Kevin Cummins tweets thoughts on Morrissey

I agree about most people not being sympathetic to 'the far right' - but that's the whole point, isn't it? That term is meaningless now - as is 'far left'.

Most people voted Brexit because of mass immigration. It was effectively a referendum on mass immigration. And British people aren't stupid. They can see when someone is being hounded and criticised just for having an opinion.

You’ve fallen into the stupid trap of believing what Morrissey comes out with is based on any truth or facts. The term “Far Right” is not meaningless. Just because that’s his opinion, it doesn’t make it fact. The Far Right are on the rise, and not just in the UK. This left is the new right claptrap he comes out with isn’t worthy of a Sixthformer. It’s infantile rubbish, with no substance to back it up.

And please tell me. At what point in history did we decide that it’s now wrong to be critical of opinions that are expressed that we do not agree with? I’m confident enough with my opinions on the world around me to be able to back myself up against critics. It’s everyone’s right to disagree with me and express that disagreement.
I'm writing this with all the privilege of a white, working-class male living in the UK ... Morrissey is racist. I back up my statement with his own numerous statements on race; statements from his own mouth, from his own stage-managed interviews. The aimless apologists will always find ways to interpret what Morrissey meant but isn't that what Morrissey should have done in his own carefully crafted statements?

Let's not forget that there are posters within this very forum who have suggested that they joined the forum solely on the basis of Morrissey's racially motivated statements. Incessant, bile is spewed in Morrissey's name because he has opened a door of acceptability to the alt-right and there's been a backlash. Now he's annoyed and throwing his toys out of his pram. Once again it's everybody else's fault, everyone is out to get him; including himself it seems.

The recent photo, posted by Morrissey with Kirsty MacColl, was a sickening, manipulative stunt and gives insight into just how low he'll go to engender sympathy. The 'poor me' credo might have worked when he was a young middle-class (no, he was never working class) man from Salford but it doesn't quite wash now that he's a mutli-millionnaire living a jet-set lifestyle.

For a man that continues to assert his democratic right to free speech one wonders why all of those working with him have had to sign Non Disclosure Agreements? Again, it's all about Morrissey. It always has been.

I was once a fan. A committed, some might say deluded, fan. I've spent an obscene amount of money on releases, t-shirts, etc. and 98 gigs (not including 8 cancellations) across the world. I never thought it possible that there would come a time when Morrissey wouldn't be in my life, and then ...

I've been Morrissey-sober for 5 years. His recent posts, particularly the last 2 years, have been out and out ignorant and he bases his 'views' on the fact that he does not watch tv news or read newspapers (I'm aware of the stench of bias in the world of media). How then does he inform himself? It seems he watches conspiracy theorists on the internet? Lets' learn a little about Styxhexenhammer666 ...

Styxhexenhammer666 has been sympathetic to the alt-right ... he claimed he was "sort of on the fringes of the alt-right". He has been endorsed by noted Richard Spencer: president of the National Policy Institute (NPI), a white nationalist think tank in which Nazi salutes form part of the meeting. In January 2018, in a since-deleted tweet, Styxhexenhammer666 declared that he would be joining forces with the "further right."

Morrissey endorses Styxhexenhammer666 and then wonders why anyone could possibly think him alt-right or racist. The facts are: you don't have to look very far to find extremely questionable associations. Anyone with any sense at all would see Styxhexenhammer666 for what he is: a sad, desperate, attention seeker that will say and/or do anything to make him seem relevant. This does not negate the harm he causes as a consequence.

The new Morrissey, racist fanbase will, of course, rubbish anything at all that links Morrissey to alt-right organisations. It's fake news, a conspiracy, a farago of lies while all the time rubbing their slimy hands with glee content that they have coat-tails from which to spread their hatred. I find it illuminating that despite the fact we know racists exist you never find one that will self-identify?

A huge part of me wishes that Morrissey would give an interview (a proper interview) and apologise profusely for the statements that he has made and that it was not his intention to fan the flames of racial hatred. That boat sailed in 1991 and now we have Morrissey giving interviews to UKip? Urgh!

If there is another UK tour my bet is it'll look like a BNP rally.
Most people voted Brexit because of mass immigration. It was effectively a referendum on mass immigration. And British people aren't stupid. They can see when someone is being hounded and criticised just for having an opinion.

You're overestimating how much public awareness there is of any of this. It's of interest to Morrissey's fans and ex-fans, and to a small number of people on the far-right who excited to have a celebrity endorser. Outside of that, there is generally going to be either zero awareness or else just a vague awareness that Morrissey supports the far-right nowadays so he's a dickhead. which will be an automatic reaction for most people, including most people who voted leave. The idea that the 52% are an enormous EDL march waiting to happen is a closeted fantasy. It's not how things are.

