Recent content by JeanReno

  1. JeanReno

    where is the old guard?

    This forum doesn't really seem so different than when I first visited it -- but then, I don't always look at usernames before I read posts.
  2. JeanReno

    What's the meaning of

    But classically it was associated with northern Egypt, a la nesu-bity. Which I do believe (I really do) conclusively proves Crystal's Osiris theme is bollocks. Thank you all and see you next year.
  3. JeanReno

    What's the meaning of

    Sorry to piss on your chopsticks, but doesn't the papyrus grow in northern Egypt, i.e. the Nile Delta?
  4. JeanReno


    Which thread?
  5. JeanReno


  6. JeanReno

    conversation using only morrissey lyrics

    Save me from the elves and the eels and from other things.
  7. JeanReno

    What exactly did Morrissey say about Michael Jackson?

    And Freddie Mercury wasn't really a...? Oh, sorry, carry on.
  8. JeanReno

    Liverpool Empire

    Well, yeah. As suggested by my post, mine remained unallocated until whenever I sent that message; I'm sure the same is true of several other bookers, unless mine was peculiar. Presumably Morrissey was waiting to choose my seat specifically so he would know where to stare.
  9. JeanReno

    Liverpool Empire

    For those Seeticketers who had unallocated seats... try the Order Tracker now and it should reveal all.
  10. JeanReno

    Some G-Mex photos

    I wonder why they didn't take any after the first couple of songs. Miserable BBC arseholes. It's all a conspiracy.
  11. JeanReno

    morrissey and kate bush

    Oh, tish, I know, it's just a bit too jumpy and shouty for me. To be fair, I couldn't hear most of his lyrics.
  12. JeanReno

    morrissey and kate bush

    Oh, Dempsey's an arse. Not a fan of him. Based on my single experience of one of his gigs: his audience seems to be akin to the brash, loud, ruffian element of Morrissey's fanbase with which I can't get on board. But at the time Morrissey wrote those letters, Kate Bush was popular. Touching...
  13. JeanReno

    morrissey and kate bush

    That's nothing, 100% of the things I say is exaggerated for effect. (Sorry, that had to be said. Or everyone would have died.)
  14. JeanReno

    morrissey and kate bush

    Ay, but you wouldn't associate a minor annoyance (i.e. not liking the tone of her voice) with "trash", would you? That suggests he's either exaggerated for effect (probably yay) or he's inspired by hidden reason (probably nay) -- it's still worth considering, if you're willing to spend so much...
  15. JeanReno

    Song list for Nottingham concert? / UK concerts?

    I'm holding a hopeful semi-belief that he might make a couple of changes for the Manchester gigs. Not because this setlist isn't fantastic -- it's one of his best ever, I think -- but, rather, because I can see him going out of his way to make the Manc shows extra special. The more logical side...
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