Such A Little Thing Makes Such A Big Difference


Cosmic Dancer

Why did Morrissey change ''How I love all of the very simple things of life'' for ''All of the complicated things of life'' on stage?
His live lyric changes are always intriguing. I similarly wonder why he always drops the last few lines of Jack the Ripper. The song gets a lot of its power from those few lines.
Changing "simple" to "complicated" seems like a thought that would naturally occur, and it's more fun to sing the word "complicated" because there are more syllables to do his Morrisseyisms on. Also, nothing is simple.
Because he's being facetious.
why in the song national front disco he rarely says You've gone to the National
To the National
To the National Front disco
Because you want the day to come sooner ......
Keep in mind that the full change is "how I loathe all the complicated things in life" so it means about the same thing as "love the simple things"
Keep in mind that the full change is "how I loathe all the complicated things in life" so it means about the same thing as "love the simple things"

Thank you. I thought he sang ''how I love all of the complicated things''. Now it makes sense.
I think he has said both love and loathe. In 'In the future when all's well' he sings live 'something must have gone wrong' instead of right, which is a clearly contrary to the original meaning. The recent Gavin Hopps book discusses these lyrical subversions in depth.
Moz can change anything he likes though like he does with most of The Smiths songs! He didn't usually do it as much when he was in The Smiths though! Doesn't anyone think that "Such A Little Thing" went into "My Insatiable One" very well? I loved Morrissey's cover on Suede!
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