There really isn't a groundswell of public support for Morrissey about to burst forth. Pretty much anyone who is ever going to give a shit already has their opinion.
You're overestimating how much public awareness there is of any of this. It's of interest to Morrissey's fans and ex-fans, and to a small number of people on the far-right who excited to have a celebrity endorser. Outside of that, there is generally going to be either zero awareness or else just a vague awareness that Morrissey supports the far-right nowadays so he's a dickhead. which will be an automatic reaction for most people, including most people who voted leave. The idea that the 52% are an enormous EDL march waiting to happen is a closeted fantasy. It's not how things are.

There really isn't a groundswell of public support for Morrissey about to burst forth. Pretty much anyone who is ever going to give a shit already has their opinion.

how about the Skinny sock puppet parrots who are 'ex fans' but live 24/7 at the forum of the one person
they now hate the most aka the insane lefty loon nutjobs:crazy:
how about the Skinny sock puppet parrots who are 'ex fans' but live 24/7 at the forum of the one person
they now hate the most aka the insane lefty loon nutjobs:crazy:

How about you try to write a response in English that doesn't include the world Skinny and has no emoticons? You know, like an adult. Your world is so sad and small this is all you have. You don't give a f*** about Morrissey. You're just a tired, one-trick troll.
I'm writing this with all the privilege of a white, working-class male living in the UK ... Morrissey is racist. I back up my statement with his own numerous statements on race; statements from his own mouth, from his own stage-managed interviews. The aimless apologists will always find ways to interpret what Morrissey meant but isn't that what Morrissey should have done in his own carefully crafted statements?

Let's not forget that there are posters within this very forum who have suggested that they joined the forum solely on the basis of Morrissey's racially motivated statements. Incessant, bile is spewed in Morrissey's name because he has opened a door of acceptability to the alt-right and there's been a backlash. Now he's annoyed and throwing his toys out of his pram. Once again it's everybody else's fault, everyone is out to get him; including himself it seems.

The recent photo, posted by Morrissey with Kirsty MacColl, was a sickening, manipulative stunt and gives insight into just how low he'll go to engender sympathy. The 'poor me' credo might have worked when he was a young middle-class (no, he was never working class) man from Salford but it doesn't quite wash now that he's a mutli-millionnaire living a jet-set lifestyle.

For a man that continues to assert his democratic right to free speech one wonders why all of those working with him have had to sign Non Disclosure Agreements? Again, it's all about Morrissey. It always has been.

I was once a fan. A committed, some might say deluded, fan. I've spent an obscene amount of money on releases, t-shirts, etc. and 98 gigs (not including 8 cancellations) across the world. I never thought it possible that there would come a time when Morrissey wouldn't be in my life, and then ...

I've been Morrissey-sober for 5 years. His recent posts, particularly the last 2 years, have been out and out ignorant and he bases his 'views' on the fact that he does not watch tv news or read newspapers (I'm aware of the stench of bias in the world of media). How then does he inform himself? It seems he watches conspiracy theorists on the internet? Lets' learn a little about Styxhexenhammer666 ...

Styxhexenhammer666 has been sympathetic to the alt-right ... he claimed he was "sort of on the fringes of the alt-right". He has been endorsed by noted Richard Spencer: president of the National Policy Institute (NPI), a white nationalist think tank in which Nazi salutes form part of the meeting. In January 2018, in a since-deleted tweet, Styxhexenhammer666 declared that he would be joining forces with the "further right."

Morrissey endorses Styxhexenhammer666 and then wonders why anyone could possibly think him alt-right or racist. The facts are: you don't have to look very far to find extremely questionable associations. Anyone with any sense at all would see Styxhexenhammer666 for what he is: a sad, desperate, attention seeker that will say and/or do anything to make him seem relevant. This does not negate the harm he causes as a consequence.

The new Morrissey, racist fanbase will, of course, rubbish anything at all that links Morrissey to alt-right organisations. It's fake news, a conspiracy, a farago of lies while all the time rubbing their slimy hands with glee content that they have coat-tails from which to spread their hatred. I find it illuminating that despite the fact we know racists exist you never find one that will self-identify?

A huge part of me wishes that Morrissey would give an interview (a proper interview) and apologise profusely for the statements that he has made and that it was not his intention to fan the flames of racial hatred. That boat sailed in 1991 and now we have Morrissey giving interviews to UKip? Urgh!

If there is another UK tour my bet is it'll look like a BNP rally.

