Morrissey Central "I TRIED LIVING IN THE REAL WORLD" (December 22, 2020)


Video is by Paul Joseph Watson.

Tag line:
"Pubs closed. Christmas cancelled. Borders - still open!"

Watson has featured here quite a few times and has mentioned Morrissey in attempts to gain an interview, seek Twitter trending and commenting on multiculturalism amongst other things.

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OY didnt you just say Moz said his BMG records were better than the albums with Le🐸?

He did indeed, but that's not him saying what you think he is. In spite of his perverse love for the BMG output, he nevertheless praises Johnny Marr's contributions to the Smiths.
But Morrissey does not evince any dissatisfaction with Jesse Joseph Manzur and Gustavo Tobias Chiccarelli. After three albums, he's not only saying he's proud of their work together, but that he will stand by it "till death." That's something you say with conviction, not just rhetoric on a press junket.
I know. And it doesn't surprise me.

The way other musicians handle these kinds of things doesn't even factor into it because Morrissey rarely does anything the way other artists do.
But he does switch collaborators if he's dissatisfied with the work.
Yes. But apparently he's not dissatisfied at the moment as he hasn't switched collaborators in a very long time.
Yes I think a chart and timeline would be good to note these changes.
Do not lead me into temptation...

in regards to that photo with Burns,
can’t tell, but I’m pretty sure that he folded the collar of that shirt inside. I remember reading some interview where he mentioned he was doing this at some point. Redefining masculinity I suppose.
Think you're right.


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He did indeed, but that's not him saying what you think he is. In spite of his perverse love for the BMG output, he nevertheless praises Johnny Marr's contributions to the Smiths.


praises his output with Le🐸
due to his own contributions to
the material not Le🐸s.

additionally Stay In Bed is better than the Le🐸
:guitar: material, which you just said was no good but
Moz obviously feels otherwise, that it is much better
that the chicky chicky riff Le🐸 stuff.🧐
praises his output with Le🐸
due to his own contributions to
the material not Le🐸s.

additionally Stay In Bed is better than the Le🐸
:guitar: material, which you just said was no good but
Moz obviously feels otherwise, that it is much better
that the chicky chicky riff Le🐸 stuff.🧐

No, you buffoon. He specifically says it’s Marr’s contributions that he admires. Did you not read your God-Man’s own book?

Admittedly, he does think Spent the Day In Bed is better than his Smiths material. Which is precisely what makes him nuts. That tinkling, boppy Manzurian keyboard line is disgusting. And if there’s any “chicky chick” nonsense going on here, it’s Joe Chicky-Chiccarelli.

praises his output with Le🐸
due to his own contributions to
the material not Le🐸s.

additionally Stay In Bed is better than the Le🐸
:guitar: material, which you just said was no good but
Moz obviously feels otherwise, that it is much better
that the chicky chicky riff Le🐸 stuff.🧐
I love Morrissey's SOLO albums. I totally agree with you.

I remember Morrissey saying he can't listen to The Smiths anymore because of all the bad feelings and hurt. Emotionally it would be really tough for him. Morrissey is a strong man he has endured so much.
I love Morrissey's SOLO albums. I totally agree with you.

I remember Morrissey saying he can't listen to The Smiths anymore because of all the bad feelings and hurt. Emotionally it would be really tough for him. Morrissey is a strong man he has endured so much.
It’s strange that Spent The Day In Bed was used to evidence some decline in quality. It’s a fantastic single—and a match for much of The Smiths’ output.
A Google search of the meaning of "loosen up"

"loosen up

phrasal verb of loosen

  1. warm up in preparation for an activity.
    "arrive early to loosen up and hit some practice shots"
    • become more relaxed.
      "they taught me to have fun and loosen up"
    • make someone more relaxed.
      "beer relaxes certain parts of your brain and loosens you up""
No, you buffoon. He specifically says it’s Marr’s contributions that he admires. Did you not read your God-Man’s own book?

Admittedly, he does think Spent the Day In Bed is better than his Smiths material. Which is precisely what makes him nuts. That tinkling, boppy Manzurian keyboard line is disgusting. And if there’s any “chicky chick” nonsense going on here, it’s Joe Chicky-Chiccarelli.

you must be one daft contradictory machine:crazy:
Now Moz is made nuts by his own self admitting that his recent material easily tops the material with the dumb Le🐸 rickity :guitar:
the BMG albums didnt exist when he wrote the Auto FFS:crazy:
I love Morrissey's SOLO albums. I totally agree with you.

I remember Morrissey saying he can't listen to The Smiths anymore because of all the bad feelings and hurt. Emotionally it would be really tough for him. Morrissey is a strong man he has endured so much.

exactly the repetitive sucky Le🐸 rickety :guitar: is
very hurtful to listen to. 😡
it drums the ears.
but according to Ms Daft Musicologist here, when Moz says his last 3 BMG albums are his best releases he really means that Le 🐸 is Satie or someone :crazy:
Everybody says that about their recent work, it's not exclusive to Morrissey. Didn't Johnny Marr once say in an interview with the BBC that he believes a large chunk of his fans don't even like the Smiths and are only there because of the Healers? It's marketing, they have to say that. What's the alternative? "I have a new album out, but it's nowhere as good as what I've put out some 30 years ago because I've lost my touch and my collaborators are mediocre at best"?
Exactly, he has said this about every album since Your Arsenal.
I don't expect him to be critical of it. He could say he's proud of his work with BMG without mentioning his prior work, and have the modesty to let the facts speak for themselves. "The best work of my career," given his career, is hyperbole at an absurd level. Unfortunately, I don't think he sees it as marketing savvy. I think he sincerely believes it. He has been sailing happily on this Tobias/Manzur/Chiccarelli boat with no sign of jumping ship.
It's the type of thing you say when you're a bit insecure about something, isn't it? Like when Jonathan Ross said that Quarry was Moz' best solo album and he replied, "Well I think it's my best EVER album". He has always been annoyed that his solo career isn't regarded quite as well.
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It’s strange that Spent The Day In Bed was used to evidence some decline in quality. It’s a fantastic single—and a match for much of The Smiths’ output.
You can't be serious. It's God-awful and not fit to sit alongside the worst of The Smiths output but even if it wasn't - who in their right mind would put monotonous synth dreck about 'no bus, no boss, no rain, no train' up there with There Is A Light, Last Night I Dreamt.. That Joke, I Know It's Over? Or the best of his solo work - Troubles Loves Me, Come Back to Camden, Maudlin Street, I've Changed My Plea to Guilty. I don't believe for one second that Morrissey thinks plodding, tune-impaired, phoned-in crap like STDIB is better than those songs, unless he has truly gone mad.
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It’s strange that Spent The Day In Bed was used to evidence some decline in quality. It’s a fantastic single—and a match for much of The Smiths’ output.
Congratulations, you’ve reached your nadir. If anyone suspected that you might be a completely out of touch dipshit, this post should confirm it.
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