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  1. lilybett

    Morrissey fans in Leeds, anyone?

    pass. i don't think i've been into leeds since ...the smyths in ...july. f***ing hell. ahhh the night we met jamie and bob hope! good times.
  2. lilybett

    Morrissey fans in Leeds, anyone?

    near leeds there is/was a smiffs night in leeds... the fenton?
  3. lilybett

    Engerland failed to qualify

    GREAT ta! Woke up to the news that a Morrissey ticket was mineminemine and then heard about the football!! :D How are you? Haven't talked to you for time. Have you got tickets?
  4. lilybett

    Engerland failed to qualify

    HARHAR!!! Germany to win. Just cos I know that's what this country's unfailingly charming football fans would want. Viva Deutschland.
  5. lilybett

    Song vs Song Game

    sheila take a bow vs you know i couldn't last
  6. lilybett

    Name your favourite British films

    Withnail & I Shooting Fish 24 Hour Party People A Taste Of Honey The Secret Garden Trainspotting This Year's Love Erm...
  7. lilybett

    The Official Exam Results Thread

    None of us found it very funny at the time, partly cos they wouldn't serve any of us any more in Lloyds cos we'd been with you (I'm assuming this was the days when the world didn't extend any further than Lloyds and their £1.49 pints!). But with hindsight, ...I think it was probably, actually...
  8. lilybett

    The Official Exam Results Thread

    And 2 years, 364 days since I fell into that lesbian's lap in Hebden Bridge! See, results days were always so much fun!
  9. lilybett

    The Official Exam Results Thread

    Good Lord. Were they?! Can't believe it was SIX YEARS AGO I was getting my GCSE results! :eek: Working with a hangover's good. It leads to bonding with colleagues and customers. Many's the time Bob's had to hold the fort for me while I run to the toilet! He loves it, reminds him of his yoof.
  10. lilybett

    The Official Exam Results Thread

    Which results come out today? :confused: Ah, I miss results days. Proper results days, I mean - GCSEs and A Levels, you know. Uni results days are hardly as fun. I hope you are all off to get wankered.
  11. lilybett

    Favourite Vegetarian and Vegan Recipes

    Get Sister_Steve to reveal how she makes her shepherds pie :drool: Fag Ash Lilybett's Special Hangover-Cure Pie You will need: A casserole dish or summat. Summat you can put in t'oven 1x packet Linda McCartney veggie sausages 2x large tins beans (although you might need more or less...
  12. lilybett

    What do you do for a living?

    I'm a barmaid, in the loveliest little pub ever. I love it. I'm back at uni in September but to be honest, if I don't think the disappointment would kill my parents, I'd be perfectly happy being a minimum-waged barmaid for the rest of my life. My bottom lip wobbles a bit when I think about...
  13. lilybett

    Song vs Song Game

    TOUGHIE. Still Ill vs Our Frank
  14. lilybett

    Is Britain drinking itself to death?

    This is exactly what I say to the eejits who bitch about smokers - I ask if they know what alcohol does to their livers, what car exhausts do to their lungs - and then I give 'em 2 slaps I get drunk - sorry - I take the drug which is alcohol! I LOVE getting drunk! Getting drunk is my #1 hobby...
  15. lilybett

    The Apprentice tonight

    (SOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRYYYYYY, all you purists! ;) ): 'Ere, Steph, MSN's being a bit funneh but I'm sure you'll see this! Gawn to watch The Apprentice, everyone's talking about it and I must see it this instant! Talk to you tomorrow, beb xxx
  16. lilybett


    Happy belated birthday, beb! :D :cool: Haven't seen you for time! Come to the next Moz disco at the Overdraught! Yes! :)
  17. lilybett

    Happy Birthday to Lilybett 28th May

    Vielen Dank to the latecomers ;) Don't worry, my HMV voucher off my own uncle hasn't arrived yet :rolleyes:;)
  18. lilybett

    Happy Birthday to Lilybett 28th May

    You are right. The business of eating animals is nowt but unpleasant. But thanks. One and all!! :D :cool:
  19. lilybett

    Who does this man look like?

    Was James McAvoy really in Early Doors? :confused: Ho ho ho anyway, Worm, your cover has been blown! Obviously Morrissey does fall somewhere between Mozart and Metallica!
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