I agreed with this and sent the link to a friend who whines on about the working class. I said "Moz isn't even working class, look "
Here is his reply. I feel stupid now.

"Morrissey ( like all the other Smiths) was NOT from Salford. Which shows how little this cretin knows.
It seems to me most hardcore fans , especially the American's don't really get M ( they just like what he represented as an "icon") They don't even remember actual facts, if they ever knew them.
He most definitely was working class, so was/is James Maker and Linder. In fact, nearly all the Manchester bands from that time were working class (same with Oasis and Happy Mondays)
maybe this guy has him mixed up with Mark E Smith, who was from Salfrod.

Back in the day, Salford Lads club were unhappy about The Smiths using their club on the photo for QID .
The reason they stated is 'cause none of the band was from Salford- Sam now lives in Salford (which is very different from what it was like in the 70s/80s) and he is of middle class stock (M paid for his education, what a waste of money that was) .

I do agree about the last two years though.
It's appalling. It almost seems like M forgets about the internet . Tries to sell himself as "black friendly" in the USA with his tour videos and using James Baldwin and then in the UK supports people like Ukip and Nigel Farage and For Britain. You can almost see him sitting there
"That's For Europe, that's for America. No matter what I'll still have my Mexican fans, I even put two Mexicans in the band. They won't connect the dots .Hehehehe"

For me , I gave him a pass . Its up to him. His views on immigration are only one small part of him .
That aid the Stromzy post was just awful. It doesn't matter that Dumbzy has been homophobic. There is no need for racism like this .
He could have just called Stormzy out for his homophobia not put racist dicks on there . Then you mix the migrant boat/votes remark and the interview with a Ukip blog and back date all the other stuff and it now makes M look a prick .

I think the weekends "activity" was him trying to steal some press from Johnny and Liam and the rest. As usual it only made things worse for him. He could have just waited for for Brandon Deflowed to say that king rubbish.

I have a bad feeling about all of this, I think he may end up being so toxic he will get dropped by BMG and the tour may not go ahead.
I agreed with this and sent the link to a friend who whines on about the working class. I said "Moz isn't even working class, look "
Here is his reply. I feel stupid now.

"Morrissey ( like all the other Smiths) was NOT from Salford. Which shows how little this cretin knows.
It seems to me most hardcore fans , especially the American's don't really get M ( they just like what he represented as an "icon") They don't even remember actual facts, if they ever knew them.
He most definitely was working class, so was/is James Maker and Linder. In fact, nearly all the Manchester bands from that time were working class (same with Oasis and Happy Mondays)
maybe this guy has him mixed up with Mark E Smith, who was from Salfrod.

Back in the day, Salford Lads club were unhappy about The Smiths using their club on the photo for QID .
The reason they stated is 'cause none of the band was from Salford- Sam now lives in Salford (which is very different from what it was like in the 70s/80s) and he is of middle class stock (M paid for his education, what a waste of money that was) .

I do agree about the last two years though.
It's appalling. It almost seems like M forgets about the internet . Tries to sell himself as "black friendly" in the USA with his tour videos and using James Baldwin and then in the UK supports people like Ukip and Nigel Farage and For Britain. You can almost see him sitting there
"That's For Europe, that's for America. No matter what I'll still have my Mexican fans, I even put two Mexicans in the band. They won't connect the dots .Hehehehe"

For me , I gave him a pass . Its up to him. His views on immigration are only one small part of him .
That aid the Stromzy post was just awful. It doesn't matter that Dumbzy has been homophobic. There is no need for racism like this .
He could have just called Stormzy out for his homophobia not put racist dicks on there . Then you mix the migrant boat/votes remark and the interview with a Ukip blog and back date all the other stuff and it now makes M look a prick .

I think the weekends "activity" was him trying to steal some press from Johnny and Liam and the rest. As usual it only made things worse for him. He could have just waited for for Brandon Deflowed to say that king rubbish.

I have a bad feeling about all of this, I think he may end up being so toxic he will get dropped by BMG and the tour may not go ahead.

How many working class lads of that era holidayed in the USA? OK, so he lived in Manchester, born in Davyhulme. I don't think the geography changes the overall argument. It does highlight my old-aged foolishness. That was a terrible school boy error. Shocking really. I guess I just care less these days.

Many members of bands have claimed working class credentials only to be outed as per: The Beatles and Blur to name but two. Morrissey never was working class. He clings to this lie as he clings to his lie of a halcyon England. I specifically didn't mention any other members of The Smiths. I try not to embroil them in this mess.

