Here Be Spoilers: 12 New Song Titles!

what about

came here for

fantastic bird

my dearest love?

Came Here For seems to be a song by another band which has to give Moz & Marr a songwriting credit due to use of a sample or 'musical quotation'

Fantastic Bird has been listed for years, so seems to be a song Moz didn't think was up to scratch for some reason

My Dearest Love is already in the list given.
These titles sound intruiging. Please remember that they might not actually end up with those names. The titles given merely protect the lyrics from copyrigh theft. It's rare, but songs can surface with new names - Bed Took Fire being the only example I can think of right now.

Anyway, I think most of them have potential. I hated most of the Quarry titles, but the album is still great.

I spoilt the last two albums by downloading them in advance and making very poor quality mp3s. When I got my hands on the actual albums, the impact was diminished a bit because I klnew every word (as ever).

I fully intend to stand strong and wait until the album is released before I listen to these tracks (they will surely leak!). Although I said this before the Ringleader tracks leaked and I couldn't resist in the end.

So those new songs on the Warner site...

...were the real deal apparently.

Mama Lay Softly On The Riverbed & Something Is Squeezing My Skull were both played at the last couple of shows.

So maybe we should expect to hear the rest of the new ones on the new record or as b-sides. But the 12 news ones (the other 10 listed below), plus the 2 'older' newbies (Arms Around Paris, One Day...) still aren't enough if you expect 10-12 album tracks, plus another 5-10 B-sides.
Action Man
Teresa, Teresa
My Dearest Love
When I Was Young
When Last I Spoke To Carol
You Were Good In Your Time
Because Of My Poor Education
I Was Bully, Do Not Forget Me
It's Not Your Birthday Anymore
I'm Looking Forward To Going Back
Re: So those new songs on the Warner site...

Yes, but Moz often records (and writes, presumably) many b-sides well after the album sessions, so the new song title numbers seem pretty right on.

What I want to know is why Moz has so few tracks that never get released. I'd love to find that he's been sitting on a vault of thousands of songs that will someday see the light of day. Preferably songs from earlier in his career, admittedly... :)
Re: So those new songs on the Warner site...

"When Last I Spoke To Carol" makes me think of Joni Mitchell's "Last Time I saw Richard".

Maybe it's a tribute.
Re: So those new songs on the Warner site...

Good point (about the last minute b-sides).

Some of these titles sound pretty interesting to me, moreso than the titles from YATQ and ROTT. I may be remembering wrong, but I seem to recall feeling like most of those titles sounded like plausible Morrissey song titles, but maybe it's just because I'm so used to them now. (Munich Air Disaster 1958 seemd pretty weird me now that I think about it.) But it's hard to imagine a Moz song called "Action Man" or "When Last I Spoke To Carol."
Re: So those new songs on the Warner site...

"When Last I Spoke To Carol" makes me think of Joni Mitchell's "Last Time I saw Richard".

Maybe it's a tribute.

I thought the same thing! And oh, how I hope it's true. It would be a tribute with a twist, of course, the same way that "Maladjusted" is a "tribute" to "In France They Kiss on Main Street."
Re: So those new songs on the Warner site...

This is Carol! :D
Re: So those new songs on the Warner site...

The titles concern me. Hopefully, I'm just paranoid.Please let there be another "Suedehead" in there...
Re: So those new songs on the Warner site...

Again you cant judge off song titles I thought the two tracks debuted would be horrible based off their titles but I'm already really liking them
Just wanted to add that you can tell if the song titles are part of the newest batch by looking at the (chronological) number assigned to it in the database -- 9xxxxxxx belongs in the latest batch.

I, too, thought the two new songs debuted in January were going to be utter crap based on the titles, but Skull is absolutely brilliant and Mama is growing on me (suitable for a b-side).

Skull is a somewhat silly title, but we need this kind of offbeat stuff more often in pop (and modern life). How brilliant was it to hear the dj on mainstream radio announce "You're the One for Me, Fatty" as the latest single? Admittedly, it didn't happen often enough, but to hear it at all was miraculous.

I don't know why, and I'm sure it's a completely wrong notion, but I imagine "When Last I Spoke to Carol" is about a tranny. I dunno where I get this notion from.

As for Alain and Moz both being in L.A. and recording, I learned that Moz and th'Lads all flew in from L.A. two days before the first gig in Clermont Ferrand. They were very jetlagged. No wonder Mozzer wasn't at his best in Clermont Ferrand and soon fell ill. I thought it was foolish for them to come in from L.A. straight away without adjusting. Why not regroup in London (only 1 hour difference in timezone) for at least a week before going down to the shows in France? Apparently, they were busy in L.A. recording right up until they left for the shows in January.
Skull and Mama are both truly excellent songs. And from their titles alone, I'm Looking Forward To Going Back, You Were Good In Your Time, and It's Not Your Birthday Anyway sound like potential classics.
I, too, thought the two new songs debuted in January were going to be utter crap based on the titles, but Skull is absolutely brilliant and Mama is growing on me (suitable for a b-side).

Skull is a somewhat silly title, but we need this kind of offbeat stuff more often in pop (and modern life). How brilliant was it to hear the dj on mainstream radio announce "You're the One for Me, Fatty" as the latest single? Admittedly, it didn't happen often enough, but to hear it at all was miraculous.

I don't know why, and I'm sure it's a completely wrong notion, but I imagine "When Last I Spoke to Carol" is about a tranny. I dunno where I get this notion from.

Ohh... MAMA deserves more than a b-side :eek: (but then again Jack the Ripper was a b-side...and so was how soon in now,initially :D

As for When Last I Spoke to Carol being about a tranny :D that's interesting, I like that :)
Ones I seem to remember from the Vauxhall era not yet mentioned are:

Snake Curves Silently

Buddy Buried Deeply

and one about Dame Dominance but I can't quite remember the title.
In Control of Dame Dominance

Somebody in the know mentioned all three of those titles (Snake, Buddy, Dame) along with Satan Rejected My Soul. I think it was immediately post-Southpaw. So I'm guessing there is some truth in them - although they may have been demos, working-titles, instrumentals, etc.

Some lyrics to Buddy were posted here once.
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