Recent content by Danblow

  1. D

    Request: Southpaw Grammar Legacy Edition

    Just to let you know that that is all sorted, very much appreciated, sounds good to my, admittedly unsophisticated, ears (I'm Welsh), thanks again, that was fantastic....
  2. D

    Request: Southpaw Grammar Legacy Edition

    Amazing, thank you so much.
  3. D

    Request: Southpaw Grammar Legacy Edition

    Just wondering if anyone has Southpaw Grammar Legacy Edition on mp3. Just about to buy the CD otherwise on Discogs, but as it's about £25 for the four tracks I'm after, thought I'd ask on here first...
  4. D

    Gaynor Tension

    Now he just get's written off.
  5. D

    Your top 10 Morrissey solo songs of all time

    Can't say I've heard that one?
  6. D

    Morrissey Central "Bonfire Unlit" (November 14, 2022)

    I'm giving it till the New Year, if that arrives with no positive news of a release date, then I shall be reassssing, reevaluating, reappraising, reconsidering and downloading everything I can find.
  7. D

    Morrissey Central "Bonfire Unlit" (November 14, 2022)

    Of course, thanks, I'd gone through Morrissey's discography, but not The Smiths. Aside from the Blackpool concert, I've refrained from listening to the new stuff, preferring to wait until the album emerges, if indeed, it ever does. Being an old fart, RWA off BOT sounds like CG, would read Rebels...
  8. D

    Morrissey Central "Bonfire Unlit" (November 14, 2022)

    CG? Cherry Ghost? Saw Morrissey in Blackpool, loved it, thought Bonfire of Teenagers was one of the highlights, I can understand his point of view, but don't think lyrically he's expressed it as well as he could have, would have in the past, but a great song nonetheless. The other new songs came...
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