A very sensible, balanced response - that highlighted my error. I agree with a good deal of your comments. It made for a good read
Morrissey's social class...

Depends what you mean by 'working class', of course.

His maternal granddad was a bus conductor in Dublin. His dad seems to have been a jobbing labourer when Morrissey was young ('truck driver' and 'cotton worker' are on his kids birth certificates). Don't know if this was the same when Morrissey was older. His mum, as is well known, was a librarian, which is generally classed as professional middle class (in the modern ABC system, it is A), but is also not typically very well-paid.

The family home on King's Road in Stretford would go for £250-300K today, according to a quick Zoopla search. Possible that it was a council house at the time, though.

I'd say Morrissey's background is working class, but that he is not likely to have had a very deprived upbringing.
I agreed with this and sent the link to a friend who whines on about the working class. I said "Moz isn't even working class, look "
Here is his reply. I feel stupid now.

"Morrissey ( like all the other Smiths) was NOT from Salford. Which shows how little this cretin knows.
It seems to me most hardcore fans , especially the American's don't really get M ( they just like what he represented as an "icon") They don't even remember actual facts, if they ever knew them.
He most definitely was working class, so was/is James Maker and Linder. In fact, nearly all the Manchester bands from that time were working class (same with Oasis and Happy Mondays)
maybe this guy has him mixed up with Mark E Smith, who was from Salfrod.

Back in the day, Salford Lads club were unhappy about The Smiths using their club on the photo for QID .
The reason they stated is 'cause none of the band was from Salford- Sam now lives in Salford (which is very different from what it was like in the 70s/80s) and he is of middle class stock (M paid for his education, what a waste of money that was) .

I do agree about the last two years though.
It's appalling. It almost seems like M forgets about the internet . Tries to sell himself as "black friendly" in the USA with his tour videos and using James Baldwin and then in the UK supports people like Ukip and Nigel Farage and For Britain. You can almost see him sitting there
"That's For Europe, that's for America. No matter what I'll still have my Mexican fans, I even put two Mexicans in the band. They won't connect the dots .Hehehehe"

For me , I gave him a pass . Its up to him. His views on immigration are only one small part of him .
That aid the Stromzy post was just awful. It doesn't matter that Dumbzy has been homophobic. There is no need for racism like this .
He could have just called Stormzy out for his homophobia not put racist dicks on there . Then you mix the migrant boat/votes remark and the interview with a Ukip blog and back date all the other stuff and it now makes M look a prick .

I think the weekends "activity" was him trying to steal some press from Johnny and Liam and the rest. As usual it only made things worse for him. He could have just waited for for Brandon Deflowed to say that king rubbish.

I have a bad feeling about all of this, I think he may end up being so toxic he will get dropped by BMG and the tour may not go ahead.

Seems if anyone here is racist it may be you since you have the idea to use mexicans in your band as a selling point. You're projecting your own ideas onto Moz. There is absolutely nothing toxic about wanting secure borders for your country and being against mass immigration of foreigners
I did.

So I take it you're offended by the content of my post.

In which case you can stuff it where the sun don't shine!

Morrissey's social class...

Depends what you mean by 'working class', of course.

His maternal granddad was a bus conductor in Dublin. His dad seems to have been a jobbing labourer when Morrissey was young ('truck driver' and 'cotton worker' are on his kids birth certificates). Don't know if this was the same when Morrissey was older. His mum, as is well known, was a librarian, which is generally classed as professional middle class (in the modern ABC system, it is A), but is also not typically very well-paid.

The family home on King's Road in Stretford would go for £250-300K today, according to a quick Zoopla search. Possible that it was a council house at the time, though.

I'd say Morrissey's background is working class, but that he is not likely to have had a very deprived upbringing.
Just to clear things up about his mum being a 'librarian'. This isn't really the case. She got a part time in a local public library. This is not a middle class job. It is not really a calling either. Anyone can get a job in a public library in England. It requires few if any qualifications and the pay is near minimum wage. Moz even said she got the job simply because it was 'available.' It could easily have been a job in a supermarket.
How many working class lads of that era holidayed in the USA? OK, so he lived in Manchester, born in Davyhulme. I don't think the geography changes the overall argument. It does highlight my old-aged foolishness. That was a terrible school boy error. Shocking really. I guess I just care less these days.

Many members of bands have claimed working class credentials only to be outed as per: The Beatles and Blur to name but two. Morrissey never was working class. He clings to this lie as he clings to his lie of a halcyon England. I specifically didn't mention any other members of The Smiths. I try not to embroil them in this mess.

