Johnny Marr in support of Pussy Riot

Re: Johnny Marr signs Pussy Riot letter

In swoon terms, they're the Russian Bananarama. It's obvious who the best looking one is, but she's married to a guy with a beard.
Re: Johnny Marr signs Pussy Riot letter

Russia. For christs sake! Release them! Your society and views are tired and old. You will NEVER be part of Europe. AGHH I can't put into words...
Re: Johnny Marr signs Pussy Riot letter

In swoon terms, they're the Russian Bananarama. It's obvious who the best looking one is, but she's married to a guy with a beard.
Me likey the girl on the right (stops shaving immediately)
Re: Johnny Marr signs Pussy Riot letter

Someone explain Pussy Riot to me. What is it.
Re: Johnny Marr signs Pussy Riot letter

What I gleaned from guardian, slate, gawker, salon, aljazeera, etc is this:

Pussy Riot are a russian punk bad/artists who have sex in public, steal chickens and have sex with them, may or may not have graffitied phallus outside of a kbg building and their latest activity was to sing a song in a church that Putin controls the church.
[They should borrow my idea of pretending to set themself on fire and walk into the church. I wanted to do that when our local pastor Terry Jones from dove world made headline news for threatening to burn the koran. He was given a new car not to do it but then burned them later. i figured I'd get in trouble at my job if I'd actually done it... I don't have the stones like the pussy riot girls.]

Nadezhda Andreyevna Tolokonnikova and her husband Pyotr Verzilov may have reported on fellow members of their art group Voina who went to prison so some Russians feel they don't have any actual street cred and are posing as rebels. These posts got deleted from Pyotr Verzilov's article in the guardian where he didn't explain the charges against them.
They wear bacalavas on their heads which is illegal in New york if any pussy riot fans want to show their support.

I don't get why people think two years isn't enough. Even if they don't approve of them trespassing. Two years is a long time even if they were fame chasers. I don't think they're revelling in Madonna's support when Samutsevich is a mother.
BUT Americans and Brits can get more time than that for trespassing and vandalism then the rahrah Brits and Americans decrying this would care to admit.
Re: Johnny Marr signs Pussy Riot letter

How is any of this silliness relevant.
Re: Johnny Marr signs Pussy Riot letter

Russia. For christs sake! Release them! Your society and views are tired and old. You will NEVER be part of Europe. AGHH I can't put into words...

Clueless. Perhaps you'd like to take a look at this: Also lest us forget the girl arrested for burning a Koran on facebook, the man banned from carrying "atheist literature" with him after his jail sentence, etc. At a risk of sounding like some sort of tin-hatted loony, the furore over Pussy Riot is just the latest blinkered and bias claptrap to manufacture outrage and distract us from our own ills. We've got no end of famous faces who don't have a clue joining in and banging the drum as well, deceiving themselves. The Guardian article posted above is excellent.
As for Madonna, her pathetic crusade to try and remain relevant is tiresome to say the least. Take off your cross or put on your knickers indeed.
Imagine if someone had done a similar protest in a place of religious worship in the "advanced" Western world. In bible belt USA for example.... the general media and political reaction would be hostile to say the least. Yet those dirty Russians with their dirty commie ways; you couldn't make it up!

Pussy Riot conveniently covered up the massacre of 34 striking South African miners by the Police. Employed by a British company and the remaining miners are now threatened with the sack. I see no artists coming out in support of them. Wonder why?
You don't spend all day watching Russia Today, do you? Just wondering.

Obviously, the fact that public protest might sometimes cause a moral panic is some of the shitter parts of America makes the Russians totally justified in doing what they like...
Re: Johnny Marr signs Pussy Riot letter

Clueless. Perhaps you'd like to take a look at this: Also lest us forget the girl arrested for burning a Koran on facebook, the man banned from carrying "atheist literature" with him after his jail sentence, etc. At a risk of sounding like some sort of tin-hatted loony, the furore over Pussy Riot is just the latest blinkered and bias claptrap to manufacture outrage and distract us from our own ills. We've got no end of famous faces who don't have a clue joining in and banging the drum as well, deceiving themselves. The Guardian article posted above is excellent.
As for Madonna, her pathetic crusade to try and remain relevant is tiresome to say the least. Take off your cross or put on your knickers indeed.

