really. It's strange, I guess?

They don't really care all too much, but they seem to be annoyed at times when he gets brought up and I (can) talk forever about him. Surprisingly, none of them want to come to see a show of his with me.
They think I'm a bit obsessive. Which is fair enough, I guess. I mean, I can see how they could come to that conclusion since my laptop is full of moz related stuff. I have one friend who shares this obsession with me. Needless to say, I am to blame for it :rolleyes:
You know, maybe your wife is trying to tell you something. Wives do not abandon you overnight, they slip away slowly. You're blaming a popstar for your problems with your wife? Maybe you should look a little closer to home first.

Oh. That's interesting stuff. Reminds me of back when I first loved
Mr. Morrissey and my then husband being not very impressed when I came home with The Art of Peepholism book under my arm, and he commented
:- "He seems like a total poofer..." or words to that effect.
Anyway, all fantasies aside I believe unhealthy obsessions all have
their root and if your wife's so besotted maybe you need to do something to get her attention......
To be honest, it helps provide some balance in the eyes of my friends. I've always found that those who are a little perplexed by my willingness to drop everything and travel anywhere to see Madonna or George Michael (both of whom I've seen dozens of times) are more likely to be impressed when I say that I've planned an American holiday around seeing dates on Morrissey's tour....
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