A very sensible, balanced response - that highlighted my error. I agree with a good deal of your comments. It made for a good read
Morrissey was just as working class as anyone of Irish parentage from the 50s/60s Irish diaspora. His dad scraped around for whatever jobs were available and his mum was a housewife until she took a part time job in the local public library. He also lived in council houses. Blur on the other hand were from posh country villages with extremely wealthy parents. Very, very different.

A lot of Irish people who came to Britain at that time had brothers or sisters who instead moved to America (very few people of that generation stayed in Ireland as there was no work or opportunities, and they sent money back to their parents). Moz visited his relations in the US and his mum paid the ticket as he himself was on the dole.
Look at you attempting to distance yourself from the carcrash. We mostly accuse you of racism in much the same way as you incessantly accuse people of ethnic origin as being the root cause of all the world's problems.
What carcrash? What are you on about?
Morrissey was just as working class as anyone of Irish parentage from the 50s/60s Irish diaspora. His dad scraped around for whatever jobs were available and his mum was a housewife until she took a part time job in the local public library. He also lived in council houses. Blur on the other hand were from posh country villages with extremely wealthy parents. Very, very different.

A lot of Irish people who came to Britain at that time had brothers or sisters who instead moved to America (very few people of that generation stayed in Ireland as there was no work or opportunities, and they sent money back to their parents). Moz visited his relations in the US and his mum paid the ticket as he himself was on the dole.

Interesting this kind of immigrant meets with your approval? One wonders why? When you say "a lot of Irish people" do you actually mean mass immigration?
Are you suggesting the middle classes have never been in receipt of state benefit?
It was kind of you to denegrate his mother. She wasn't a librarian because she was part-time? Have you never heard of a part-time librarian?
Morrissey's social class...

Depends what you mean by 'working class', of course.

His maternal granddad was a bus conductor in Dublin. His dad seems to have been a jobbing labourer when Morrissey was young ('truck driver' and 'cotton worker' are on his kids birth certificates). Don't know if this was the same when Morrissey was older. His mum, as is well known, was a librarian, which is generally classed as professional middle class (in the modern ABC system, it is A), but is also not typically very well-paid.

The family home on King's Road in Stretford would go for £250-300K today, according to a quick Zoopla search. Possible that it was a council house at the time, though.

I'd say Morrissey's background is working class, but that he is not likely to have had a very deprived upbringing.
Morrissey was just as working class as anyone of Irish parentage from the 50s/60s Irish diaspora. His dad scraped around for whatever jobs were available and his mum was a housewife until she took a part time job in the local public library. He also lived in council houses. Blur on the other hand were from posh country villages with extremely wealthy parents. Very, very different.

A lot of Irish people who came to Britain at that time had brothers or sisters who instead moved to America (very few people of that generation stayed in Ireland as there was no work or opportunities, and they sent money back to their parents). Moz visited his relations in the US and his mum paid the ticket as he himself was on the dole.

Damon lived in my neck of the woods when he was young. Lived in the posh area of town. Father was a teacher at the local college. My mate saw him when he was starting out....said he was terrible. Liked a few of the albums though meself, saw em several times but I'll never forgive him for saying the town was horribly white during the 80's. Well, it ain't no more, so he got his way in the end.
Interesting this kind of immigrant meets with your approval? One wonders why? When you say "a lot of Irish people" do you actually mean mass immigration?
Are you suggesting the middle classes have never been in receipt of state benefit?
It was kind of you to denegrate his mother. She wasn't a librarian because she was part-time? Have you never heard of a part-time librarian?
Irish immigration has been generally beneficial because Irish people have a strong work ethic and a near identical temperament and culture to Brits. The second generation always assimilate easily. Unlike the descendants of much other immigrants from across the globe (usually third worlders) who are so often problematic and grow up angry - and indeed end up clogging the prisons from their violent acts of anger.
Damon lived in my neck of the woods when he was young. Lived in the posh area of town. Father was a teacher at the local college. My mate saw him when he was starting out....said he was terrible. Liked a few of the albums though meself, saw em several times but I'll never forgive him for saying the town was horribly white during the 80's. Well, it ain't no more, so he got his way in the end.
And of course he doesn't live there anymore to enjoy the diversity of it!
Irish immigration has been generally beneficial because Irish people have a strong work ethic and a near identical temperament and culture to Brits. The second generation always assimilate easily. Unlike the descendants of much other immigrants from across the globe (usually third worlders) who are so often problematic and grow up angry - and indeed end up clogging the prisons from their violent acts of anger.

Several friends over the years have been the descendants of Irish parents.....north and south. All did well for themselves in different ways. None of them blew shit up or knifed anyone.

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