Moz solo VS The Smiths


New Member
Okay so I'm new to this board and I reckon this subject has been overdone...but I just wondered how people's opinions are split on this...

I definatley think the smiths stuff is in a league of it own and find the mozzer solo stuff somewhat mainstream...especially YOR

However I'm aware that some people find the smiths stuff more jangly pop and mozzer's more rock...

I personally find the smiths lyrics very heartfelt and intoxicating in some ways...especially please please please...back to the old soon is now...heaven knows and countless others!

I would love to hear people's opinions on this :)


this has been do death :straightface:
& if you had not noticed, this a "Morrissey-Solo" board :eek:
granted, many of us old people 1st fell in lubs with him when he was in "The Smiths" and they are the greatest band ever :thumb:
but Morrissey endures, amen :bow:
It is impossible to say one is better than the other overall.
In certain areas Morrissey has some absolutely fantastic Solo work e.g. Jack The Ripper, Everyday Is Like Sunday, Lost...and then you look at The Smiths who have their fair share of classic moments.

They are both great for different reasons. I think Mozzer's solo career is also too long to compare to The Smiths. Fact, The Smiths were around for 5 years (1982-1987) and Moz has been solo from (1988-2009). In his solo career has has changed quite a bit as you shall be able to tell; e.g. YOR and Ringleader seem very mainstream and quite rock-ish whereas the late 80s/ early 90s era with Bona Drag appears to be quite pop orientated.

To me Moz has had three general music eras -
- THE SMITHS (1982-1987)
- MORRISSEY SOLO (1992-2009)

Love PTxx.
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this has been do death :straightface:
& if you had not noticed, this a "Morrissey-Solo" board :eek:
granted, many of us old people 1st fell in lubs with him when he was in "The Smiths" and they are the greatest band ever :thumb:
but Morrissey endures, amen :bow:

There isn't much to add to Robby's excellent summation. :)

For a long time I thought of Morrissey and The Smiths as separate entities. Lately I've come to think of the two as different parts of a single body of work, which is a compliment to the direction Morrissey has gone in the last few years. He has 25 years of records now and I see everything a bit differently. As time goes on I appreciate Morrissey more and more for keeping The Smiths buried in the past. It was the right way to handle their legacy.
The Smiths' music will always be what I prefer to Morrissey's solo stuff... the Smiths had Marr, who added another level to Morrissey's voice and lyrics.
this has been do death :straightface:
& if you had not noticed, this a "Morrissey-Solo" board :eek:


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