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  1. F

    Should we keep immigrant criminals in the UK?

    1) Colonize 1/4 of the world. 2) Complain about immigrants.
  2. F

    year of refusal demos - hoax

    Re: year of refusal demos
  3. F

    year of refusal demos - hoax

    Re: year of refusal demos
  4. F

    year of refusal demos - hoax

    Re: year of refusal demos
  5. F

    year of refusal demos - hoax

    Re: year of refusal demos
  6. F

    Modrevolve is a phrophet

    I was feeling unknown when I was all alone, flesh and bone, by the telephone. Then I lifted up the receiver and since then I've been down with Baby J.
  7. F

    Modrevolve is a phrophet

    Mr. Modrevolve is a prophet, seer & sages the angels of the ages.
  8. F

    The God Squad- Religion obsessives and philosophical types unite!

    oh, so that banter you copied and pasted up there is how you "destroyed this thread"? I thought you asked me to not bother replying. I wouldn't anyway. There are so many mistakes there (that you obviously copied and pasted from christian websites) that I'm not even gonna bother. Yeah, go...
  9. F

    I am about to get my first Smiths tattoo.

    hey nothappynotsad, I rarely like morrissey tattoos but yours came out quite nice. Are you gonna add color?
  10. F

    50 places to visit before you die

    Iguaçu Falls is wonderful. I stayed in a hotel right there in the park and took a helicopter ride. It's amazing. It looks like a person when you see it from above.
  11. F

    The God Squad- Religion obsessives and philosophical types unite!

    Point out what's wrong then. That's the fun part about the Bible. Nobody knows who they are. The gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John were not written by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Nobody knows where or when they were written, who wrote them and why. And that's the case for most books...
  12. F

    The God Squad- Religion obsessives and philosophical types unite!

    Wouldn't matter how many disciples he had. None of them wrote anything. They didn't because it was likely that none of them could read or write, since over 95% of the population in that region around that time were not educated. Supposedly, Jesus died, ressurrected, went to back to daddy...
  13. F

    The God Squad- Religion obsessives and philosophical types unite!

    Math and science... what a beautiful thing.
  14. F

    The God Squad- Religion obsessives and philosophical types unite!

    Here is a photo of me with the white hat, looking sad and devastated because I left my job, gave all my money to the church, and the world didn't end:
  15. F

    The God Squad- Religion obsessives and philosophical types unite!

    Omg! Today!!!! :eek::eek::guitar::eek::guitar::eek::eek:
  16. F

    The God Squad- Religion obsessives and philosophical types unite!

    It's in the bible. Somewhere on Revelation (too lazy to look up now) they mention the 144,000 as being 12,000 people from 12 different tribes.
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