Moz Shuts Down the Palladium

Why do L.A. people despise the Palladium? I've never been there, living on the other side of the country 'n all.

Well its has a bad rep since sometimes the conditions are horrid. Security is tighter than the oscars(like you literally get felt up whenthey pat youdown and no cameras no matter what) and the sound is not the best in the world. A couple peopel on the front page are responding asking if you get good seats, its not seating its entirely Geneeal Admision. I am just happy with it being very cheap and not insanely expensive liek the other shows. Now it wil be like $60 a ticket total(after charges) instead of like $80 which I initially thought.
Moz seems to forget that a lot of his fans, a lot of the people who attend his gigs are actually people who write on Solo. He should be grateful to them, to us.
But he only remembers that "bad" things about the site.

Mmmh. I have an idea. Why don't Solo-ers boycott this tour? There will be considerably less people at his gigs...
Moz seems to forget that a lot of his fans, a lot of the people who attend his gigs are actually people who write on Solo. He should be grateful to them, to us.
But he only remembers that "bad" things about the site.

Mmmh. I have an idea. Why don't Solo-ers boycott this tour? There will be considerably less people at his gigs...

Ha. A more realistic one would be to make a banner
"We're from Morrissey-Solo aka Morrissey Disapproves"
Great idea, Dishy

Ha. A more realistic one would be to make a banner
"We're from Morrissey-Solo aka Morrissey Disapproves"

If I lived in the US and could attend these gigs I would surely bring my Solo banner. :D

But as someone (sorry, I can't check who now) pointed out, we don't know if Morrissey is directly involved in the making of the ads.
Maybe the guys at Mozwa have paid to have their website on the advertisment. (Moz wouldn't certainly approve my comments)

About the picture, I think it's lovely.
Ha. A more realistic one would be to make a banner
"We're from Morrissey-Solo aka Morrissey Disapproves"

Hah hah!

I must have too much time on my hands these days. I did another mock-up. Maybe I should add your banner text to the bottom where I've blanked out the URLs. ;)


Ok, so like a spot-the-differences brain teaser, this mock-up has 7 differences besides the obvious picture change. Can you find all 7?

I'll give you a hint on the tough one -- it's a font change, not a text change. If you read my past comments, you may note I tried to address what I considered a bothersome flaw in the original (but not very successfully).
Hah hah!

I must have too much time on my hands these days. I did another mock-up. Maybe I should add your banner text to the bottom where I've blanked out the URLs. ;)


Ok, so like a spot-the-differences brain teaser, this mock-up has 7 differences besides the obvious picture change. Can you find all 7?

I'll give you a hint on the tough one -- it's a font change, not a text change. If you read my past comments, you may note I tried to address what I considered a bothersome flaw in the original (but not very successfully).

Aaah... kerning. My eyes thank you. Even default kerning is better than none at all. I think they laid out the original ad in Word. And I think you've managed to match the font from Viva Hate... but I'm too lazy to go compare. I am a font junkie. I love your milk metaphor. Well, not really. But it is funny. I'm not going to name all the changes so I don't spoil it for everyone else... but good work!
Aaah... kerning. My eyes thank you. Even default kerning is better than none at all. I think they laid out the original ad in Word. And I think you've managed to match the font from Viva Hate... but I'm too lazy to go compare. I am a font junkie. I love your milk metaphor. Well, not really. But it is funny. I'm not going to name all the changes so I don't spoil it for everyone else... but good work!


I used the font that's used for early Moz solo covers -- Cheltenham. Nice, classy font -- very English.

I'm now just looking at the piccy on my own compy, and I see I didn't do too good of a job matching the background in some cases, so it's pretty obvious where I made changes. Damn eye-dropper function!
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I used the font that's used for early Moz solo covers -- Cheltenham. Nice, classy font -- very English.

I'm now just looking at the piccy on my own compy, and I see I didn't do too good of a job matching the background in some cases, so it's pretty obvious where I made changes. Damn eye-dropper function!

Oh, god, that is funny... I called the font on sight. I happen to love the font used on Quarry- my (probably unlicensed) version is called Sansumi. I've been using it often for about a year, and now I'm seeing it all over magazines, too.

But the type layout on the entire Quarry series of sleeves sucked, IMO. I know they were going for that late-70s-European-Letraset-Eurovision look, but they just didn't pull it off very well. The font and color choices were enough, the type should have been laid out more carefully.

He used a different designer for Ringleader, and the results were so much better. Oooh... just spotted a typo on the lyrics for Father Who Must Be Killed... bet Moz would get spitting mad over that.

For work, I do lots and lots of layouts that are a lot like album covers... single page ads and such.
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