Regarding Uncut's Smiths Article



Is it me or do they wrongfully represent Moz as a miser? They give the impression that he hasn't paid Joyce a single cent and that HE is the one perpetuating the argument. If Joyce feels as strongly about The Smiths as he says he does in that article and it's all about the music, why is he hounding Moz for cash since the band's breakup?
> Is it me or do they wrongfully represent Moz as a miser? They give the
> impression that he hasn't paid Joyce a single cent and that HE is the one
> perpetuating the argument. If Joyce feels as strongly about The Smiths as
> he says he does in that article and it's all about the music, why is he
> hounding Moz for cash since the band's breakup?

He must have spent all his cash on sweeties and needs a little more so he can pop into Peter Marks and finally change his hairdo, its been a long time since since 1982.
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