Seriously. What are sensible, rational people supposed to say to something like this? Where to begin? Where to connect to some sort of attachment to reality?
Imagine if someone had done a similar protest in a place of religious worship in the "advanced" Western world. In bible belt USA for example.... the general media and political reaction would be hostile to say the least. Yet those dirty Russians with their dirty commie ways; you couldn't make it up!

Pussy Riot conveniently covered up the massacre of 34 striking South African miners by the Police. Employed by a British company and the remaining miners are now threatened with the sack. I see no artists coming out in support of them. Wonder why?

You think perhaps there might be some possibility that events in the rest of the world take place at least partly in response to needs other than the constant effort to deceive the British public? Possibly even that they might have some purpose or significance essentially unconnected to that vast conspiracy? And hey, let's go wild here. Imagine, just imagine, that maybe other countries have, like, real problems which could actually be worse than something that currently exists in the Us or Britain? Do you think that's possible? And maybe, just maybe, those problems continue to be real even if you can imagine the same thing happening in the Mid-west!!

I'm just saying. Something to think about. If you're familiar with that concept?
You think perhaps there might be some possibility that events in the rest of the world take place at least partly in response to needs other than the constant effort to deceive the British public? Possibly even that they might have some purpose or significance essentially unconnected to that vast conspiracy? And hey, let's go wild here. Imagine, just imagine, that maybe other countries have, like, real problems which could actually be worse than something that currently exists in the Us or Britain? Do you think that's possible? And maybe, just maybe, those problems continue to be real even if you can imagine the same thing happening in the Mid-west!!

I'm just saying. Something to think about. If you're familiar with that concept?

I'm not 100% sure what you're saying here but I don't think anybody is suggesting bad things happen abroad to deceive the British public. Nobody is suggesting things happen abroad as part of a conspiracy. What we're saying is the actual problems you talk about are what well, I'd like to hear about, rather than some soap opera affair around Pussy Riot. Either you have the wrong end of the stick or I do.

But really, if this Pussy Riot incident was anything to do with Putin crushing opposition like what has been made out, why didn't he bang them up when they were rocking out in front of the Kremlin singing about Putin pissing his pants in balaclavas? Or when they were shoving chicken up their vaginas in a supermarket in protest of him? Or when they were graffiting massive dicks on bridges before burning a police car? Or when they had an orgy which included a 9-month pregnant woman in a museum? They were offered to pay a fine with this latest incident, instead they delayed the hearing requesting Putin got involved. Pussy Riot got what they wanted. I'm not condoning that 2 years in a colony (not a prison like what has been made out in our media, rather a place where they'll generally sew all day) is a fair punishment at all, nor am I a supporter of Putin, nor am I offended by Pussy Riots actions at all. I'm saying there has been a media whirlwind around it due to their cool sounding name and that they're attractive, meanwhile the real problems of Russia (and the world) remain largely unreported. Where are Johnny Marr and co with these such issues? This story has been manipulated into some sort of drama because that sells papers, so naturally the slew of celebs follow.
You think perhaps there might be some possibility that events in the rest of the world take place at least partly in response to needs other than the constant effort to deceive the British public? Possibly even that they might have some purpose or significance essentially unconnected to that vast conspiracy? And hey, let's go wild here. Imagine, just imagine, that maybe other countries have, like, real problems which could actually be worse than something that currently exists in the Us or Britain? Do you think that's possible? And maybe, just maybe, those problems continue to be real even if you can imagine the same thing happening in the Mid-west!!

I'm just saying. Something to think about. If you're familiar with that concept?

I was merely exasperated that the Pussy Riot controversy overshadows something like the massacre of 34 striking miners. No conspiracy theory. Personally I'm more bothered about fellow Trade Unionists being killed for striking than a controversial punk rock act being locked up for 2 years.

I wonder why though that people in South Africa are not afforded the same publicity in Britain as Pussy Riot. People employed by a British company. And now they're dead
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