Anyone else here watch Star Trek?

Well, once every seven years, anyway....

LOL. Well, he was half-human...

As for Jean Luc Picard - he was the BEST captain ever, even if the Next Generation was a bit tedious. I always thought he would make a fantastic US President, if only he were not a fictional character.

Then again, we elect fictional characters every four years. :rolleyes: :(
LOL. Well, he was half-human...

As for Jean Luc Picard - he was the BEST captain ever, even if the Next Generation was a bit tedious. I always thought he would make a fantastic US President, if only he were not a fictional character.

Then again, we elect fictional characters every four years. :rolleyes: :(

funny, i think monday was the ST ep where Spock was all hot for some vulcan princess and was supposed to fight shatner even though he didnt want to!

JLP rocks. the show did have some snoozers. but i like it best overall.
funny, i think monday was the ST ep where Spock was all hot for some vulcan princess and was supposed to fight shatner even though he didnt want to!

JLP rocks. the show did have some snoozers. but i like it best overall.

I hate to get too geeked out about this, but that whole "Amok Time" episode is totally hot. I mean, these guys LOVE each other, then they fight to the death in a rutting frenzy, with lots of heaving chests and such. I found it very diverting as a child.

Next Generation had some fine moments, but the female characters were eye-glazingly dull. The best character (next to JLP) was Tascha Yar, that female chief of security who got axed early on. Sadly, my husband and I were just discussing this yesterday, when we saw that actress's face in some ad somewhere.

I wonder if they ever talk about Morrissey on the Star Trek site?
I hate to get too geeked out about this, but that whole "Amok Time" episode is totally hot. I mean, these guys LOVE each other, then they fight to the death in a rutting frenzy, with lots of heaving chests and such. I found it very diverting as a child.

Next Generation had some fine moments, but the female characters were eye-glazingly dull. The best character (next to JLP) was Tascha Yar, that female chief of security who got axed early on. Sadly, my husband and I were just discussing this yesterday, when we saw that actress's face in some ad somewhere.

I wonder if they ever talk about Morrissey on the Star Trek site?

thats what makes 'enterprise' pretty good (the new one that is supposed to be pre-shatner)... T'Pol is pretty interesting, and she's vulcan so that is hard to pull off. plus everyone things shes so hawt, that helps.

we should find a star trek site and ask them.
I hate to get too geeked out about this, but that whole "Amok Time" episode is totally hot. I mean, these guys LOVE each other, then they fight to the death in a rutting frenzy, with lots of heaving chests and such. I found it very diverting as a child.

Next Generation had some fine moments, but the female characters were eye-glazingly dull. The best character (next to JLP) was Tascha Yar, that female chief of security who got axed early on. Sadly, my husband and I were just discussing this yesterday, when we saw that actress's face in some ad somewhere.

I wonder if they ever talk about Morrissey on the Star Trek site?

haa...Tasha Yar was so damn annoying....All she ever did was whine....I hear her acting was much better on Red Soe Diaries
thats what makes 'enterprise' pretty good (the new one that is supposed to be pre-shatner)... T'Pol is pretty interesting, and she's vulcan so that is hard to pull off. plus everyone things shes so hawt, that helps.

we should find a star trek site and ask them.

Enterprise had so many flaws, it's a wonder the show actually lasted four years...I stopped watching I think after day one because all they ever did was contridict everything that had been been established about the early days....The supporting actors were really annoyed that they got very little screen time, it was just like the orignal series in that respect!
Enterprise had so many flaws, it's a wonder the show actually lasted four years...I stopped watching I think after day one because all they ever did was contridict everything that had been been established about the early days....The supporting actors were really annoyed that they got very little screen time, it was just like the orignal series in that respect!

i dont recognize flaws. this is why i'm a great person to take to comic book movies. very rarely to i notice an inconsistency, becuase i really know little about all things geek. i just enjoy them for the moment. how zen of me.
i dont recognize flaws. this is why i'm a great person to take to comic book movies. very rarely to i notice an inconsistency, becuase i really know little about all things geek. i just enjoy them for the moment. how zen of me.

Yeah, one of my greatest drawbacks is that I am annoyed by inaccuracies in films...hence it's not fun to watch movies with me...but I am getting better...

although there was a guy at my work who kept complaing about X-Men 2 and saying "Why didn't they just FREEZE The Dam!!!!"....

uh, bad writing?
i dont recognize flaws. this is why i'm a great person to take to comic book movies. very rarely to i notice an inconsistency

If you didn't notice any wild inconsistency in "Superman" I guess you thought The Smiths had two lead singers.



[I'd better use a few emoticons on this one. :) :) ]
If you didn't notice any wild inconsistency in "Superman" I guess you thought The Smiths had two lead singers.



[I'd better use a few emoticons on this one. :) :) ]

the 1978 film or the recent "retcon"...

Lois Lane couldn't have Superman's baby...anybody who saw Mallrats will know why...

Any time Lois was exposed to sunlight while she was pregnant...the fetus would have kicked right through her skin....
Yeah, one of my greatest drawbacks is that I am annoyed by inaccuracies in films...hence it's not fun to watch movies with me...but I am getting better...

although there was a guy at my work who kept complaing about X-Men 2 and saying "Why didn't they just FREEZE The Dam!!!!"....

uh, bad writing?

Comic book readers know that the writers can invent any and all excuses as to why things do or do not happen in the stories. It's so exasperating it's, um, comical. Whenever I spot an inconsistency in a comic book or movie I just think back to the monthly Letters page of my favorite titles and instantly give up.

