Anyone know the story about this photo?

Maybe it wasn't a fan.
I'd like to see a larger photo of the small one at the left bottom of that photo. Morrissey looks WASTED!!!!!
I'd like to see a larger photo of the small one at the left bottom of that photo. Morrissey looks WASTED!!!!!

He doesn't look wasted to me, he's just pulling a face :p


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Now that the initial 'what on earth?!' reaction has died down a little...

I honestly can't imagine Morrissey ever letting a fan do that, and if you consider that you can't actually see the guy's hand or the edge of his sleeve, it looks to me like his hand could just as easily be inside Morrissey's coat pocket or on his waist. I'd be inclined to think it's just one of Moz's jokes, but of course, one can never really be sure... :squiffy:

I must say the picture in the bottom left and the past part of the quote cracked me up though: "Bloody typical. I might write a song about it." :lbf:
What is he holding in his hand ?
I just blew it up and it really does look like this person's hand is inside the waistband.... Weird. Maybe it's Jake? The nose is kind of Jake-ish. Maybe there was a moment of silliness unintended for cameras?
Some random person probably did catch him unaware, and shoved their hand down his pants. The amount of people he's met over the years - it must have happened more than once...

Sometimes people take you by surprise and there's nothing you can do.

Onetime, a guy walking past me on the street grabbed one of my boobs. Downright rude. But at least he didn't get both of 'em!
I just blew it up and it really does look like this person's hand is inside the waistband.... Weird. Maybe it's Jake? The nose is kind of Jake-ish. Maybe there was a moment of silliness unintended for cameras?

I can't see any resemblance to Jake at all.... and I think Moz would probably have slapped him quite viciously for daring to 'out' him in public haha :p
I've had that photo for a while and I'd never seen that. Shows what a sweet person I am. I'm hoping it's not what it looks like..?
The guy's hand is clearly not down Moz' jeans.
In David Brets book "Landscapes Of The Mind", there is a similar photo in it with the same fan. It was taken at a photo signing in London 1994. "The Fan hugged Morrissey and then collapsed to the floor in tears"
Take care
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