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  • Haha! More twee :cool: :D Will you shower now? :p You should, you know, you've been among people!
    Unfortunately, I woke up at 6 am, I think there will be some long naps here today! I'm glad you enjoyed your evening, although I still hate you :p
    Anyway, off I go to pee and move the cat from my bed, though I feel so sorry for him, he woke up suddenly half an hour ago, coughing, I don't want my cat to be sick and die :tears:
    There is a Lush shop here too, but I had a bad experience with the manager, at the opening it was packed full of people and I smelled one soap and shouted "Jesus Christ, this stinks like cat food!" A lady in front of me turned back and looked at me angrily, it turned out she was a manager, so ever since then I've been avoiding that place.
    You know me so well :p Btw, I saw some great manufactured soaps at the chemist's today, I wonder if I buy one (they're pricey, though, $5 and more) would I enjoy showering!
    That's too much to spend on food, we're just visitors here anyway, we might as well die, collectively, all of us :p
    i told you to look in the fridge! If you'd listened to me you would have noticed it! :p No, no drugs, just two blankets, I fall asleep easily when I'm warm ;) Yes, I think so few people are capable of being remotely decent parents that they should be persuaded never to breed, ever! Today at the bakery this woman shouted at her daughter for not having bought her sandwich already, and the girl was just waiting in line like everyone else! :mad: So, yeah, that would be my position, if you're not looking forward to being a parent or if you're looking forward to it for wrong reasons (like "I'll have someone weaker than myself to torment" :rolleyes:) you should abort and save the poor kid while it's still legal to do it. Though even infanticide is merciful in some occasions.
    Well hello again! My internet is awfully slow today, I gave up and got ready to go to bed early :p I'll probably wake up at 6 am or something. I'm better today, thanks for asking, it looks like my PMS has subsided. Did you find that juice of yours? :p Oh and just for the sake of not agreeing about everything, I think too few abortions are performed at the moment, we desperately need more! :eek: :D
    True, true, you're the episiotomy of reason :) :p But I still can't digest the thing about emergency contraception, even if it's just one or two cells, it's human... how do we decide that its life is worth less than the life of a two month old fetus? Just based on the number of cells? That makes no sense. It's one of the reasons why I have nothing to object to religious lunatics, they're perfectly logical and consistent in their beliefs. However, I don't share their beliefs :p Anyway, my guilty pleasure: combining pink and brown. :o I just think they go together so well! Oh, and another guilty pleasure: listening to psalms :p I can't help it sometimes, such calm and glorious music! I still hate religion though :)
    You were right, I'm still here :p I'm anxious to ask you the question of the day! Emergency contraception: why is it more ethical than abortion?
    Now I want some cotton candy! I'll leave you my home address, so your wish to have a pen pall will finally come true :p Good night, chicken wings!
    I'm glad we're in agreement ;) But, Terry, it's time to say goodbye. Don't miss me, I'll be back, one day... for a couple of minutes, and then I'll leave again, to chase my dreams ;)
    Yes, they'll be biased, you should always listen to my advice ;) :p Btw, how did the debate about black and brown go?
    Just keep everything short and you'll be fine! You don't want to end up old and lonely like Morrissey, do you! :D
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