I can see it now: "Thanks for the letter, SNS22. Dams built before the Depression used a special blend of concrete which, when frozen, explodes within ten minutes of exposure to high pressure. As we know from issues 3 and 4 of X-Men Super Special Limited Series, Jean Grey collected trivia about concrete when she substituted for one of Professor X's science classes, so she would have known to tell the team not to freeze the dam".

You can't win with those people!
If you didn't notice any wild inconsistency in "Superman" I guess you thought The Smiths had two lead singers.



[I'd better use a few emoticons on this one. :) :) ]

I've never seen any of the supermans. the 70's ones bored me to tears so i didnt get very far, and i ddint even attempt the new ones.
re: xmen: I enjoyed those films more than anyone bc i'd never ever read a single window worth of xmen!
Comic book readers know that the writers can invent any and all excuses as to why things do or do not happen in the stories. It's so exasperating it's, um, comical. Whenever I spot an inconsistency in a comic book or movie I just think back to the monthly Letters page of my favorite titles and instantly give up.

I can see it now: "Thanks for the letter, SNS22. Dams built before the Depression used a special blend of concrete which, when frozen, explodes within ten minutes of exposure to high pressure. As we know from issues 3 and 4 of X-Men Super Special Limited Series, Jean Grey collected trivia about concrete when she substituted for one of Professor X's science classes, so she would have known to tell the team not to freeze the dam".

You can't win with those people!

Because movies are written for the ignorant masses, not people who actually enjoy a thought provoking well-written story...

hence some crappy action movie with Will Smith called "I, Robot" is produced claiming to be based on Asimov's work....but has no resemblence to the real work....

Even though Nimoy has signed on to be involved with the new Trek film, I really don't know who any "Fans" can buy anybody other than Shatner portraying's just a dumb idea...Bond fans may be able to deal with a "retelling" of the series...but people with brains, won't buy it...

If Nimoy had been involved in the LAST Trek film, it could have been great like Star Trek VI...but instead they let Brent Spiner write his own film, so he could do his own carbon copy imitation of Spock's death, with its lame plot, full of holes and inconsistancies....

Let's see...How the hell did the Romulans get a hold of a proto-type android, where the hell did it come from? And how could they even activate another Data clone without even mentioning the what happenned the LAST time one of Data's "brothers" was allowed to roam free in the universe...

No, I don't go to conventions or any silly stuff like that...I just take a lot of my interests seriously...Music, Baseball,'s more interesting than the real world
i am not one to defend the likes of will smith often, but I enjoyed "I robot" for what it was worth. Smith does not impress me ever, but I thought he did a good job in that movie.
it was a summer fun film anyway dont be so serious!
I love Star Trek! But only the original series and Voyager.
Spock is the best of then all, and I'm a little worried now when the new movie comes and he will be played by Zachary Quinto instead of Leonard Nimoy. But Quinto do look like a younger and sexier version of him.. so perhaps it's the most logical thing to do.
i am not one to defend the likes of will smith often, but I enjoyed "I robot" for what it was worth. Smith does not impress me ever, but I thought he did a good job in that movie.
it was a summer fun film anyway dont be so serious!

Actually, for someone who hates what Hollywood does to good Science Fiction, I liked Total Recall....which of course was "adapted" from a Philip K. Dick story...

I do make exceptions too...

I just remember when I heard the title, I Robot..I assumed the movie would have some connection with Asimov, and was severly annoyed when I saw the trailers...

Hollywood just knows that good science fiction=no box office money
Action Movie with no virtually no intelligent plot=Box Office Smash

If you're in the business to make money, which are you gonna choose?
Because movies are written for the ignorant masses, not people who actually enjoy a thought provoking well-written story...

hence some crappy action movie with Will Smith called "I, Robot" is produced claiming to be based on Asimov's work....but has no resemblence to the real work....

Even though Nimoy has signed on to be involved with the new Trek film, I really don't know who any "Fans" can buy anybody other than Shatner portraying's just a dumb idea...Bond fans may be able to deal with a "retelling" of the series...but people with brains, won't buy it...

If Nimoy had been involved in the LAST Trek film, it could have been great like Star Trek VI...but instead they let Brent Spiner write his own film, so he could do his own carbon copy imitation of Spock's death, with its lame plot, full of holes and inconsistancies....

Let's see...How the hell did the Romulans get a hold of a proto-type android, where the hell did it come from? And how could they even activate another Data clone without even mentioning the what happenned the LAST time one of Data's "brothers" was allowed to roam free in the universe...

No, I don't go to conventions or any silly stuff like that...I just take a lot of my interests seriously...Music, Baseball,'s more interesting than the real world

I do agree with you for the most part. However, I think the fans cling so tightly to the original series that they end up spoiling the newer stuff. Everyone's pleased that J.J. Abrams is saying all the right things to placate fans of the older movies and TV shows, but his deference to the fans might make the movie suck.

It's like the "Star Wars" prequel trilogy. Now, I think "The Phantom Menace" was a mediocre movie, but I responded favorably to some of the new things Lucas was trying to do. He wasn't rehashing the OT stuff. Some characters and scenes were reminiscent of the original movies, but most of it was all new. But the howls of anger were so loud about details like the midichlorians, for example, that Lucas reverted back to the older template for the second and third movies. I think if he'd made all three movies at once, in secret, they would have been different. Although he'd never admit it, the fans really hobbled Lucas's efforts after "Phantom Menace". In the end the prequel trilogy was a mess, barely redeemed by great special effects and a few nice moments here and there.

The same will happen with "Star Trek". J. J. Abrams will try some new things but remain faithful to the originals in other ways and the end product will be mediocre.
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