Recent content by Hexmachine

  1. H

    Bloc Party's Kele Okereke: “I’ve never experienced such widespread public racism” - NME

    Typical example of the left’s current supply-and-demand problem in their never ending quest to defeat the ‘far right’ - they can’t find any legitimate far-right sympathisers so instead just lower the qualifying bar and invent ones to fight against.
  2. H

    Love Music Hate Racism event by Dave Haslam - Manchester, same night Morrissey plays (July 8, 2018)

    I like the way Dave Haslam’s party exists to protest the Morrissey show and celebrate diversity and anti-racism, as if the Morrissey show is going to be some kind of white supremacist rally. The truth is that the Morrissey show will be as diverse and multi-cultural as any other arena size show...
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