If Moz doesn't read newspapers or watch the news....

  • Thread starter BackstageInaDress
  • Start date


How does he know enough about britain and asylum seekers as he was talking about in the recent interview in the NME?
> How does he know enough about britain and asylum seekers as he was talking
> about in the recent interview in the NME?

i dont watch the news or read the papers but you still catch wind of situations and develop opinions.
But merely "catching winds of situations and developing opinions" doesn't qualify one to comment with adequate authority because one simply doesn't possess all the facts and viewpoints from both sides of the fences.

Morrissey's remark is not dissimilar to that of an armchair commentator. It's quite reactionary, provocative but providing no authority.

He can do that reviewing pop singles and so forth but when it comes to potentially sensitive political issues, he ought to read more and find out more before spouting his mouth off
> But merely "catching winds of situations and developing
> opinions" doesn't qualify one to comment with adequate authority
> because one simply doesn't possess all the facts and viewpoints from both
> sides of the fences.

> Morrissey's remark is not dissimilar to that of an armchair commentator.
> It's quite reactionary, provocative but providing no authority.

> He can do that reviewing pop singles and so forth but when it comes to
> potentially sensitive political issues, he ought to read more and find out
> more before spouting his mouth off

no ones disagreeing with you
Simple. He is lying. Lets face it it isn't the first time. This is the man who claimed he had never ever been online and two minutes later was talking about how some of the sites are great (before he decided to sue the best one). Of course he reads the newspapers and of course he watches television.
Yes, his contradictory nature arises again If he doesn't surf the internet, how did he know about the 2002 rumours he decided to sue Davit T about for allowing to circulate. Free speech and all. I think he lurks around here, seeing he supposes secludes himself away in LA. I wouldn't think he has any spies around these parts, although some people here are quite close to Mozza. Worth thinking about chickens.

> Yes, his contradictory nature arises again If he doesn't surf the
> internet, how did he know about the 2002 rumours he decided to sue Davit T
> about for allowing to circulate. Free speech and all. I think he lurks
> around here, seeing he supposes secludes himself away in LA. I wouldn't
> think he has any spies around these parts, although some people here are
> quite close to Mozza. Worth thinking about chickens.

> MBB321

Talking of which - the guy who sent my the IHEB B-sides long before anyone else had them (to my knowledge anyway) and is apparantly friend with Moz say's, and i swear to god this is what i've been told - that he isn't very happy with Andy E.I. and his "negativity".

Probably bollocks but you never know....
> Talking of which - the guy who sent my the IHEB B-sides long before anyone
> else had them (to my knowledge anyway) and is apparantly friend with Moz
> say's, and i swear to god this is what i've been told - that he isn't very
> happy with Andy E.I. and his "negativity".

> Probably bollocks but you never know....

yeah........ probably bollox

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