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  1. lilybett

    True To You Update

    She's...added some content?!!!?! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
  2. lilybett

    Brickhouse after-gig party

    I think you should branch out of this thread. Go into 'Off Topic' and say something OUTRAGEOUS (like, follow my lead, I just spoke out against friendly bacteria). Make a name for yourself! :p And ja will bring them tomorrow. And that Echo CD if I can find it! :cool:
  3. lilybett

    Brickhouse after-gig party

    Aye. Stephie and I will be easy to spot because we will be bickering/"having jokes"/granddad dancing :p
  4. lilybett

    Brickhouse after-gig party

    I'll buy you a pint at S&G next week and let that be an end to the matter! Everyone knows Yorkshire folk are tight
  5. lilybett

    The Goat is back from his alcoholic induced coma!

    You gimme jokes at S&G/Brickhouse! I can't remember much of what I was slurring at you but I'm guessing you can't remember either which means everyone's a winner baby ain't that the truth?
  6. lilybett

    Brickhouse after-gig party

    Haha! Well, drunkenly bellowing at your long-suffering bessie in the vicinity of a counsellor is certainly one way of getting out there, meeting new people, making new friends etc!
  7. lilybett

    Brickhouse after-gig party

    I thought your identity was going to be kept a secret! I am sorry for announcing that you made the beast with two backs to these good people. It was just a flippant remark! I think you left a string of pearls in my room last night (, luvvah). And The Bitch Rules!! ;)
  8. lilybett

    Brickhouse after-gig party

    Oh FOOKING aye!! At least I don't sit in takeaway food restaurants at 2.30am telling scenester children my favourite band is Slippery Maggot!!
  9. lilybett

    time to drop the smiths songs

    To quote Mozzer before he launched into Girlfriend In A Coma: "We scrape this song off the gurney...because we know it makes you feel warm..." Exactly :)
  10. lilybett

    Brickhouse after-gig party

    Ahh hello! :D It was very lovely to meet you and Ray! He emailed, but as I emailed him erm two hours after our meeting, I thought I should leave it a wee while! Don't like coming across as a drunken nutjob! Haha you are a good dancer though! "Swing those Shakira!" :o :o
  11. lilybett

    Brickhouse after-gig party

    This is v true. If any of you people are considering going drinking tonight in Wakefield, STAY AWAY FROM The Barristers. Cos I don't wanna pour your drinks/pick the chewing gum out of your ashtrays! :p Haha I don't think it was as bad as you're saying, Bluebirds! The staff I encountered were...
  12. lilybett

    Should Morrissey forget trying to be a 'Pop Star'?

    I don't think anyone really gives a shit about the singles charts anymore, it doesn't stop Morrissey being a pop star. I reckon that's exactly what he still is, just we live in slightly less enlightened times where X Factor sells someone a worthless #1 single in return for generating them...
  13. lilybett

    time to drop the smiths songs

    Everyone goes nuts when he does a Smiths song. Okay, he only ever does sort-of slightly predictable, overplayed ones (Coma, Panic, William, HSIN...) but even so. It's nice to have a few in there. He was speaking the words to 'I Want The One I Can't Have' on 22/12 and I was truly, truly...
  14. lilybett

    When Did Your Morrissey/Smiths fandom begin?

    When my bessie mate/partner in crime/drinking buddy/Mozzer gig companion/soul sister played me Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now Twas round the release of YATQ and that sealed the deal :)
  15. lilybett

    Brickhouse after-gig party

    Who is the manager/owner? The old fella in the leather pants?! S&G absolutely canes Brickhouse, though. I couldn't understand why you lot all said it but after Friday... ;)
  16. lilybett

    Last Nights Gig

    Rly wish we'd gone and got a ticket off a tout last night, although I know I done good getting to see him on Fri :cool:
  17. lilybett

    Mobile phone found 23rd/12th Gmex

    sorry tgat im c,ogging upthis thread with worthless sentimentality, but i just think most ppl wouldnt bother and this is v kind of you ;) xx
  18. lilybett

    Brickhouse after-gig party

    We went in May and rly enjoyed it. Now we've experienced S&G, we understand why it holds such a monopoly on Manc Morrissey fans...but Brickhouse is still good. I pulled a sickie today and we got tickets this afternoon so see you there! I think it's going to be a good 'un :)
  19. lilybett


    To be honest, and I speak as a vegan, I think they're mildly amusing.. Well. I wouldn't wear one. But you know. They're all right..
  20. lilybett

    Toniiight, toniiiiiiiiiiiight

    Hmm yes sounds an expensive business so we've just got Brickhouse tickets yay :cool: Vielen dank for the replies
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